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New Idea - Blaze - 03-02-2010

Bombers need to change the weapon group to their SNAC group as that they can aim correctly but sometimes it becomes difficult to do so while a big fight is going on. Is it possible to set the aim speed ourselves?

for eg \set aimspeed 280

This will automatically set the aim speed for projectiles of speed of 280m/sec
So you wont have to switch the weapon group and still fire the Bomber cannons if you want to...

New Idea - Colonel.Tigh - 03-02-2010

Most times Bomber will need their class 6 guns only versus fighters, and other small crafts (right and to deshield a transport), and will hit them with the snac afterwards at pointblank, where they dont need a crosshair (and transports they cant miss, cause of size).

But since i fire behind most ships with normal fighterguns in big fights, it would be nice to push the crosshair a little forward.

New Idea - Tovig - 03-02-2010

Shortly, no.

New Idea - Zeb Harley - 03-02-2010

You can simply activate the weapons-group with your SNAC and fire your other guns with a different key at the same time.

I use that setup on all my ships:

Very big guns (SNAC / Minirazor / turret type 2) or CDs = Spacebar
Medium guns with slow refire rate extra-button on my trackball (chainfire-button)
active weapons-group on right-click-button

If you don't have a programmable chainfire-button, you can press it rapidly or just simply weld a small flipflop-device and put it into your mouse (or whatever you use), there is usually enough free space in it.

New Idea - Prysin - 03-02-2010

Mouse 3, 4,5 for groups
shift+1/2/3 to change groups

pretty ok setup, works for me, lets me change weapon groups in a turn, launch snac at cap/fighter and continue "pewpew'ing" fighters/bombers with emps/energy guns

New Idea - Internity - 03-02-2010

' Wrote:Mouse 3, 4,5 for groups
shift+1/2/3 to change groups

pretty ok setup, works for me, lets me change weapon groups in a turn, launch snac at cap/fighter and continue "pewpew'ing" fighters/bombers with emps/energy guns

Quote:Set my weapongroups on my mouse 3 and mouse 4 buttons

How many buttons do you fellows have at mouse ?! 5?! buttons? never heard of such things.:crazy:

New Idea - Exsiled_one - 03-02-2010

Do not request a compensation for the lack of skills. It's a matter of clicking two buttons.

not that i call you skill less, but you obviouslly have difficulties with this

New Idea - Blaze - 03-02-2010

I have only 3 buttons

New Idea - MarvinCZ - 03-02-2010

Well, I have a keyboard full of 'em little buggers. And this doesn't bother me.

If the shot needs to be so fast I wouldn't have time to switch group, it's probably from a short distance, where even the rectangle for bomber guns can serve well enough. Only a quick reference is needed there. If it's not so fast, I can switch my weapon groups.