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The Exchange - Printable Version

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The Exchange - tansytansey - 02-10-2010

//Story for continuing with the RP set up here:
Who may post: Del, Joe, myself, Sindy, Lafiel, Sonja, [LN]/LR-* + any one who was directly involved in-game.

*If allowed by the respective faction leaders

Eva Jones knawed at the corner of her thumbnail as she closed the communication's device on her desk in front of her. Damn that Sylpheed, this was her catch, her prize, and her negotiations. She was not allowed to let any one take that away from her, not even her Boss. She pushed her seat back and got to her feet; her mind was already scheming. "So, Sylpheed thinks he's in charge of this now. We'll see." She muttered to herself as she moved to the door, which promptly slid aside with a pneumatic hiss as she approached, and light flooded into the room from the hall outside.

She would have to move fast and cover a lot of ground if she was going to make this work. This deal was going to go down soon. Walking down the hall with a slight limp, Eva gritted her teeth and thumped her fist into the wall. "Sylpheed, you idiot, you've left yourself too open." She muttered to herself. "Well, Eva Jones won't be around to save you this time." She continued to mutter through clenched teeth. She left the hall and emerged into the bridge of the ship, and headed imediately to the main screen. It projected an image of the ice field they were presently traversing through. They were laying low in the Barrier Nebula while the negotiations were being carried out. "Captain, what news?" Her second in command asked. "Set course for Kansas, we have a little job to do." She muttered. Her ship, the Heart Of Gold turned hard to starboard and a pink diamond indicating the next waypoint appeared on screen. The ship rumbled slightly as the ship's crusie engines charged, and propelled the battleworn barge forward.

Eva Jones slumped back in her captain's seat, massaging a sore spot on her thigh gently, staring intently at the screen in front of her. She rested her chin on her hands impatiently. She took a small medicine bottle from her pocket, popped off the lid and tipped a few pills into her hand, tilted her head back and popped them into her mouth. Needless to say, Eva Jones was not amused.