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Waiter, there's some fantasy in my War Story! - Printable Version

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Waiter, there's some fantasy in my War Story! - Blockhead - 06-27-2005

It's a webcomic that's got everything you could possibly want: Biplanes and Airships, and telepathic psychic cats, and guns, lots of guns...

It's also got a very interesting storyline that seems somehow to be around a different time/different place reincarnation angle, so that's always good.

It will rock your socks! :laugh:

Waiter, there's some fantasy in my War Story! - Cecasander - 06-28-2005

I followed Alpha Shade nearly since the beginning, but I found didn't make much plot developement and they were just scraps of events. It just didn't make much sense then. However, it looks pretty cool :cool: