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Codenames experiences - Claymore, Golden Blade, Ragnarok - Printable Version

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Codenames experiences - Claymore, Golden Blade, Ragnarok - Ceoran - 03-02-2010

Alright, so I have recently been toying around with Magma Hammers and Firekisses and noticed that their usage helped me training my aim with the slower guns. Now, since this version introduced codes that share the same speed as Mk II Debs I'm asking for experiences on those guns, namely the
  • Claymore
  • Golden Blade
  • Ragnarok
I'd like to hear the opinion of those who already tried them. How did they work out for you? Which one has the nicest projectile, which one is incapable to hit Manhattan from 1m out? Might as well add the Taranis in there since it's only 25m/s off.
Thanks to all those who will give helpful comments, and please no +1 and nothing about the 600m/s codes. If the before-mentioned ones turn out to be all crap I'd have already chosen the 600's that work nice for me.

Codenames experiences - Claymore, Golden Blade, Ragnarok - Malexa - 03-02-2010

I use 2 Ragnaroks 1 Golden Blande and 2 650 debs on my Wrath.

Since I can't see anything when using Hornvipers, I can't hit them.
Therefore I used the Firekisses for a while now. Really good guns, especialy in teamfights. They mix well with the 650 debs and have a decent punch.
They are not the best in duels, since you need to be a goldlike aimer, if you face a good pilot who knows how to dodge well and when he is using 4.0 or faster guns.

Suddenly I recalled that there were 650 codes around somewhere on the RM armory and I decided to test them.
My conclusion is: They are good. You do not have any fluctuation in your crosshair and therefore you can use the 4.0 deb tracers as a reference where you are aiming to.

The only flaw the codes have is the energy usage. Shooting firekisses with debs is not really sucking your energy as an example.


Codenames experiences - Claymore, Golden Blade, Ragnarok - rschoen - 03-02-2010

I'm actually planning to try and take the middle route. I have 4 Excals on one of my characters and they are extremely hard to hit with both in duels and in group fights (600m/s 2.00refire). In duels they would work far better if I just had better aim .:( Right now I'll just have to stick to shooting bombers and anything bigger. :laugh: Now I've been looking into trying Medusas seeing as how they seem to be smack dab in the middle in terms of refire and projectile speed (3.03 and 625m/s). I haven't gotten debs yet on that character (I'm still waiting to get two more Medusas) but once I do, I'll try to let you know how they work out. I'm hoping the projectile speed lag will be less prominent in duels and I'll be able to use the debs as tracers (as Malexa mentioned). Hopefully it'll fair a lot better than debs with Excals.

Codenames experiences - Claymore, Golden Blade, Ragnarok - Zeb Harley - 03-02-2010

I have a pair of Golden Blades on my Mafic along with Debs of the same speed and a single PG-turret as a pointer.

Works well, but I am not sure if a 600 speed Codegun would not perform just the same.

Mafic tactics are getting as close as possible and firing everything you've got in a jousting way, since quick evasive maneuvres aren't possible anyway.

I found that firing guns while jousting does not really take different projectile-speeds in account. It even works with Transport-turrets of 800 and 1500 speeds in the same group (checked out with an AT)

Codenames experiences - Claymore, Golden Blade, Ragnarok - Ceoran - 03-02-2010

So the Golden Blades and Ragnaroks already have the Malexa-approved stamp on them and a Zeb Harley one for the Blades too, might be worth a shot, though I would still like to here some additional opinions. Thanks so far

@Botany: I actually didn't need advice on the 600s as I'm considering to use the guns for a ship without access to class 9 guns of that speed. The Taranis was added there because it is another 2.00 and only half the gap compared to the 600s. 3.03 is the refire rate I'm actually worst with, either 4.00 or 2.00, stuff in between won't work for me. However, you said you aren't pretty good with your Excals, I myself am using a set of those on my Guardian and could use another set for my Wraith, so send me a PM if you want to get rid of them.

Codenames experiences - Claymore, Golden Blade, Ragnarok - Boss - 03-02-2010

I've got two Imp Deb 2s, two RANAROK, and two GOLDEN BLADE on my Waspusu.

Deadly thing. Can solo gunboats if the gunboat is incompetent.

Codenames experiences - Claymore, Golden Blade, Ragnarok - McNeo - 03-02-2010

I just go for Excaliburs or any other high damage codename.
But that's me.

Blades = Bomber Energy Cannon in terms of their effect. Completely yellow. Except for the rare times where, for some reason, the centre changes to blue, and you get a really cool yellow/blue effect. But this is a rare occurrence.

Ragnaroks? Looks a bit like Kintano's to me, just fire slower. Im not a fan of the effect.

Now Claymores, they look cool. Seem pretty hard to aim with, but I've not tried. The effect puts me off a little bit, but it is a sexy effect nonetheless.

Anyone with a Wraith should use Jades.
They look awesome. Green balls of doom, which look a damnsight faster than they are in terms of projectile speed. That said, 3.03 cannon without effectiveness vs shields.

Honestly though, 50ms from 600 -> 650 doesn't make a huge difference with your aim. It'll simply enable you to do 3 more bots of damage before you die (if its a fight you'd lose anyway) or take 3 less bots of damage (if its a fight you'd win anyway).

<strike>USE MISSILES</strike> What am I saying?:mellow:

Codenames experiences - Claymore, Golden Blade, Ragnarok - Ceoran - 03-02-2010

' Wrote:Now Claymores, they look cool. Seem pretty hard to aim with, but I've not tried. The effect puts me off a little bit, but it is a sexy effect nonetheless.

They look nice, indeed. I already managed to try them myself, but as you said they seem pretty hard to aim with, at least compared to other high-end-codes I gathered over time.

' Wrote:Anyone with a Wraith should use Jades.
They look awesome. Green balls of doom, which look a damnsight faster than they are in terms of projectile speed.

There you made me :shok:I CAN HAZ?

' Wrote:That said, 3.03 cannon without effectiveness vs shields.

And there you made me cry :(

Well, I think I will try the 2 Ragnarok + 2 Blades + Debs loadout Boss has written. And no missiles. I had enough of them with introducing .85, when I managed to fly faster then them and get those things up my own ass. twice. thanks for the input guys.

Codenames experiences - Claymore, Golden Blade, Ragnarok - jxie93 - 03-02-2010

2.00 low speed codenames are fine if you have a little practice of leading your target, chain fire also helps. Provided you're accurate with said codenames, you can deal massive damage within a very short period of time compared to faster firing ones.

Codenames experiences - Claymore, Golden Blade, Ragnarok - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 03-03-2010

Concider Taranis too