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[KOF]Chakotay wanted - Printable Version

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[KOF]Chakotay wanted - Walker - 03-01-2010

The assault of any civilian for any reason, including the collection of bounties, is illegal. The only case that this is allowed is if that civilian has breeched the law, and only if permitted by a representative of the forces of Liberty.

Any individual preventing, evading or delaying the administration of punishment on to an individual found to be breaking the law will be subject to any punishment deemed necessary by the ranking officer on duty.

Chairman Chakotay of the Kings of Freight has been found to be in violation of this, he has fled when attempting to be apprehended by agents of the Liberty Security Force.

Any Bounty Hunter or similar organizations that apprehends Chairman Chakotay will be payed 500,000 credits (With something... extra...) from the Liberty Security Force.

[KOF]Chakotay wanted - appleexpress1 - 03-01-2010

*** Incoming Transmission ***
*** Source: [KoF]-Velvet'Revolvis ***

Dear O Dear My O My Hehe Hoho!

What Fun What Fun

Capture the CEO? My O My!

You May Try You May Try

*Munchs Candy*

***Transmission Lost ***

[KOF]Chakotay wanted - Ocampo - 03-02-2010

[Image: FactionStatusHeading.png]

In the light of the recent order from Director Copperfield himself, I will assume this bounty is null and void.

' Wrote:Greetings,

As the leading officer of the Liberty Security Force, I hereby request some evidence proving the wrongdoings of the KoF. I would also like to know why and by whom a Senior Agent was tasked to issue a nation wide Mandate against a trading organization.

This mandate is void until further notice. KoF activities are still allowed in Liberty.

Director of the LSF,
David Copperfield

On a other note, we are sorry for how the Liberty Government may has taken Velvet's reply to this matter.

[KOF]Chakotay wanted - appleexpress1 - 03-02-2010

*** Incoming Transmission ***
*** Source: [KoF]-Velvet'Revolvis ***

A Little Ol Joke Never hurt anybody

[KOF]Chakotay wanted - Walker - 03-02-2010

Neither did direct guncam shots from three separate pilots showing how Chakotay blatantly fled from authority and you came to his aid...