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Bounty on a lying, evil, slaving, idiot who was foolish enough to demand my crew - Printable Version

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Bounty on a lying, evil, slaving, idiot who was foolish enough to demand my crew - MrHeadphones - 02-07-2010

---Incoming transmission---
---Sender ID: *Error*
---Subject: See above---
Right, as you've probably seen, there's an evil scumbag out there that the world could do without. {S.U}Soul.Plane. He flies a slave liner, meaning that he's a nice, easy large target. However, only people with near-perfect aim need to apply. I don't just want his ship destroyed, I want his pod, with him inside it destroyed as well. Now, to the meat of the bounty.

This bounty can be collected three times, unless another circumstance is met.
Payment details:
11,000,000 sirius credits for the destruction of his ship.
15,000,000 sirius credits for destroying his ship while he is carrying slaves or large numbers of captured pilots
25,000,000 credits if his ship is destroyed and he dies with it. (//I'll need ooRP consent from the owner of the Soul.Plane that the character is dead)

Naturally, if the scumbag is killed, the bounty closes. If the scumbag is killed and some junker sticks the bits of his ship back together, you don't get anything for destroying it. This bounty is open to anyone and everyone, including the immediate family of the slaver, although they will only be payed if he is killed, rather than just having his ship destroyed.

I'll need guncam shots of the destruction and preferably a transcript of his last words. I've got a blank wall on the bridge of my ship which needs filling.
---Transmission terminated---

Bounty on a lying, evil, slaving, idiot who was foolish enough to demand my crew - Bazza - 02-07-2010

Now I'm a pretty easy-going girl, especially when it comes to alternate income streams. Just about the only thing I cannot excuse is trading in human life.

I'll see if I can make this guy go away. These slavers and other abhorrent types tend to float around the same places I do. He won't ever know what hit him.

Is there something you'd like me to say when I tear his ship a new one?

Evangeline McDowell, out.

Bounty on a lying, evil, slaving, idiot who was foolish enough to demand my crew - Baltar - 02-07-2010


FROM: Jango

Um ... lemme get this straight. You wanna pay for the destruction of a Slave ship right? What about all the lives aboard this vessel ... the very slaves you wish to save? How do you plan to retrieve them safely? Or are we to accept collateral damage?


Bounty on a lying, evil, slaving, idiot who was foolish enough to demand my crew - Niznusan - 02-23-2010




I will see to it that this deed is done

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