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To: IMG, Freistadt; From: Freital - Printable Version

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To: IMG, Freistadt; From: Freital - Blodo - 02-15-2010

[Image: Photo-hoerst.jpg]

Message to: IMG, Freistadt Station, Omega-7
Comm ID: Major Gunther Hoerst, Red Hessian Army
Location: Freital, Omega-11
Encryption level: High

Guten abend, IMG. I'm sure you remember us, the Red Hessian Army, and our struggle against the Rheinland government. This message partially relates to just that, and partially to your own security. A bunch of hired guns with Rheinland Military issued equipment arrived in the Omega-7 system recently, I'm sure you must have seen them. They sport the ID tag ']~WD~[' and their prerogative is to base out of Freistadt while enforcing the murderous activities of Daumann in the system, the same Daumann who attempts to drive the IMG out of the system by any means necessary.

We are of course fighting against them, stopping their killing sprees, and generally trying to force them back out, but it's hard to do so when these schweinen fall back to Freistadt at the earliest sign of trouble and attempt to get the station's gunners to target us. Now if it was a Daumann station then we would simply swoop in and attack the station itself along with the mercs, after all those Daumann dogs can rot in hell. However, when it comes to Freistadt we were more than reluctant attack due to the possibility of station damage.

I'm sure you realise by now that the exact reason for this missive is to see exactly what we can possibly do against these troublesome flies. Obviously, their operations from Freistadt and passive aggressive tactics against the IMG are not compatible with each other. I believe it's high time to inform them that Freistadt is a civilian installation and that their operations are making that base a target for elements that neither myself nor you have control over, such as the Corsairs.

We need to cooperate to keep the system safe from both the ruthless pirates and corporate greed. I'm hoping we understand each other in this regard.


- encryption successful -

To: IMG, Freistadt; From: Freital - darthbeck - 02-15-2010

---Incoming transmission---
ID: Ron Matterson , IMG Defense Director.

I trust you hessians not to lie about matters such as this, but i will request that you send me some evidence, so i can be fully informed before acting.

The IMG does not like it when half arsed mercenarys use our bases as shields, and more importantly, endangering said stations.

Ron matterson.
[color=#FF0000]IMG Defense Division Directer.

---Transmission ended, Channel open---

To: IMG, Freistadt; From: Freital - Blodo - 02-16-2010

Message to: IMG, Freistadt Station, Omega-7
Comm ID: Major Gunther Hoerst, Red Hessian Army
Location: Freital, Omega-11
Encryption level: High

Well, my wing's guncams recorded part of yesterday's flight during which those hired rats were hiding next to the Freistadt after running from us from Briesen, where they tried to unsuccessfully ambush us. It's not much, but it will have to do for now:

[Image: 8xj57r.jpg]

Look into the matter for us, I don't want any of my men to hit Freistadt by mistake while following these weekend warriors around.


- encryption successful -

To: IMG, Freistadt; From: Freital - darthbeck - 02-16-2010

---Incoming transmission---
ID: Ron Matterson , IMG Defense Director.

Thank you, Major Hoerst.

I will do what is needed to keep freistadt safe.

Ron matterson.
[color=#FF0000]IMG Defense Division Directer.

---Transmission ended, Channel open---