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Cloaking device idea - Printable Version

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Cloaking device idea - Sirius - 02-26-2010

I think a cloaking device is good on server.
Ship who will can use it: All nomads ships, Rhineland ships, Phantoms ships, Osiris
Energy use: -for VHF-10.000u (can put in only in normal engine, can use thruster in it, can't shoot and cant use CD)
-For GB- 20.000u (same as VHF)
-For Cruisers/BC - 30.000u (same as VHF)
-For BS/Carriers- 1.000.000u (same as VHF, but can use it in cruise engine)
-can't use it when a player/npc/base shoot in you
-can buy it only from guard base
-have bid price:
VHF-40 millions
GB-60 mills
Cruiser/BC- 100 mills
BS/Carriers- 200 mills

Cloaking device idea - Kazinsal - 02-26-2010

I'm thinking of how abused it would be... Rheinland can cloak but Liberty can't? Do not want.

So no.

Cloaking device idea - Grimly - 02-26-2010

Has been discussed already and REFUSED !

If you want a cloaking device, look for it on other servers.

Cloaking device idea - Fellow Hoodlum - 02-26-2010

Nope, not going to happen on this server however many times it comes up ... Thanks, and try using the 'search function' in future please.