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Change to the Hegemon - Printable Version

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Change to the Hegemon - Sebastian Wolfe - 02-22-2010

I've been mining, and recently bought a Mining Ship. I don't have it anymore, the thing was too bulky for my liking, but there was one thing that bugged me about it.

Why, when you buy a Mining Ship, does it come with standard transport turrets? Shouldn't it come with Transport Mining Turrets (which, by the way, are cheaper than regular transport turrets)

The problem was that, at California Minor you can buy the Hegemon, but not the Turrets, and the closest place to buy said turrets is Freeport 4. Only, FP4 is an IMG base, and as thus inaccessable for Miner ID pilots. The closest (lawful) place to buy said mining turrets without breaching the Miner ID docking laws is Planet Leeds. (Unlawfully, you could buy them from Mactan, or Holmfirth)

In my case, however, as Bretonia is hostile (My rep is geared towards the IMG), the closest base I could have used was in Rheinland or Kusari. Which, being in the Hegemon, was a perilous and utterly suicidal trip.

In the end, I had the Hegemon about a day with naught but a single Mining Turret (bought for my Mammoth from FP4 before I had the Miner ID), and bought a Train, an IMG ID and bought the turrets from FP4.

Long story short, my change is this:

When purchasing a Hegemon, it comes with 6 Mining Turrets and 4 Transport Turrets

Change to the Hegemon - Bobthemanofsteel - 02-22-2010

A) You only need one turret in the first place.

B) You can get them from Ames in Kepler.

C) I'd rather the Hegemon was replaced anyway, considering you don't see the NPC versions spinning around shooting tiny rocks with laser guns.

Change to the Hegemon - Athenian - 02-22-2010

Travelling around to equip your ship is a minor inconvenience. You are talking about editing files because you find travelling from California to Leeds inconvenient. That five minutes it costs you is a minor problem.

Change to the Hegemon - Sprolf - 02-22-2010

You can get them on Barrier Gate too.

Change to the Hegemon - Exsiled_one - 02-22-2010

whoever says 1 mining turret is enough is a really slow miner

Change to the Hegemon - davnolan - 02-22-2010

' Wrote:whoever says 1 mining turret is enough is a really slow miner

Seriously? Have you gained a magical ability to fire your turrets in different directions? Unless your aim is terrible, one is enough.

Change to the Hegemon - Exsiled_one - 02-22-2010

How about hitting them faster than your 1 turret can turn?

Change to the Hegemon - Bobthemanofsteel - 02-22-2010

You can use any gun to mine. I wasn't referring to skills, I was referring to the mechanics of the Mining Mod.

Change to the Hegemon - Sebastian Wolfe - 02-23-2010

' Wrote:Travelling around to equip your ship is a minor inconvenience. You are talking about editing files because you find travelling from California to Leeds inconvenient. That five minutes it costs you is a minor problem.

Yes, and no.

The 5 minute trip to Leeds would have been a minor problem, true. But, the fact that Leeds at the time was (and still is) hostile was a major problem to me, and would be for any who side with Kusari, or the IMG, or the Remnant.

My issue isn't so much to do with the inconvenence, however,.but moreso to do with the inablility to grasp the logic behind selling mining ship without mining equipment or the ability to buy said equipment from the same place as the ship itself.

At the very least, the Mining Turret could be added to the shops of planets and stations where the Hegemon is sold.

Change to the Hegemon - Bobthemanofsteel - 02-23-2010

Seems to me that you're complaining about something that doesn't need to be 'fixed'. As I said, you could go to Kepler, three jumps away and buy the equipment there. That means you'll only be travelling through Liberty, which you won't be hostile to in the first place, if you just bought the ship from Cali.

It's not the devs fault you're too lazy to make three jumps into an independent system to buy equipment. :\