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Transformers: War for Cybertron - Printable Version

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Transformers: War for Cybertron - stardust47 - 02-09-2010

Read about it here.

[Image: Transformerswarforcybertron.jpg]

It's set on Cybertron during the Great War, in an essentially generic Generation 1 timeline.
So, no annoying humans!


* Campaigns will be co-op both online and off for the first time in a Transformers game.
* All playable characters have two special abilities, such as absorbing health from enemies or marking targets.
* The game will run on the Unreal engine.
* High Moon is prepared to "support the game after release," meaning either patches or downloadable content.
* Online Multiplayer is being developed for the game.
* All environments, including cover, can be destroyed.

It will be on PS3, 360. Wii, DS and PC.
I'm torn between PS3 and PC, personally. Looks all-round EPIC.

Transformers: War for Cybertron - Akura - 02-09-2010

I find transformers went too far with the movies, heck it went too far after the original cartoons.

Toys were fun, games are pushing it.

And after the abomination that was Transformers 2, I won't be touching that franchise...

Transformers: War for Cybertron - Sprolf - 02-09-2010

This actually looks like a good game - at least it's moving from the Bayformers and going back to something more like what we've seen in the cartoons.

Transformers: War for Cybertron - ophidian - 02-09-2010

Devastator was an all time fav. of mine till Transformers 2... How the heck a "yo yo mamma yo" toy robot "hurt" Devastator?...

Transformers: War for Cybertron - Sprolf - 02-09-2010

Devastator won the movie, Ophidian.
Racist robots couldn't defeat his awesomeness.