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Cargo Pods - Printable Version

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Cargo Pods - masswordman - 02-28-2010

Okay i noticed that cargo pods do not i repeat do not icreace cargo capacity. really,should they not? or no, they should not?

Cargo Pods - Dantrithor - 02-28-2010

They're just there so you can change your train appearance. And, if they work like they used to, they absorb hits themselves without affecting your hull integrity. This means, if a supernova hits one of them, the pod will explode. Your ship will not.

Cargo Pods - Birdtalon - 02-28-2010

Yep. They're merely aesthetic.

Cargo Pods - Fletcher - 02-28-2010

Kind of a shame really, but if they held cargo it may get abused and rule alterations would be ushered in to compensate.

But if the did actually hold cargo, piracy would be much more fun, destroy the pods men!

Cargo Pods - Akura - 02-28-2010

Ever seen a ship drop 40 of them when it dies?

Cargo Pods - Hundra - 02-28-2010

' Wrote:Ever seen a ship drop 40 of them when it dies?
May be the magic power of a Tridente.

Cargo Pods - Varok - 03-02-2010

' Wrote:May be the magic power of a Tridente.

It looks more likely the magic power of a bug...

The cargo pods are pretty useless in this game.At least, now.
They don't have any reason to exist (from my opinion).I don't know what others think about it.

Cargo Pods - ryoken - 03-02-2010

You can make your train look Purdy:)

Cargo Pods - msgerbs - 03-02-2010

' Wrote:They don't have any reason to exist (from my opinion).I don't know what others think about it.
This is an RP <strike>server</strike> mod, is it not?

Cargo Pods - Bear - 03-02-2010

' Wrote:This is an RP <strike>server</strike> mod, is it not?

yes it is, but that's still not a reason for useless things to exist. All we really have to do is remodel the train so that they don't carry cargo pods but instead trailer like things at the back. Full cubey blocky things that are attached to the ship. We could even go so far as to add windows and get rid of the coupling that holds the two trailers together and make it a long cargo vessel type thing. Just a random idea I had upon reading this thread.