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KNF High Command (FO) - Printable Version

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KNF High Command (FO) - Kusari Uchugun - 08-13-2007

***Encrypted Military Channel***

This is a military encrypted frequency reserved for the Kusari Naval Forces (indipendent players allowed) and authorized personnel.
If you are not a pilot of the Kusari Naval Forces and you have not been expressively authorized by the High Command your character should not be able to see or use this frequency.
Any attempt to hack this frequency is considered a violation of military protocols and will be prosecuted with in game repercussions and/or admin intervention.

***Encrypted Military Channel***

Message to: All KNF and KNT Pilots
Comm ID: Chijin, Taisho, KNF High Command.

Brothers and Sisters,

Effective immediately and until further notice, all High Command Announcements and Orders will be generated over this frequency. Our private communications network has been compromised.

I am officially assuming full command of all KNF and KNT forces. It appears that Nebotuda Taisho has been the victim of foul play. We have no further information at this time.

All KNF forces are to withdraw immediately from the Hokkaido System. Patrols and crewing of Battleship Matsumoto will be maintenance only. The reason for this will become apparent in time.

All Destroyers and Gunboats will station at either Yokohama or Yukawa Shipyards.

All fighters will station at Battleships in Kyushu, Shikoku, and Hiroshima, and will continue normal patrols to repel pirates and protect traders. Do NOT enter Hokkaido or Chugoku!

Effective immediately the following promotions and assignments are in effect:

LoTeK_: to Captain, in charge of all Destroyer forces;
Yuko Ryuu: to Captain, in charge of all Gunboat forces;
Misa Hiyase: to Commander, in charge of all Fighter contingents.

I would also like to officially welcome the following new Ensigns to the KNF:

Masurao, Chimaera Pilot,
Ito Yamato, Chimaera Pilot,
Gorou, Chimaera Pilot.

Commander Hiyase, please assist them in orientation and indoctrination missions.

Incidents and engagements will continue to be reported in "Action Reports".

Non-essential communications between Members will contine at the "Perfect Blossom".

Again, until further notice, direct KNF communications channels are shut down. ((Admin ran off with the bloody keys yet again... sigh)).

For the Glory of the Blue Lagoon,
Chijin, Commanding
Kusari Naval Forces.

KNF High Command (FO) - Boomer - 08-15-2007

To: KNF Command
Comm ID: Comdr Hayase

Message received and understood. Will not let you down on your decision Sensei.

Misa out..

KNF High Command (FO) - Chucc - 08-15-2007

Commander Tavi; Destroyer Tetsuo
Comm ID: Rikki

Rgr that sir. I will deploy my remaining ships to designated stations. Unfortuneately my Chimera and Wyrm's both have been lost. Replacements for those are under way. Red tape not helping at all.

Also. Kishiro reports that they cannot reach one of their trader vessels. Full report following.

Suspected hijacking by GC or possibly Dragon forces, last detected entering Sigma 13.

KNF High Command (FO) - Malaclypse 666 - 08-18-2007

Message to: All KNF, KNT, and Katana Defense Wing Officers
Comm ID: Chijin, Taisho, KNF High Command

Subject: Ceasefire with NovaPG and Bushido


It is done. The terms we requested for a temporary Ceasefire have been accepted this day by Maranzo of the Bushido, and by the Leaders of NovaPG.

The meeting in Hokkaido was uneventful and a credit to all parties involved. I express my gratitude for their gracious acceptance.

IF any of you have questions concerning the finer points of the terms, please contact me over private comms. Otherwise, they are as posted. They will be observed strictly by our members, upon penalty of censure, demotion, Courts Martial, and if necessary, an honorable death.

Continue to train. Send all new recruits to Bo Sun Gen at the Perfect Blossom for application. Patrol the Core Systems as before. Keep the Blue Lagoon safe.

We will continue to suppy the deuterium needs of the Military and the Corporations. Use the deuterium missions as training opportunities for our newer pilots.

Be vigilant. You may be called at any moment for duties against our Bretonian foes.

Do not be sad, fellow Warriors. This is a necessary step if we wish the KNF to survive and serve the Emperor and our citizens in the long term.


KNF High Command (FO) - Malaclypse 666 - 08-19-2007

Message to: All KNT/KNF/Katana Defense Wing Forces
Comm ID: Chijin, Taisho, High Command.

Terms of Cease-fire with NovaPG and Bushido. Effective immediately:

1) Temporary ceasefire between NovaPG/Bushido and KNF/Katana throughout Sirius until the end of September. Length can be renegotiated at any time by either side.

2) KNF/Katana will stay out of Hokkaido, Chugoku, Tohoku, and the NovaPG/Bushido Guard/Home Systems except for pass-thru to other systems when requested.

3) NovaPG/Bushido will stay out of Kyushu, New Tokyo, Honshu, Shikoku, Hiroshima, and Fukuoka except for pass-thru when requested.

(I know there may be instances when a request is impossible.. no one on to ask.. considerations given. These terms pertain to major Fleet movements. Individuals will be given consideration in their movements through Cease-fire space.)

4) NovaPG/Bushido will not pirate or interfere w/ KNT/Kishiro/Samura traders anywhere; nor will our side interfere with NovaPG/Bushido traders anywhere. If NovaPG/Bushido will provide a complete list of their affilliated Traders, they will be noted and included in the Terms.

5) Non-aligned traders in any of the above systems must fare for themselves during the Cease-fire. There are plenty of Escorts, Mercenaries, etc., to give them protection during this time. Both sides will be responsible for documenting any attacks made upon their own Factions or others in the area that may be against the spirit of this Cease-Fire. These incidents must be reported to Leaders, and will be discussed in good faith in an effort to maintain the Cease-fire.

This will be rebroadcast on all Kusari channels. Please make sure that all our Brother and Sister Officers are aware of it and abide by the Terms.


KNF High Command (FO) - Malaclypse 666 - 08-20-2007

Chijin to All KNF/KNT/KNDW:

Switch to Secure Channel:

Edit 08/25/07: Disregard. Secure Channel is now Defunct.

Keys are nowhere to be found.


KNF High Command (FO) - Malaclypse 666 - 08-22-2007

Message to: Hiyase, Commanding, Fighter Wings,
Comm ID: Chijin, Taisho, KNF HQ


With the aid of Lt. Harada in the Yomigae, two new pilots have completed their basic orientation this day.

Ensign "Ghost" in the [KNF]Youma_Tama, and Ensign "Terminal", in the [KNF]Shuutan are now fully KNF ID'd and IFF'd.

I hope you will soon be able to join these recruits for advanced flight training.


KNF High Command (FO) - Malaclypse 666 - 08-22-2007


Faction Status updated.

Any errors or omissions, please PM me.


KNF High Command (FO) - Malaclypse 666 - 08-24-2007

To: All KNF Pilots and Officers:
Comm ID: Chijin

Commander Hiyase and Fighter Pilots: Be on the lookout this day for new recruit, callsign "Radiant", in the [KNF]Mabushii. This pilot will be proceeding to the Nagumo, after making his intentions known to the gaijin on Manhattan. Assist him until the Heikiko Maru can arrive at the Nagumo in support. (~00:00UT).

Also, I am pleased to announce, that our newest female recruit, Ensign Hanoka, is well on her way to obtaining KNF IFF. Assist her in completing indoctrination, gents and Misa-san.

Finally, I am ordering a general assembly of all KNF fighter squadrons at approx. 1800 UT on Saturday. Please scramble your fighters and meet at the BS Nagumo for further instructions. Sushi and Sake on High Command after the assembly!

Join me in welcoming all new recruits, and in sustaining the reputation and honor of the KNF!


KNF High Command (FO) - Malaclypse 666 - 08-25-2007

Faction Status Updated.

Added Ceasefire status w/ NovaPG and Bushido;

We have many new recruits, and ((I fear I could not remember all of their ship and Disco Forum names. Please report in here, or PM me, or nudge my old brain in game.))

One member will be leaving us. Please assist him in cashing in his chips if requested: Takemono.

That is all,