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Greetings Sirius - Printable Version

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Greetings Sirius - LEGION3592 - 02-19-2010

Hi all, I've been playing on the discovery 24/7 server for some time now. In this time i've started 2 unofficial player factions, the STF and the GTF, (Sirius Trade Federation and the Gallian Trade Federation respectively). Currently i play a Cyborg who pilots multiple ships, a Gallian trader and a GRN fighter pilot. ive also played a freelancer, miner, independant trader, outcast and (for a short time) a young nomad. I have also befriended multiple factions along the way such as the Cartel, the KoF and at one point an AI faction i cant remember the name of. Thought it might be time to join the forums though so here i am.

I live in Australia and I'm currently attending college, i plan to go to university to study computer programing and Virtual Reality. I have good experience in role playing as i have played tabletop RPs. I also spend a lot of my spare time gaming.

Greetings to all players new and old, i look foward to RP'ing with you! :D

P.S. if you want to contact me in game for info on my guild or anything else these are my characters.

GTF-"Nova_Star"-LEGION --- Cyborg Freelancer
STF-"StormRider"-LEGION --- Cyborg Trader - Gallia
Aiolos --- Was a nomad, soon to be renamed
Zabulon_Zephique --- GRN Fighter Pilot

Greetings Sirius - aerelm - 02-19-2010

Welcome to Discovery!
I think I've seen you once or twice in Game, So Its good to see you on Forums as well;)
Also, Its really good to see that you are actually looking for RP, instead of PvP, So, Welcome and Have fun, and Also because its your 'early forum state':PI suggest you Check these Links, They might come in Handy;
  • Complete Version of Server Rules
    - Reading and Understanding all these (Even though it might get a bit confusing in the beginning) is essential for Survival (!) on this Server!
  • Technology Usage Chart
    - Want to make a New character with a Specific ID ? First read the ID and its restriction carefully, then check this chart to see What Ships and Guns you can use with it.
  • Discovery Wiki
    - Need Information about any Faction, Ship, or Equipment ? You'll find what you need here.
  • Server Commands
    - There are many useful Commands available on This server, which are really useful, You can find a complete list on the Wiki Page.
When you are In Game and need help, Look for those nice guys around with [The_Angel] Tag, They sure know how to help you out.
Also, you might like to spend some time reading our Role-Playing Hub And even decide to join in! Remember, Server Roleplay comes first, but then, there is Forum Roleplay, which can be really enjoyable if you are the 'Writer' type!

So, Don't be afraid to ask anything you need, and ... Enjoy Your stay!;)

Greetings Sirius - Jansen - 02-19-2010

Welcome here!!! Looks like you are familiar with the rules and so on, so HAVE FUN!

Greetings Sirius - Bobthemanofsteel - 02-19-2010

Oh look, another Aussie!:D

Have fun and all that jazz, and if you want in on the ANZLAG Skype chat hit us up!

Greetings Sirius - LEGION3592 - 02-19-2010

Just one question, I plan on getting an AI Id for my cyborg so he can pilot a harvester vessel. My question is, do i have to follow the strict AI speech pattern i see most AI players using or can i make my character speak more humanly seeing as he is not entirely machine?

Greetings Sirius - aerelm - 02-19-2010

I dont think AI ID would be really appropriate for a 'Cyborg', but as a General Answer, There is no limitation on how an AI can Roleplay, for example, I have an AI that uses what you call 'Strict AI Speech' but for example, Corsair (Search for the forum user, not the faction:P) has an AI which talks completely 'Human-like'

Also, AI Drone is meant to be for 'Alien AI Units' not usual AIs, normal AIs designed by Humans get implemented into normal Ships.

Also, if you are interested in Cyborg Role-Play, take a look at This Faction (Although their Roleplay is a bit different than what you have in mind)

Greetings Sirius - Alex. - 02-19-2010

Welcome to Disco!:yahoo:

I think I saw you once... Not sure.

Greetings Sirius - LEGION3592 - 02-19-2010

I understand what you mean. The harvester ships themselves mentioned the AI was basically part of the ship and less of a pilot. I did however talk to a player from "The_Angels" faction who also plays a harvester. He said it would be possible if i put in a request for an AI id. I will have to come up with a way of explaining my "cyborg" characters use of a harvester vessel and his affiliation with the AI faction. I play him as a very diplomatic character, so perhaps the explanation would be along the lines of this:

After discovering the knowledge they could attain from the Human race the harvesters realised they needed a more efficient way of collecting this knowledge. After finding a willing human the harvesters set about creating a new being, a being with the minds of a harvester and a human fused together. This "cyborg" allowed the harvesters to communicate with the human race more efficiently, as it could decode data from human interaction directly into a language native to the harvesters. Giving the cyborg an altered harvester ship, they sent it out to explore sirius freely and to collect data for the good of the Collective.

Please dont take this idea for your own, it will be a main part of my character bio should my request go through.

so what do you think? is this a good enough explanation for the ID and the Harvester ship? :D
if anybody has any thoughts and/or suggestions feel free to add them.

Greetings Sirius - aerelm - 02-19-2010

The idea itself is pretty good if you ask me (But, who am I to comment ?:P) But to get a AI ID you have to:
  1. Write a Complete Story for your character
  2. Create a proper 'Diplomacy' for your character, also find a proper faction IFF to use with your Ship
    (Harvesters used Junkers cause there was no better choice)
  3. Prepare a Special Role-Play Request to be posted
  4. Find a Faction leader who posts it for you
  5. And If you get the ID; keep up your RP so you wont loose it!
  • Talk to old members of Harvesters, and also members of SMA if you need more information about AIs.
That is what I can suggest;)

Greetings Sirius - Cond0r - 02-19-2010

ohai dere, enjoy your stay in he...discovery

oh and good luck with that...cyborg or smth