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Maybe i don't understand something? - Printable Version

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Maybe i don't understand something? - WhiteHawk - 02-17-2010

Can anyone tell me?
Today i was fling from planet Holstein to Cambridge , my ship is Dromedary, my level is 40, i have civilian ID and have a freight fertilizers (425) . So when i jumping from New Berlin to Stuttgart someone from Rheinland stop me and began to scan . After he told me that i had an "unknown" ship and also that i am smuggler . Then he told that i have a Libertonian turrets, my ship will be destriyed and i will be arrested .
Maybe i don't read ruls very intensify .
Tell please wats wrong. Because i don't get it.

Maybe i don't understand something? - ryoken - 02-17-2010

You did nothing wrong that i can see. Unless you had Liberty Military gun's. Even then the Rheinland ship was just being (can't say the word) and getting an easy kill to inflate his ego. If you have any screen shots? I would post in abuse thread.

Maybe i don't understand something? - ophidian - 02-18-2010

Level 40 Civ ships are somewhat around the borders of rules though. After level 30, its better to go for a factional / group ID to prevent unwanted attention.

Maybe i don't understand something? - WhiteHawk - 02-18-2010

Unfortunately I don't make screenshot but i will remember his ID if i see his ID again in online , and surley i will post her.
His level is about 54-55 and seems to me he has a tag.

Maybe i don't understand something? - WhiteHawk - 02-18-2010

I knew about it , i just want to join factional group after my landing in Cambridge.

Thanks ryoken, Ophidian for reply

Maybe i don't understand something? - atlantis2112 - 02-18-2010

Rheinland is currently at war with Liberty.

While blowing you up for having Libertonian tech installed on your ship is a bit.. iffy in my books, depending on how you handled yourself inRP at the situation, I probably would have just asked you to dock, unmount the turrets, and jettison them.

Meh. That's just me.

Maybe i don't understand something? - sovereign - 02-18-2010

' Wrote:Level 40 Civ ships are somewhat around the borders of rules though. After level 30, its better to go for a factional / group ID to prevent unwanted attention.

Not anymore they aren't. Civvy IDs can be whatever level they want, just with a somewhat tight shiplist.

Unless you had Liberty gear, there was no reason for him to attack you. Even then, it's a minor infraction, since you weren't smuggling across the embargo, using a Liberty ship, or anything like that... proper response there would be to suggest you replace your weapons before returning to Rheinland.

Did you, perchance, have a Liberty tag of some sort? Check your reputation sheet and see what's flashing, if anything.

Maybe i don't understand something? - MarvinCZ - 02-18-2010

One thing that wasn't clear from previous posts:
If you think someone broke the rules, you don't just post it anywhere on the forum, there is a section for it, where only the admins can see the evidence. Posting it openly on the forum would be a "Trial by forum", something not appreciated.

The place for rule violation reports:
RP 24/7 Rule Violation Reports

Maybe i don't understand something? - ophidian - 02-18-2010

Yes, the rules have changed but not the general mind frame, it is slower than posting a topic update over forums:)Its still pretty much observable in Omicrons at least.

Maybe i don't understand something? - Birdtalon - 02-18-2010

You can still be a rich civillian though.