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Admin Notice: Player Jailed - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Player Jailed - Agmen of Eladesor - 03-03-2010

When you figure out that you can't have that ship with Civilian ID - let us know. In the meantime, you're in jail, and some transporation costs have come from your other ship.

Admin Notice: Player Jailed - ssjcliff - 03-03-2010

I only used the ship for the first time yesterday and forgot about the ID, some nice player told me about it and i was on my way to change it when I was stopped by 2 cops who took ages to figure out what they were doing, then blasted me into space dust, I got annoyed and logged off. So long story short you have jailed me and stolen all my money for something I already knew about and was on my way to change and would have sorted out long before now if it werent for greedy police.

Admin Notice: Player Jailed - ssjcliff - 03-03-2010

' Wrote:When you figure out that you can't have that ship with Civilian ID - let us know. In the meantime, you're in jail, and some transporation costs have come from your other ship.

OI. Anytime this year would be nice! I've already seen you online today reading my response. What? You just cant be bothered? I've already told you I was on my way to getting a new ID, i cant believe your gonna be such a NAZI as to steal all the money from my account for an innocent mistake without at least even giving me a warning first and then taking forever to respond! Like I said, I bought the ship, forgot about the ID (cause im still prity new at this game) 5 mins later I was on my way to sorting it out, hardly a reason to throw me in jail and steal all my cash leaving me with zip between both my characters, so can you please release me and give me back my cash?

Admin Notice: Player Jailed - Agmen of Eladesor - 03-04-2010

Let's see - you're on the east side of the pond, I'm on the west side. You think that maybe there might be around a 5 to 6 hour time difference betwen us, such that when you impatiently are complaining to be let out that I might still actually be working at my real life job?

Just because I have forum access does not mean that I have any other access to things at work.

And since you were so nice and polite about it - I thought I would post a link for you to the FORUM rules.
Quote:i cant believe your gonna be such a NAZI

That highly motivates me to action. I'll move someone around now.... I believe that you'll now find your OTHER character in Bastille as well.

What you say you were doing - versus where your ships were prior to jailing, and your actions regarding them in game - don't match up with your supposed words of contrition here. This is not Newtonian physics. For every action there is not an equal and opposite reaction.

An actual well written apology sometime around Saturday would probably go a long way to you avoiding being permanently banned from this server - which is where you're headed now.

Admin Notice: Player Jailed - ssjcliff - 03-04-2010

Wow! You really are a moron! And I'm not just saying that cause of what you have written here. I'm saying that because I've been looking around the other posts you have made around here, and it has become perfectly clear to me that NAZI is an understatement.

You are a small, smarmy, snivilling little weasel who is just up on his high horse because, (judging from what you look like in real life), everyone knows that your a dweeb with no real life and never take you seriously. I mean, seriously, your a 48 year old man who ROLE PLAYS. (The only reason I played this server was because it has the most people on it, but this SERIOUS ROLE PLAYING thing is for 12 year olds) I wouldn't take you seriously in real life either. I bet you still live in your Mum's basement. Tell me - have you ever even spoken to a real girl without having to give out your credit card number?

' This is not Newtonian physics. For every action there is not an equal and opposite reaction.' - No, your right, this is life and when your a dick your get treated as such.

'An actual well written apology sometime around Saturday would probably go a long way to you avoiding being permanently banned from this server - which is where you're headed now.' - hmmm, how about a well written shove it right up your arse right now? Why wait till Saturday when I can tell you what I think of you, your admins and your server right now?

I doubt this is going to bring you down off your High Horse because your online ego looks to be as big as your Repugnance in real life, but who knows? Mabye this message will get through to you to not be such a NAZI when people make honest mistakes, or mabye the 48 year old living in mummy's basement will just have a cry while playing with his toy trains and calling girls for $8.99/min and charging it to his VISA.

Now I wonder what your predictable response will be now? Oh that's right! Banning me from the server, LIKE I CARE!!

Admin Notice: Player Jailed - ssjcliff - 03-04-2010


'Agmen of Eladesor'

What, are you trying to Role Play one of the Elves from Lord Of The Rings now?


Admin Notice: Player Jailed - Jihadjoe - 03-04-2010

Congratulations. <- (click it please)

You've won the Suicide by Admin of the Year Award, and my oh my, we're only just in March.

It's astonishing y'know. We set up some rules here. Rules which in all honesty are not so hard to follow. Those are the conditions upon which we allow you to play on the server. Note. The server is privately owned. Funded in part by donations from people who play here, who, perhaps surprisingly to you, rather like the system and style of play we have here... That would imply that when you come here, you would behave as a guest, and follow the rules. If someone is inviting you into their home and asks you to take your shoes off at the door, do you call them a nazi and then tell them to f-off and die?

Thought not.