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Zoners - Linkus - 02-08-2010

I know this is a large poll and that there are multiple questions per..question but that's due to only being able to have 3 questions per poll.

In any case.

Answer as you see fit, preferably from whatever viewpoint you think best fits.
Eg, Doc would answer from his view and with his knowledge.
I would answer from what I think with my Zoner chars.
You might answer from what you think with your Zoner chars or related chars.

If you don't have much knowledge on the Zoners, I would suggest avoiding voting. Nothing personal or bad, just to get a somewhat more accurate picture of things from those truly involved.

Vote away folks, just a little thing to see what the public think:)

Zoners - jxie93 - 02-08-2010


Zoners are powerful in terms of military force, although stronger than most pirate factions but still weaker than that of a house.

But please no more threads about the Zoners? I expect to see flames to arise soon.

Zoners - Akura - 02-08-2010

I'd say controlled by a council, secretly very large, and without true opposition, very powerful.
Stronger than a house I'd say.

With centeralisation, I'd say all under the council save Yukon, who tend to ignore other Zoners a little more.

Zoners - reisiger_duke - 02-08-2010

Do you really expect the poll to end up reflecting the view of current Zoner players?

You'll have everyone *cough* and their mother *cough* slap in what they want as answer... in the end that poll will be the usual mess-up of pro-/con-Zoner players and not the view of "the Zoners".

Zoners - jxie93 - 02-08-2010

' Wrote:Do you really expect the poll to end up reflecting the view of current Zoner players?

You'll have everyone *cough* and their mother *cough* slap in what they want as answer... in the end that poll will be the usual mess-up of pro-/con-Zoner players and not the view of "the Zoners".


All polls on the forums will be biased, regardless of how specific your polls are. We have a lot of hate here.

Zoners - Thurgret - 02-08-2010

No capitals at all please. Not much of a military force either, but such as there is should be pretty well-trained. Don't really care about centralization or politics. The average Zoner is likely better-off than the average <insert other Sirian nation here>, but there's no way a motley bunch of eccentrics, dissidents, anarchists, opportunists, criminals, entrepreneurs, and folks simply after a job can match a House.

Thing is, though, it all comes down to opinion.

Zoners - Jansen - 02-08-2010

Zoners are a bunch of Guys, that wanted to get out of the houses to search for peace, freedom, money , whatever, So they dont need a large fleet. And as bunch of individuals, they are more decentralised, everyone of them, working more or less for its own goals.
They got some militia with large numbers, to defend themselfes.
From the Power side, they are a large economical force, that should be able to defend itself, so as strong as a house.

Zoners - Elsdragon - 02-08-2010

Considering that most of the zoner garbage is just an exploration vehicle with guns shoehorned in, its plausible for them to have them. They certainly arent as strong as a house, but they would put up one hell of a fight if challenged. I honestly dont like all the centralized goverment, but its plausible.
I do think that most people powerplay zoners as haveing more power than they do though.

Zoners - Linkus - 02-09-2010

All polls will be biased buttttt lets face it, the community decide the power of a faction anyway, not just the faction themselves.
It's like a scientific theory. I may say my theory is correct but without the scientific community agreeing, it's probably wrong.
So ultimately, it is down to the community and while this poll won't reflect everything, it can give a very general picture of things whilst also hopefully poking people to post in relation to the voting options, which are the big issues anyway.

Zoners - Dab - 02-09-2010

You have a poll asking what Zoners want, that is available to everyone, including non-Zoners, to vote on. That means the poll is totally useless and does not at all represent the views of Zoner players.