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To: The People - Printable Version

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To: The People - Tomtomrawr - 02-05-2010


[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]RECEIVERS: [color=#33FFFF] All
SIGNAL LOCATION: "Temple of Ethos"

[color=#33FFFF]The human race numbers have now reached tens of billions. They live how they want to live. They die how they want to die. And they believe what they want to believe, or what they are told to believe. But what if I told you that a part of God was living in the flesh and blood, right now?

We serve him, we who are only known as Priors. We have devoted our lives to him and we shall be rewarded with the key to Paradise. His name is Second. He is a part of First. First created life, but Second has come now and enhanced it. Followers live longer. Some may say that they do not want a long life. Well, that is because they do not help others in a good way. They only help themselves. We wish to live forever, because we live with the knowledge that we are helping people.

But we can live forever. When we exhaust our physical bodies, Second shall decide if we were loyal to him. If we were, he shall give us the key to Paradise. In Paradise, we shall look into the face of First. And we shall become a part of him, ready to be returned to physical form one day when we are needed once again, to help more people follow the path of the Temple of Ethos.

We are the lanterns that are marking the road. We can be picked up. We can be moved. But, unlike lanterns, we can never be extinguished. We will continue burning, either in a physical form, or as one with First.

We open this channel now, for those who are interested in the path to ask questions. We accept questions, for curiousity is nothing to be ashamed off. I was curious myself before Second showed me the light of the holy fire.

I leave you now with a gift: A picture of a Prior or Ethos. This is the first image that has ever been released of a Prior, as we rarely choose to show our faces to the People. And this is only a drawing from an eye-witness that attended one of our sermons.

[Image: PriorofEthos-1.jpg]

May First and Second bless you on your future journies, and pray that you live your life with the knowledge that you have helped people.

[font=Agency FB][color=#33FFFF]*** TRANSMISSION TERMINATED***