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Gallic Brigands? (including questions about ID) - Printable Version

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Gallic Brigands? (including questions about ID) - brisingr - 02-11-2010

In the near past I invented a group of Brigands, known or not known yet as The de Mayfair Family. And as we are allowed to Taus we were certainly flying out there, to explore, make some connections, rob someone and the first question with an explanation of why I ask them would be:

Can Brigands ally with IMG/CR? The reason for with I ask this question is rather simple, back when Gallic factions were limited ONLY to Gallia someone add a line 'Cannot ally with any lawfuls', I assumed that that's the part left over from the time when Gallic factions were closed inside Gallia. Yet as noone changed it for 'Cannot ally with Gallic lawfuls' I would rather ask you about 'can' or 'cannot' cause as you are aware The Council is in friendly relationship with CR and IMG, as the Brigands are pirates inside Gallia and as the specific group of Brigands (The de Mayfair Family) that I'm thinking about supports Council diplomacy and shares it's ideals, I would like to ask here: Can we or can't we ally with IMG/CR. As I flied many times and as Outcasts are Council enemies and we support Council plus Outcasts are not allied with Brigands, few cardamine transports were pirated, as well as slave transports so as we would not like to enter war with CR/IMG because that could harass Council politics and Outcasts supply runs of cardi/slaves are good source of profits I would like to ally with IMG/CR on simple conditions: We won't bother you and will bother Outcasts when you let us use your bases and sometimes ignore our eventuall illegal doings in Taus as they won't be directed against you. Yet before I would even begin to do anything about it I would like to ask how are server rules applying for that... please don't quote the ID as I'm not sure wheter it is valuable source of informations or just a remnant of a time when Gallia was 'closed'.

The second question is about the 4th and 5th line, 'Can demand credits or cargo from traders or unallied smugglers and factions', 'Can engage bounty hunters, mercenaries, freelancers, terrorists and lawfuls'. As I mentioned the source of profit would be harassing smugglers working for Outcasts, so the 4th line say that we can pirate them, as they are unallied but the 5th says nothing about matter of engaging, certainly we could interact with a Falcata/Sabre/Triadente/Storta (or any other OC ship) that way:

Brigand: Well, well a filthy drug-addict, drop 20 nanobots/1 unit of cardamine/(whatever) or we will use lethal force to take it from you!
Outcast: *random insult and refusal*
Brigand: If you say so monsieur, all weapons free

Still... I would like to know players opinion and I would love to see this ID dilema of mine explained , as there is a technical mistake in it as well, namely 'Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo except the l'ane', well the L'Ane has only 4000 units of capacity if it goes for cargo... that was actually my main reason of doubts conserning the whole ID description.

Please don't point out that Gallic unlawfuls can venture down to edges of Outcasts space, because just the fact that we're (OCs and Gallic Brigands) both unlawfull factions and operate near eachother (and we can enter edges of their space) does not exactly mean that we must be allies. As The de Mayfairs are one of not many Brigands that not only support Council technically but share it's ideals, so it'd be logicall that we want to despite our ocasionall illegal activities hunt down Council enemies, and as IMG/CR knows a bit of the Gallic local situation it would be illogical when Council would ally with IMG/CR and Brigands would ally with OCs and pirate IMG/CR vessels. We might be bullies, but wheter is a police there are bullies, wheter there is commerce there is a black market etc. (that's a quote I use quite often for explaining to people that pirates and bullies may be a charismatic group of young brothers trying to make out for their living and help the people of Gallia in their own, little bit darker way) and that won't mean that we can't despise and hate drug-addicts, cardamine and soulless slavers while flying trought or within Taus. Plus it's always good to keep good or at least neutral relations with neighboors (IMG/CR).

If you want to know more about this specific faction or know more detailed reason for which I'm asking those questions please feel free to ask, I don't want to be shoot down, insulted or mixed with mud, this thread is because I would like to ask questions that may be considered stupid before making something that will be even more stupid. Note that I simply require informations and verification of the ID more than lots of critisims and quoting of the ID. Yet criticism is as well welcome, yet try to keep it constructive one...

Thank you for your time, reading, answers and opinions...


ps. just for your knowledge, that's a current Brigand ID:
Quote:Pilot carrying this ID is a Gallic Brigand, who :

* Can trade and escort smugglers
* Can fulfill bounty contracts
* Can demand credits or cargo from traders or unallied smugglers and factions
* Can engage bounty hunters, mercenaries, freelancers, terrorists and lawfuls
* Cannot ally with any lawfuls
* Cannot use any transports with more than 4,300 cargo except the l'ane

Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats

Carrying unmounted IDs in your ship, as well as not equipping an ID, is a serious crime.

--- my english may not be perfect, feel free to correct any mistakes I'll make via PM ---

Gallic Brigands? (including questions about ID) - ProwlerPC - 02-11-2010

The in-game lore of Brigand RP clearly states that, unlike their Union Corse friends, Brigands are looking outward for unlawful connections in neighbouring Sirius. The infocards clearly state that the two likely choices for Brigands to deal with are OCs and Gaians. I don't think they care about those two relationships wth each other either. This does make IMG an unlikely group to deal with, chances are the IMG will be approached by Council as well as other lawful gorups in the area as Council seeks support from the outside and news of Gallic invasion spreads. I wouldn't suggest pirating OCs at this moment as it may destroy potential deals for Brigands as a whole. The are black market smugglers and pirates, as generic in that respect in their house similar to the Rogues in Liberty. If OC and Brigand relations prove impossible then fire away. But before doing so pay attention to the in-game RP and learn the intent behind it. I am going to mention it even if you do not wish me too because it is absolutely integral to the Brigand RP since it is the unlawful group wanting to make connections with unlawful Sirius more then the others. If you feel like a Gallic unlawful that kills OCs go for Union Corse ID, they are the ones that specifically say that they do not want any outside competition to the black markets. This is because UC has smaller piece of the unlawful pie compared to Brigands, they have to hold tight to that little piece and protect it from outside influence, not Brigands who wish to expand further since they are not worried of losing their entrenched position as black market runners in Gallia.

Gallic Brigands? (including questions about ID) - brisingr - 02-11-2010

Indeed yet the thing is that as Brigands want to expand their influences and possible options are Outcasts and Gaians, so as this specific faction The de Mayfair Family disrespects Outcasts for their completely unhumanitarian behavior and supports Council it's logicall that most likely we are to engage positive relationships with Gaians, as Gaians are hostile towards Outcasts and have no conflict with Council. Futherly Gaians fight for certain ideals and might open the way for Brigands to have some dealings with Corsairs. So this way there is an RP explanation for that, first: the honour code of specific and influential Brigand family and the relations with Le Conseil that are to be preserved on friendly level. The IMG has showned great support for Council, help in establishing Reunion and trade opurnities. About Unione Corse, I'm not sure had you noticed but Unione Corse is a local mob and actually it's more possible for them to enter in some futher dealings with Outcasts. Especially that Corse is willing to kill sometimes a Council member or trade with royalists, they're just about business. And besides as the main concept of Brigands was to make them sort of 'Robin Hoods' so despite most of them aren't I would like to make a group that are. So expanding Brigands influence within sirian 'Underworld' is still possible even when having extremally bad relations with Outcasts and good with IMG, as there are many criminal organisations hostile towards Outcasts and neutral towards Council/IMG. The idea of expanding the black market to artifacts, is more acceptable as the artifacts are not going to harm anyone like cardamine or slaves, they are just a shiney little thingies that are not dangerous and only prohibited for political reasons.

But that's just my opinion, so feel free to subject it to futher feedback...


Gallic Brigands? (including questions about ID) - ProwlerPC - 02-11-2010

Actually that sounds like a nice plausible line of logic and within RP as a char, I can't exactly find any argument against it. Being a Gaian myself I certainly hope to see you out there. I haven't learned which Gallic products our bases take yet but drop a comm line to [NLH] to ask for a visit this can give reason to bring a ship to park at our base and perhaps we may have an opportunity find out if there are profitable trade routes between the two already put in place or maybe even request one if dipllomacy is good.

Gallic Brigands? (including questions about ID) - brisingr - 02-11-2010

I'm happy I managed to convince you, yes indeed actually the only thing that's stopping me from a little research and few diplomatic transmission is the lack of full knowledge about how are rules applying for that. When I get an answer and we invent some fancy graphic addons like family emblem I'll be happy to proceid with few conventions about futher relations between Brigands and Gaians in the future...

Still I'm hoping to solve the ID dilema, and any futher questions or feedback are welcome as well...
