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Subversion - Dennis Jameson - 03-04-2010

On an asteroid a small ship of unknown configuration sits perched. Its engines are cold, no energy readings are detected... but it will not stay that way for long.

[Shell location: Omicron Theta.]

... ... ... ...


[Establishing direct link with our primary form.]

[Objective: Rendezvous with Special Operative Logan Willows aboard the Zoner installation Freeport 9 and aid in the subversion of Corsair subject 382:C-9.]


[Personality loaded. Engaging thrusters.]

The ship begins to slowly awaken, its thrusters warming up and the cables which once connected it to the asteroid detaching. It turns towards the Freeport and with a sudden burst the thrusters propel it towards its goal.

Several moments later it is nearing the Freeport.

"Perhaps I'd best announce [our presence] to these Zoners before they detect me and decide that I am a hostile entity... Mmm... They're so delightfully paranoid now a days."

[Communications link established.]

[Zoners. We will bring this shell to your station so that we may meet with friends of ours. We have transferred the credits required to rent one of your VIP suites for twelve hours... our consumer identification is: Jameson42.]

Zoner docking authorities: Uh... everything seems to be in order, Mr Jameson... you may land your... uh... ship.

[Communications link terminated.]

The small drone enters the station without a word and proceeds to release a rather large robot which is shaped like a spider. The robot looks around to make sure that none is watching and then proceeds to melt its way through the weak plating protecting the ventilation shafts. Once secure inside the shaft, the drone proceeds to the VIP suites.

"Yes... This should be a most interesting encounter."

Subversion - Zeltak - 03-04-2010

Two days prior to the Barrier Gate meeting...

Logan sat on a chair gently rocking it back and forth. He kept tapping the table beside him with his index finger as if he was anxious for Doc's arrival.

"When is Senor Jameson arriving, Logan?" Vilkas asked as if to shout out what was on Logan's mind.

"Beats me. That old fella is mysterious I tell ya' that."

Both of them stayed silent as they smoked those rare and exotic cigars smuggled from Gallia. "I tell ya' pal, if anythin' in life is good, it's these cigars." Logan quickly stated before continuing his smoking.

Vilkas grinned without saying a word.

Suddenly something melted its way through the grating located on the left wall. "What the hell is that!" Vilkas nervously exclaimed.

"Haha, didn't I say Doc was a mysterious fella?" Logan replied with a sense of confidence.

By now the small drone had fully appeared in front of the two of them. "Is that... Senor Jameson?" Vilkas asked in confusion.

"Nah pal, that is just one of 'em Drones that basically represent him. Ya'see, he can't be everywhere an' it would be too dangerous for Doc to come 'ere in person. But don't worry, anythin' ya' say to this thing will transmit to Doc directly, an' him only."

"I see..." Vilkas still had some doubt in coming here.

"Now if ya' excuse me 'amigo' I need to have a small private chat with Doc. Don't worry, we are not settin' up some trap or somethin'. I hope ya' don't mind."

"Hmm, alright but make it quick. I don't like where this is going." Vilkas was growing more suspicious of the situation as he exited the VIP room for a brief moment.

"Will do pal. An' thanks.

Now, first of all, how are ya' Doc? Hope ya' doin' fine. As ya' can see, Mr. Caveman is 'ere with me, safe an' sound. Seein' as I have completed my mission, I would appreciate it if I could take my leave an' head back to Liberty. I have some... errands to do."

The Drone replied in a mechanical tone; "Most impressed Mr. Willows. You have performed flawlessly. Of course you are allowed to leave, you have earned it. But, before you do, I would like to hand you a reward."

The Drone opened a small piece of its shell to transport out a cargo container. "Please, Mr. Willows, would you be so kind and open this container?"

Logan raised his left eyebrow before replying; "Sure thing, boss."

Inside the container was a vial of Liquid Cardamine and a set of keys. "Right-o, I know what this vial is, but what are these keys for?"

"They belong to your new estate in Planet Malta. Now you will always have a safe place to return to if anything should happen. The size of it is not so large though."

"Haha! Ain't that sweet of ya'. Well thanks Doc. An' don't worry 'bout it bein' a small place, I don't want no rich-man's house anyways." As Logan finished his last words he injected himself with the much-needed Liquid Cardamine that would keep him going for good while. Before exiting he made his farewells to Doc and nodded to Vilkas, signaling him to come back in again.

"Evelyn... I'm on my way." Logan whispered to himself as he made his way towards the hangar.

Subversion - ... kur nubėgo? - 03-04-2010

Antonio was left quite confused. Here for a first time he didn't know how to act. Time to time he tried to search for a drink, time to time he took a look on that strange legged spider-looking creature.

- Sure Senor Wizard, seems your toys can leave the impression.

First words were spitted out, Vilkas started to gain back his confidence. After all these days of waiting - unable to go free, old pirate's ego was damaged. But seems at that moment Antonio managed to catch on one clue. Yes, Logan mentioned that 'Senor Wizard' is afraid to meet personally. Perhaps afraid of Vilkas? Ironic half-mouth smile showed on his face once again. Here he started to talk half-voice:

- Seems you can never guess what can happen at the next day. One time you are put in the cell by your own people for hell knows what reason. And yet another day some person wants to meet you. Heh, earlier I weren't used to believe in faith, but sometimes. I feel it with all my senses. Some things do not happen out of nothing.

Antonio picked cigar-butt out of his mouth and rubbed it to the ashtray. With the same motion picked bottle of cognac wich was standing near it on the same table.

- Si, old mannerisim is not going to leave me that easily. Look, I didn't even need to pay for the bottle, so why should I refuse one?

He opened his mouth and placed a bottle above it turned up side down. A littile waterfall of expensive bavarge was falling down his throut. *Mghm, mghm, mghm* . He turned bottle back, closed, put on the table and then took a deep breath.

- Those upper class tasters would go crazy, propably. Si, remember those arrogantic gringos back there at Hawaii. Now one question blows in my mind. Who are worse, these over kind feet licking zoners or those?

Vilkas took another cigar from his left and lighted it slowly.

- Si, Wizard. I think I'm happy to see you after all.

Antonio blowed up the fumes and kept there waiting for what will happen next while standing in his arrogantic manner

Subversion - Dennis Jameson - 03-07-2010

[Image: spiderrobot.jpg]

The mechanical creation focused its eyes on the man in front of it in an attempt to glean as much information as possible before proceeding.

"I am pleased to hear that, but please allow me to introduce myself. I am [we are] Dennis Jameson, administrator of the... Ghosts of Razgriz. I believe you've faced us when you were still a part of the Black Sails, hmm?"

The drone produces a very artificial laugh followed by a slight shift in coloration in its "eyes".

"Yes... you were quite a disruptive element, but then something happened... You may not be aware of it, but my drones were observing you as you battled the Mandalorians, so I know that you were badly injured. Logic and simple deduction tells me that you were taken to Etna in order to be... "repaired"..."

The drones eyes shift to a deep crimson.

"... and obviously something must've occurred which separated you from your Corsair compatriots. Perhaps something to do with... Outcast organs? Cardamine addiction would explain why you seem... different from the man my men used to face."

The voice changes from that of a middle-aged Bretonian male to a deep, synthetic voice.

"[We can do much for you if you are willing to change your directives]"

The voice changes back to "normal".

"Are you willing to abandon your preconceptions regarding the nation?"

Subversion - ... kur nubėgo? - 03-07-2010

Antonio was still whiffing the lush fumes produced by cigar he was smoking. He made few steps forward but the sharply stopped and started:

- Sails had me? Corsair compatriots? *Vilkas chuckled* I think you interpret things quite wrong here, Senor spider. You see, I think I had them, rather than they had me. If the scenario would be like you just said, you think they woule let me go alone that easily?

His face changed from dim smile to signs of depression

- I doubt you realize what is like to be a corsair. It's to become something, something more than anyone else could dream of. And I realized that I can do it just on my own. You blame some cardamine being a cause of it? Nahhhh.. it's me who turns direction of my own faith. And you see, I don't need them anymore. I can go on my own. And before your agent crossed my path I was doing just fine.

Antonio stepped backwards, but no, that wasn't an action made out of fear or suspence. He took the bottle from which he drank earlier
. Picked up a glass and poured the liquid to it.

Say, Wizard, do you drink anything else than oil? Ha ha ha

He made one shot and placed cigar back to his mouth

As I have mentioned.. where we were? Ahh. Maybe that's not the point. You see, the reason why I am here talking with some legged can is Logan. I have a belief that you are somehow related with him and that "Doc" he is speaking greatly of. I want to know everything, and you rather talk, before I haven't squished you like some bug on my Titan's cockpit's window.

Vilkas finished his drink and placed his eyes on strange looking metal creature

Subversion - Dennis Jameson - 03-07-2010

"And... why should the destruction of this drone matter to me? I can produce a million more, and as I say to all the people who elect to damage MY property... I think you'll find it to be more than a match for your skills..."

The drones eyes glow in a deep crimson then suddenly changes to an azure blue before speaking in a much more cheerful tone of voice.

"... however I didn't come here to exchange threats with you, I came in the hopes of giving you something which I believe you crave... respect, power... freedom... Freedom is something you had while roaming the space alone, unaffiliated, but did you possess any power like the one you used to wield while in the service of the Empire, hmm?"

"[We offer you a place in the Nacion Maltesa in exchange for... limited servitude when we require your skills..."

"What defines an Outcast? The Cardamine that flows through their veins. Mr Willows was, like you, an "outsider" who was exposed to Cardamine and was cast out as a result... as was I."

Jameson's drone produces a rather chilling electronic laughter before speaking in a rather serious tone.

"They fear the power that can be gained through Cardamine... surely you've felt the effects of the substance? It expands your perception, improves the body... it grants power... and we Outcasts are the only ones who possess it."

The voice changes to a more friendly tone once more.

"But I take it you're not much for speaking to an inanimate object, so I think I'll show you one of my many, regular, faces..."

The drone's head begins to unfold, displaying a holographic projector of alien design... it starts to function with a crack of electricity. The drone stands, and a field of pure energy envelops it and underneath the drone seems to transform into a skeleton-like construct... and after half a minute, an oddly shaped human stands in front of Antonio.

[Image: 62637242.jpg]

"I'd now like to request your rebuttal, along with any questions you might have for me before I start to spew out riddles and cryptic phrases once more. Oh, and I'll make sure to order some more refreshments... you do seem to enjoy them."

The holographic image smiles and sits down on a nearby chair, strangely enough the chair seems to char as the image settles down to it, almost as if the energy field had a physical effect on it...

Subversion - ... kur nubėgo? - 03-07-2010

Vilkas sprayed the liquid out of his mouth at the moment the avatar showed to him.

Who the hell are you?

No, not the strange appearance have caused such reaction. Antonio was used to see his old head pirate Gentle in similar manner. Perhaps, in that moment he finaly find something incommon

More drinks? Of course. Like I had an option. I doubt you ever served on junkers ship as his tool or just another kind of personal property. From age 14 alcohol helps to keep up my spirit high. You see I trust in it rather than people. They ask too many questions or more often they just search for opportunity how to use your weakness or how to warm up in your glory. Blah Sophisticated morons

Antonio made few sharp gestures with hands in the air and took a seet on near by table

Cardamine. Si, I see it now. Same can be said about people. They fear everything they do not know or do not understand. So tries to destroy it. Later looks for justifications, but can't realize that they are like blind people talking about light. Cardamine, cardamine Cheap drug? Nahh. I do not regret it.

He hushed for a moment. Turned his head to a window and laid his eyes on stars shining far away near a green nebula, while still looking at them he continued

You surely didn't come here to ask how I am doing, right? Ghost of Razgriz.. I just wonder why a former enemy offers me a drink after I killed so many of your .... servants?

Vilkas has finished talking and continued on his cigar

Subversion - Dennis Jameson - 03-09-2010

"People can be replaced, and to be frank you killed nothing but minions who are of little importance to [us]"...

Jameson pauses.

"What I'm interested in is an answer to the question I asked a minute ago; Would you consider working together with your former enemies in exchange for the power you crave, hmm?"

Subversion - ... kur nubėgo? - 03-09-2010

Enemies? You think I would sit in the same room with a person I treat as an enemy and just have a talk?

Antonio turned down his eyes from the window and pushed himself away from the table. Second after Vilkas started to walk in circles chucking his chin

So you kindly ask to lend you a hand. Hah, I just wonder what pushed you to do so. Cant keep the corsairs at bay anylonger? I know something you dont know? Maybe I posses some items you want to have your hands on? Bad luck, seems your agent already did the dirty job for corsairs. I believe my ship now is barely moving wreck which needs to be catapulted from the landing pad in order to fly atleast couple of clicks. I just wonder if you can provide me a ship which is not made out of spit and toiletpaper like those crafts your men are ussaly flying. And then Ill concider your proposition.

After Antonio finished talking in full voice, he kept on whispering something more. He thought that Avatar wont be able to hear him. Unfortunatly it possessed something else than human ears.

Power Cant beat them join them. Si for too long I have been pushed around by all those damn morons. And Shepardi blah, seems he cares about those weaklings more.

Antonio bunched fists and kept walking around in circles

Subversion - Dennis Jameson - 03-12-2010

"I think you'll find that we are quite capable of keeping the Empire at bay... it just so happens that I am a very unique individual who enjoys to offer people a second chance when they succumb to Cardamine..."

Jameson produces a toothy grin before proceeding.

"... and there is more to gain from befriending an enemy than to slay him.

As... questionable my intentions may be, you will find that they are pure in time... should you accept that is. For now, allow me to offer the following for you to consider.

A new ship based on the Titan... My drones have already began to scan your ship and I will soon have a digital blueprint of which I can use to recreate your ship using Outcast technology...

A chance at revenge on your former minions who quite frankly betrayed you when they realized what you were to become.

And... a chance to rise to power once more.

Now... the obvious chain of thought you're having now is "What could the price for all these perks be?" My answer is simple: That you do a few odd missions for me from time to time... You are, of course, free to do as you wish in between missions, and you'll even have a rank within my organization so that you may summon assistance should you require it."

Jameson pauses to read Antonio's reactions before delivering the final sycophantic blow.

"And more importantly: If you become one of us... I can show you the power Cardamine can grant you."

Satisfied with his barrage of words, Jameson relaxes into the chair once more, and yet again a small puff of black smoke rises as the chair is burnt by the energy field.