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Lost Account ID - kirtar - 11-25-2005

I Lost my account ID (instructions were vague and didn't work), can anything be done to recover my characters (Kirtar, Drywin, and Khwain)?

NOTE: I would not have uninstalled but FL kept crashing on SP (after launch) and after selecting character on server.

Lost Account ID - Shadow_killer05 - 11-25-2005

kirtar,Nov 25 2005, 07:01 PM Wrote:I Lost my account ID (instructions were vague and didn't work), can anything be done to recover my characters (Kirtar, Drywin, and Khwain)?

NOTE:  I would not have uninstalled but FL kept crashing on SP (after launch) and after selecting character on server.

same happend to me i had to reinstalll and im goin to have make a new character

Lost Account ID - Igiss - 11-25-2005

Quote:instructions were vague and didn't work
Did you even read 'em?
Quote:I would not have uninstalled but FL kept crashing on SP (after launch) and after selecting character on server.
You shouldn've lost your chars if you haven't cleaned registry and did not reinstall Windows.
Quote:can anything be done to recover my characters (Kirtar, Drywin, and Khwain)?
No nothing can be done, cause server keeps only a part of your account ID.

Lost Account ID - kirtar - 11-25-2005

Igiss,Nov 25 2005, 02:37 PM Wrote:Did you even read 'em?
You shouldn've lost your chars if you haven't cleaned registry and did not reinstall Windows.
No nothing can be done, cause server keeps only a part of your account ID.

What is my multiplayer account id? (MP Acct id)
Your multiplayer account id is a specific identifier that is created when you first connect to the internet. This account id will remain until you a full uninstall of the game. The ID is used to identify which characters on a server are yours, allowing only yourself to play them. Uninstalling the game and reinstalling will generate a new MP Account ID. If you wish to retain your account id, before uninstalling navigate to your Freelancer folder, and then into the Exe folder. You will find a file called myflaccountid, which if you double click will display your number. I suggest you save the file elsewhere on your computer, or write the number down.
---Lancers Reactor

I saved it and when I opened it again (after reinstalling) it says <NOT FOUND>

Lost Account ID - Igiss - 11-25-2005

Quote:I saved it and when I opened it again (after reinstalling) it says <NOT FOUND>
Did you save your myflaccountid file? hahaha I haven't read anything funnier in years! LOL :lol:

You shoud've saved the number and input it when Freelancer asks for it.

And better read instructions on this forum, I've written a more detailed one than on TLR.

Lost Account ID - kirtar - 11-25-2005

Well Apparently since I kept the "accounts" folder, I still have my characters, so I'm fine.

And besides, the thing on LR told me to save the file.

Lost Account ID - Igiss - 11-26-2005

Your singleplayer saves are fine, but multiplayer characters unrecoverable.

Lost Account ID - kirtar - 11-26-2005

Igiss,Nov 25 2005, 07:05 PM Wrote:Your singleplayer saves are fine, but multiplayer characters unrecoverable.
I've actually gotten on my multiplayer characters. They stilll work.