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Admin Notice: Player Banned - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Player Banned - Reverend Del - 02-11-2010

Innomen has been banned for:

Quote:3.1 Using coarse language, posting abusive, hateful, racist content in chat, public or private is prohibited under any circumstances. Any kind of flaming, threatening or insulting language directed at other members, factions or server administrators in chat, public or private, is prohibited on server and on forums. RP-related threats are allowed on the server.

Notes: Fined credits, banned for 7 days. Swearing bad.

Admin Notice: Player Banned - Innomen - 02-11-2010

What's the point. Humans don't listen anyway.

Admin Notice: Player Banned - Innomen - 03-03-2010

I wrote the majority of this post the day I was banned, I failed to post it because I expected I'd be banned permanently and I wanted to make sure I wasn't just making an emotional decision. But in effect the ban was permanent because you soured me on your server with you pathetic overbearing behavior.

Now I don't care if you ban me because I've abandoned your little fiefdom entirely.

You ruined the game for me. Congrats. It seems even after weeks and weeks I still believe what I originally wrote.

So in the interest of freedom of expression (which you and your cohorts no doubt have about as much respect for as a Chinese TV station) and intellectual honesty, here's what I should have said the day you acted like an insecure thug.

' Wrote:Innomen has been banned for:
Notes: Fined credits, banned for 7 days. Swearing bad.

Oh yes because the main thing to consider when being robbed by toddlers for the 50th time when you've made every ounce of your character say "leave me alone" is polite language.

It's so absurd to think of foul language having any part of extortion and murder. I mean when I have a gun to my head the very first thing I think about is curbing my potentially offensive language. God forbid my assailant should hear naughty words.

Why is it you people are invariably johnny on the spot with a chance to scold (skipped entirely in this instance) and exercise power only when the most trivial and absurd of rules are to be enforced, and yet as absent as ethics in politics when a real issue occurs?

Seriously, did you even read what I was typing? Or are you a human with aspirations of automation, completely blind to context and reason, instead choosing to exalt blind submission to the letter of the law, drooling at every opportunity to exercise that all important mod muscle?

"Yay! I have an excuse to kick someone! OH HAPPY DAY!" - He cries in glee oblivious to the reality of the situation.

Explore a little next time there officer, or maybe even speak up rather than sniping someone from the bushes.

I wanted to be left alone, I was reacting like a merchant being mugged for the 50th time, and a player being exploited and ignored. In short I was being myself.

Funny how the game runs like a total anarchy until someone has something unflattering to say about the game itself and how it's moderated.

Why not just delete all the other rules and replace them with "Because I said so."?

Don't kid yourself, I'm not banned for cursing, I'm banned for complaining about management.

Though I must admit, kudos on the restraint. Normally when I point out petty tyranny and corruption I'm removed permanently.

But then again with a player base numbering in the hundreds you're running the real risk of ending up with an empty castle, and that's no fun for the Lords. You can't execute EVERYONE, then there'd be no one to throw in prison so its probably not restraint so much as self service.

Why not just transfer all my credits to your nearest pirate buddy? I mean that's what you were doing right? Babysitting the lane to make sure the racket ran smoothly?

What really gets me is why bother when you can manufacture funds at will?

Its like why have your own fun when you can ruin someone else's at twice the price.

You people eliminate every trade route, it takes FOREVER to legitimately make credits unless you're already richer than god. And I was patiently chipping away. And in a space of 30 minutes pirates, Obviously supported by mods, actively in one case and passively in another, destroyed 3 hours work.

So yeah I had some colorful things to say.

I guess when I come back I'll just skip making money entirely, since obviously that's effectively banned for new characters, and instead resort to stealing it.

Where to I drop off the envelope every week Vinny? I wouldn't want another visit.

Or put simply, all you had to do was identify yourself and ask. But there's no money to be made or ego to be stroked in that.