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The birth of a menace - Printable Version

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The birth of a menace - Cond0r - 02-09-2010

The biography of Jimmy Anderson.

[color=#FFFFCC]A lot is known about Jimmy, some know him as a bastard, some know him as a scoundrel, and there are some that only know he is a Liberty Navy officer. But to know why and how he is what he is today, you need to know his past.

Jimmy was born in the year 795 A.S. on planet Manhattan, the center of Sirius, the metropoly of Liberty space. The Anderson family was something else. Jimmy's father, Rick Anderson, was a respected member of the Liberty Navy. A proud man Rick was, justice and service to Liberty were his only and primary concerns, along with the concerns for his family of course. Well, such a good standing man as Rick couldn't just settle with any woman, he was looking for someone like him, someone who respected his way of life. He marry'ed Jimmy's mother Rachel. Rachel was a caring wife, she always forced Rick to come home from work earlier so they could have dinner together. She was the best housewife. The only other thing that Rick wanted and cared about, besides his work and his wife, was to get a son. A son which he could raise to love his home, and to care for the people that lived there more then anything.

The day that Jimmy was finally born was the happiest day in the lives of Rick and Rachel Anderson. They named him after Rick's father, James. There was no man happier then Rick. He had it all, a good job, a caring family, and he had finally gotten a son that he always wanted. Well Jimmy, it seems, had other plans. From the moment he was born, he was hard to handle. It was just the little stuff. He didn't want to eat on time, he broke stuff, he never wanted to sleep at night, basically, his mother had a real hard time with him. Rick didn't see much of his son through the day, he was a very busy man, but when he came home at night the only thing he wanted was to play with his son. But playing, for Jimmy, meant that it was time to smash stuff around the house.

When he finally started school his parents thought that it would calm him down, they thought that school would teach him some discipline. How wrong they were, because things just got worse. He never wanted to learn, he always made trouble for the teachers. His grades weren't that good at first either, but then his parents sent him to some sort of private tutor, and with his help, Jimmy managed to get quite good grades despite his urge for destroying things. When he finally reached high school, on his first day, he had beaten some classmate up, and got suspended. He was a real menace, heck he was worse then that.

Jimmy had a real complicated relationship with his parents. He always thought that they were just yelling at him and punishing him because they liked it that way. He thought they were just restraining him in life, when in fact, they were doing it to straighten him out. His father always wanted him to join the Liberty Navy, just as he did in young age. He always wanted for him to follow in his footsteps, to love and serve his country in the best way he can. Well Jimmy had some other plans. He wanted to join the Navy too, but he wanted to join so he could kill and destroy things. You see, for Jimmy, the Navy was just a source to get some good quality guns and ships. He could go on a rampage, and just shoot anything he didn't like.

Of course the Navy has some strict rules for enlisting. A test, some physical exams, a whole lot of paperwork. But when Jimmy thought about the endless carnage and destruction that he could do with the equipment that the Navy possesses, he actually studied for those tests, he studied for the first time in his life. And he made it, he made it as the top in his class. He was the son of a decorated officer after all. For Jimmy, the day he made it into the Navy was the best day ever. Now he could hunt down some stupid pirates and kill them, he could frighten some civilian into paying him some 'made up' fine and then scare him with his shiny badge. He had the license to kill. What a mistake it was, giving Jimmy free weapons. But the citizens and officers of Liberty will soon realise that it was a bad idea.

Jimmy got often out of control, he killed pirates for fun, scared everyone, he even took money from some pirates and then killed them afterwards. But along with all of this, there was always his father. Rick always managed to somehow restrain and control his son and his bad temper. But then the worst thing happened, Jimmy's father got sick. He got some strange illness that couldn't be cured, and after being sick for six months, he died. His death devastated Jimmy's mother. On the funeral Jimmy didn't shed even one tear of sorrow, he just stood there, silently, with a cold grin on his face. He never did love his father after all.

With the death of his father he was now free, free to do what he wants, no more restraints. His mother is too weak, and she never leaves the house. Jimmy is now almost never home. People see him as a cold and scary person, a person who has no love for anyone or anything. Destruction is the first thing on his mind. It is the only thing he loves and cares about. Spreading fear is his hobby. Those who have met him will soon regret that they ever have.