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Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - Fellow Hoodlum - 02-24-2010

RNC-Auztin.Engels has been sanctioned for:

Quote:5.9 Disconnecting from the server in a PvP fight to escape, as well as in any other situation that involves
player interaction, is not allowed. If you lose server connection during a player interaction, you should get
back in game quickly to continue the interaction, with the other player's permission. If that is not possible,
then post on the forums and PM the players involved.
Consequences: Guns and credits removed. Sanction note in your hold now, and nothing else.

Admin Link to Report



If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised
that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions
up to a ban.

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - Lobster - 02-24-2010

Hello Mr. Hoodlum and the Diso Admins,

I wish that is was under better circumstances that we meet. I do believe that this happened some time yesterday during a Texas raid with the [RM-V] squadron. After that fight I received some messages accusing me of being "the cloaking battleship" and I know why.

Yesterday was I rough day for me, internet wise, It kept lagging and stalling so bad on me, I had to wait about 10 mins at the Texas Jump Gate in Bering for the gate to even open. When i got to Texas things only got worse. I got to the scene of a battle and started announcing my presence over comms when my internet bit the dust, and i was dumped off of freelancer. I tried using Firefox and it worked, but i had my doubts about freelancer.

I had been on a wireless connection, so I quickly ran upstairs to get plugged in on something more secure, a wired connection. I got back online as quick as I could, and I managed to enter back into the game near the end of the battle. I quickly rejoined the battle after having my shields taken down by a LABC. (I considered this an affermetive to reengage as I was not given time to write an appologe before being attacked.) I though that sense I had got back on, there was no need to post a disconnection notice in flood.

I have several witnesses whom I can contact, and the complete chat log happening during the indecent. Is there any way i can get this mess cleaned up?

Most humbly,

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - Cannon - 02-25-2010

If you're got screenshots of chat then send then post them in the violation reports section or PM them to me.

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - Lobster - 02-25-2010

I am collecting the data as we speak, however, the data is not in the screen shot variety, instead, I used the -logchat and -logappend commands to collect the data.

I understand fully that these logs (being in notepad) can be modified, that is why I have witnesses to back me up if needed.

EDIT: PM sent to cannon

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - Durandal - 02-25-2010

Already sent a PM to Dieter with the only screenshot on the incident that I could gather. I was one of the fighters there at the time, and this was most definitely a lag-out.

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - aznremix416 - 02-25-2010

As co-leader of the [RM] (faction he is in) I would like to see the screenshots.

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - Envy - 02-25-2010

Well I was the other fighter with him at the time, and just checked; sadly I don't have any screenshots of the incident. Although, he kept complaining about it and I'm sure it was pretty obvious to the Liberty caps that he wasn't firing (Mostly likely due to the fact he couldn't see them.)

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - Daerune - 02-25-2010

I am the LNS-Redemption, the RNC-Auztin.Engels was NEVER fired upon or fired at us during the time of there Lag out and yes it was a lag out you have my word on that. when they lagged out they were just watching the fight that was going on not having taken part in it.

Quote:(I considered this an affermetive to reengage as I was not given time to write an appologe before being attacked.)

A shot was never fired by Auztin until the said BC shot three Light mortars at him


Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - ryoken - 02-25-2010

I posted the screens. If he came back adter the fight? I did not see it. When we were down to 3 enemy fighter/bombers only, a LABC hit my Liberator with 2 missile's,claiming it was an accident. 1 I can see,but 2?
I think they just wanted me gone,so shot me,and sent me away. I did see the BS firing,not sure at what,as I was on fighters not caps(Liberator and all). If it was a lag out? I am truly sorry. I just found the whole incident very fishy on both side's.

PS. If it was a lag out? why not post it in forum per the rule's? Took 3 days to get sanctioned,so there was plenty of time.

Admin Notice: Player Sanctioned - Lobster - 02-25-2010

Quote:I did see the BS firing

Did you take any screenshots of this? I would like to see them.

Quote:PS. If it was a lag out? why not post it in forum per the rule's? Took 3 days to get sanctioned,so there was plenty of time.

Quote:I though that sense I had got back on, there was no need to post a disconnection notice in flood.

But, I would like to take this moment to apologize to you. From now on, if this kind of thing ever happens again (I'm sure it will with my crappy net) I shall always post a notice in flood.