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I got reported to an admin - Printable Version

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I got reported to an admin - rawr - 08-03-2007

I got reported to an admin for 2 things:

1. Having a freelancer id above level 40. Yes i was using that id and i was on my way to get it before my pc crashed because of a power serge. And i got it 5 minutes after i got reported and as soon as i was able to log in after the crash.

2.I used F1 in combat :shok:. I was in Chugoku on my way to New York system, planet Manhattan to buy a trader id. And then my pc crashed i don't know what happened after the power serge and my pc crashed by eventually my char didn't exit the game the second my pc crashed its possible that he stayed in the game for 1-2 mins after my pc crashed, and someone attacked my on that time, so its not my fault that i probably quited in the middle of an attack. I'm sorry to whoever attacked me and then sayed on private that he reported me to an admin.

My char's name which i played with before and after the power serge is Stampede. Here is a screenshot of what msg i got on private

[Image: sfsfddsfsfsfsdf.JPG]

I got reported to an admin - Eppy - 08-03-2007

Have you been fined or addressed yet? If not I don't think there's a problem. If it's a machine crash they can't get you for the F1, and if you're on your way to an ID they usually don't give you trouble.

I got reported to an admin - rawr - 08-03-2007

No i havent been, and i was on my way to buy an id i just dont get it how people get angry so fast and do things that are not sure how they happened, if that guy had stayed one min longer i would have explained and even give him some money for the trouble that i have caused.

I got reported to an admin - Eppy - 08-03-2007

No, don't give him any money. By what you've described, you didn't do anything wrong, he's just being an arse. You don't have to explain, he's probably just reporting you to look for attention.

I got reported to an admin - rawr - 08-03-2007

I don't know what is his point, but its not very nice to get other people into trouble just to get attention.

I got reported to an admin - BULLDOGNK - 08-03-2007

i have not seen any violation reports.

so you are not sanctioned by any of the Admins Yet:)


I got reported to an admin - Exile - 08-03-2007

Rawr, not to worry mate.
Our gods ( admins ) will never sanction you if they dont have STRICT evidence. and from what you told yust now, you wont get sanctioned, im sure of it :)( and aye, the guy yust tried to act important, dont mind'm allright?)


I got reported to an admin - rawr - 08-03-2007

10x to all of you:))


I got reported to an admin - Vtec - 08-03-2007

Dont wurry m8, As i look at the way he talkes, He is bluffing

If it whas an real player, he could warn you that you need to fix the ID
And for F1 thingy, wel that's an point we never know
its a point that you could never prove (I hate wen it can not bin proved)
Wel just let go on that part


I got reported to an admin - fwolf - 08-03-2007

It was me. I was warning you about the report, since some people are not aware of the rules. It was not a threat nor a attempt to get attention (although you did it, broughting this to the forum). Since you dont answered, I logged out. I did this because in some previous reports of mine no admin notice appeared in the forum, so I tried to talk to you.

You had hit F1 in battle. That was not a computer crash. You returned in just 3 minutes after you hitted F1. If it was a computer crash, you had not returned in just 3 minutes, because for that you have to reinitialize windows and reconnect to the server, which takes more than 3 minutes. And yes, I have screenshoted you, so dont try to pose as the innocent guy.