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LAG - Korrd - 08-07-2007

Last Sunday, August the 5th, i made some changes to the server in order to determine the source of the lag that has recently been annoying us.

Is the lag still the same? Has it diminished, increased?

I would like to know, as I'm investigating the lag, crashes, etc.

LAG - McNeo - 08-07-2007

After BulldogNK did the partial player wipe, everything was fine, no lag at all. But when the server was brought down manually, with very little notice, the lag came back as before, and its crashing with the same frequency as it was before BulldogNK did the wipe.

If what you did could be reversed, then I think we would stop seeing lag. Thats from my perspective anyway.

LAG - Korrd - 08-07-2007

No. What i did was to remove the badword and forbidden equipment filters, as lag begun right after i added those filters in the first place.

LAG - unfunf - 08-07-2007

I still notice lag is the same as ever. I highly suggest messing with the player limits! ;-)

LAG - Equinox - 08-07-2007

Since Tony did the wipe (apart from the once when my ping went up) everything has been fine with lag, and i think its only crashed once.

My normal ping is 64.

LAG - Exile - 08-07-2007

As before, when tony worked his magic. all was perfect.
all is still perfect here. ping 16.( i belive )

LAG - Tutanchsefu - 08-08-2007

' Wrote:Since Tony did the wipe (apart from the once when my ping went up) everything has been fine with lag, and i think its only crashed once.

My normal ping is 64.
nope... at the time i was playing it crashed twice;)
but i never had lags ^^ even before that wipe:P
just a few server crashes

the time it crashed twice, i got a few missions with another sso member in omega 15
...but we weren?t able to finish them
then we just killed some npc?s and there was no crash anymore...

maybe its a mission problem? i wonder ^^

hope this helps

greetings Sefu

LAG - Mr_3ppozz - 08-08-2007

Ive seen about 5 crashes in the last 2 days... but besides the crashes ive had no trouble... except once when i had a horrible lag for about 10 secs.. then all was fine again.

My average latency at disco is around 24, its still the same.. so no problems here

LAG - Korrd - 08-09-2007

Hmm. I've just played today, and engaged in a big battle.
Enough to say that the lag won't let me target most of the time. Solid red the whole fight, with bits of yellow.

Whatever is causing the lag, its getting worse.

I haven't found any reason yet. Everything seems to work fine.

LAG - bluntpencil2001 - 08-09-2007

No lag on my end. Probably your own connection.