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To the Rheinland Police - Printable Version

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To the Rheinland Police - Garuda - 03-04-2010


ID: Markus.Reinhold

Subject: Request for the Mjolnir - 19-ARKM-N82

I m a Kruger Pilot and i need this ship for protect our Miningfields and Convoys.

Its just for the secrurity.

Its a good ship.

Main Operations Area:
Rheinland and Omega 7.

Jobs: Protect Kruger ships and Stations from terrorists and pirates.

:::::MESSAGE END:::::

To the Rheinland Police - Colonel.Tigh - 03-04-2010

+++Incoming Transmission+++

Comm ID: Polizeidirektor, Otto Hildebrandt
Receiver: Kruger Minirals, Markus Reinhold
RE: Ship lease
Date: 04.02.818:2330 New Berlin Time

Message Reads:

Dear Herr Markus Reinhold,

We have taken your request under advisement. The Rheinland Polizei is aware that conditions in Omega-7 are difficult, the usual Police patrols do no extend that far out of Rheinland home territory,
and the Military is rather bound in the engagement zones at the Liberty borders.
While Kugers interests are interests of Rheinland, the Rheinland Federal Police will have to denie this request for a number of reasons.
The 19-ARKM-N82 Mjolnir is a relatively new model, and in short supply, Republican Shipbuilding, who is the contractor to build these units for the RFP is working at peek capacity to keep the fighting strength of the police up, they also have to build large numbers of heavy fighters and bomber for the military, to fuel Rheinlands war effort.
Secondly the 19-ARKM-N82 Mjolnir is both a new and unusual concept of fighter, and needs a specially trained crew to operate it, the two Police pilots have to undergo a long and intensive training before the can field the Mjolnir effectively.
Kruger Minirals, while having excellent escort pilots, do not have the trained personal to operate the 19-ARKM-N82, and at this point in time, we can not afford to loose even one of this ships, and at the same time risk the lives of two Kruger pilots.

Do not understand this as a general dismissal of Krugers request, once the supply situation is normalised, The Polizei will be able to train your Crews, and lease you a couple of these ships.
In the mean time I invite two of your pilots, keep in mind that the 19-ARKM-N82 will need a crew of two pilots, to participate in our advanced Mjolnir training. Have these men report to Oberst Falke at Elbe station in Halle.

Yours faithfully, Direktor Otto Hildebrandt, Rheinland Federal Police.