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Log of the Bus - Agmen of Eladesor - 03-01-2010

Log of the Exploration Vessel 'Family Bus'

Captains Log, Entry 001

I suppose this is sort of grandiose, calling this the Captains Log when our ship hasn't even left dock yet for her first voyage. Well, first voyage under my command, anyway. The old girl is a defense fleet vessel that first saw service back nearly 100 years ago. Not like she ever saw anything major, according to her service record, which from our perspective was a good thing. That allowed the science council to pick her up fairly cheaply, so we could use most of our budget for refits to the science section and crews quarters. No need for berthing for 50 marines in addition to the crew when we're only going to need the crew, after all.

Anyway, we've gathered all of our necessary gear at Corfu, just waiting for the yard dogs to finish up their final preparations. I've already made arrangements for us to dock at Freeports 9 and 15 as well to gather our needed supplies. So the next entry should actually see me recording this log in space!

Log of the Bus - Agmen of Eladesor - 03-02-2010

Log of the Exploration Vessel 'Family Bus'

Captains Log, Entry 002

The newest member of the Science Exploration Fleet has now officially left the dock at Corfu, and we're on our way! There was a brief christening ceremony for our ship before we left dock, and I found out that just because I'm the Captain, I don't quite have the authority here that I thought I did. Of course, considering that we happen to be crewed mostly by members of our extended family - one of the curses, I suppose, of being a part of the Robertson clan - I got outvoted on naming our ship.

So we're not the Magellan, Darwin, Cortez, Oppenheimer, Von Braun or any other great explorer and researcher from ancient history. I'm captain and commanding officer of 'The.Family.Bus'.








Okay, we've laid in a course for Freeport 9 first. We'll pick up most of our supplies there, and then make a jump through to Freeport 15 to get the rest of them. From there, well, I'm keeping that a secret.

Log of the Bus - Agmen of Eladesor - 03-02-2010

Log of the Exploration Vessel 'Family Bus'

Captains Log, Entry 003

We've picked up everything we're going to need now. Amazing how having the credentials of being a science vessel - and a large bank account - make it easy for us to get things. We've also picked up our last couple of crew members, so we're ready to go.

I suppose I ought to go ahead and give a quick run-down of our crew, so we have everyones name and job recorded for posterity. A log entry like this, after all, is how I know where I want to go for our first mission.

I'm Doctor Paul Robertson, Captain of the ... Family Bus. Degrees in astronomy, astrogation, and stellar physics.
First Officer is Doctor Elizabeth Robertson, my wife. She has degrees in planetary geology and xeno-biology.
Second Officer is Doctor Maureen Robertson-Williams, my daughter. Degree in molecular genetics.
Third officer is my son, Doctor Will Robertson. His degree is in robotics.
Chief Engineer is my son-in-law, Guy Williams - he's got degrees in nuclear engineering and physics.
Rest of engineering is Harrison and Joleen Williams, and Lewis and Michelle Robertson - this cruise is where they'll get their final classes to get their doctorates.
Medical is Doctor Jonas Robertson, my brother, and his wife, Doctor Jennifer Anders-Robertson. He's a legitimate MD, with way too much time on his clock in disease and viral research. She's an MD as well, but a trauma surgeon.
Last four human crew are Scott and Brenda Tanaka, and Richard and Sue Reed. They're our general crew members, doing the - for lack of a better term, more mundane things. Cooking, cleaning, and keeping us eggheads on a regular schedule. And of course I can't forget Tobor and his 'fingers'. Will is very proud of him - a completely self-aware robot, with four smaller remotes designed to go where we can't.

Log of the Bus - Agmen of Eladesor - 03-02-2010

Log of the Exploration Vessel 'Family Bus'

Captains Log, Entry 004

We've made our first jump into what is considered risky space. We went into Omicron Beta, to the wreck of the Messina. There was a method to our madness in coming here, of course. The Messina was originally built by my Grandfather and his company, working for the Zoner Council. In one of his logs he'd mentioned that he had a hidden vault in his room where some of his valuables were stored. When they were forced to abandon the station, the contents were left there. We plan on recovering them.

Supplemental Entry:
Will and I made a successful trip across to the Messina. We were surprised - and pleased - that we ran into no interference from anyone present in system. It took us almost 3 hours of an EVA, but we found the vault just where the old log said it was located. Amazing that this had never been found by anyone searching through the wreckage in the past - but that presumes, I suppose, that someone actually did that.

In any event, the computer was able to utilize the data disk and now we have much more astronomical data than we previously did. Actually, our star charts, when combined with everything that I was able to download or acquire before we left, show systems that I doubt if many people have even actually ever been to in the past. So now we go exploring!

[Image: messina.jpg]

Log of the Bus - Agmen of Eladesor - 06-15-2010

Log of the Exploration Vessel 'Family Bus'

Captains Log, Entry 037

We had a major computer core glitch, so my hand notes are still intact, anyway. But my entries between when we first entered Outcast space, and today, when we finally (effectively) have re-entered Sirius space have been lost.

Glitch ... that's a funny word. Most of the time it means an unexpected error. In this case, I'll call it unexpected psycopaths. The only redeeming feature is that my family is still alive and in one piece, and our crew survived as well, albeit with a few bumps, bruises, and sprains. I equipped this ship with weapons, of course - I didn't think we'd have to use them so frequently recently. Or all of our emergency repair items. Or emergency life support when our ship was hulled and half our computer core was blasted to bits.

Either way, we also have some ... guests ... with us as well, that I need to bring to the attention of the Zoner Council. We have docked at a friendly base in Orkney, and will proceed to Baffin once a few more repairs are complete.