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Help me with a capship loadout - Printable Version

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Help me with a capship loadout - Boss - 03-05-2010

Identify who's going to be shooting at it most and with what ships.

Generally speaking, if it's bombers, you want to be able to swat them down with one salvo.

I tend to spam regular turrets, since I can hit things with them. My Lib SC also packs a LM and a single pulse. I can hit fighters with a LM, don't need Razors.

Solaris is all but useless in a capfight though. Close enough to shoot the other guy is ramming close.

Help me with a capship loadout - NonSequitor - 03-05-2010

The Corvo is not renown as a pvp-platform.

If pvp-performance is higher on your list of priorities, I'd suggest getting a Vidar. Or a Kusari dessie. A BH dessie is also a viable choice, but the vessel's ZOI is tiny.

Deep-six the Solaris turrets, especially if you don't have a massive powercore or a superabundance of hardpoints. Pulse turrets are over-rated as well. Missiles are fun - once you get your target's shields down. Points of interest: missiles can be misled by countermeasures, deflected by flak turret bursts and their tracking is heavily influenced by lag.

Try 1 LM and primaries. Works on caps and ocassionally bombers. If your cruiser has a more robust powercore, use 2 LMs. And try to find LM hardpoints that fire in both forward and rear arcs.

Help me with a capship loadout - Tenacity - 03-05-2010

Meh, personally I've never been a fan of the capship missiles. Yea, if you hit an unshielded target and use proper subtargeting, you can strip guns and the like off of an enemy ship... but they're extremely slow, easy to detonate before they reach you, and cost more energy than the equivalent mortars while generally dealing less damage.

Some players put them to good use, I suppose, but I've never managed to make them worthwhile on my ships.

Anyways, for something like the corvo, with only 8 turret hardpoints, you're going to have to specialize. Four solaris isnt really enough to deal with bombers or fighters quickly, and in a ship as small as the corvo you can do more damage nearly as easily by using standard turrets (which also take less energy and are more useful against other capships). If you want to deal with other caps, I highly recommend a minimum of two pulse turrets and one light mortar. If you want to deal with smaller ships like gunboats, razors are going to be more efficient and more useful than light mortars.

With a smaller cruiser like the corvo, you can easily snipe larger targets from 2-3k away while dodging anything they try to shoot at you, but it will take you a long time to wear down most ships.

@ Megiddo:
"Pulses are overrated"? I disagree. Your primaries only have a 1700 meter range, and require sustained fire to deal significant amounts of shield damage, particularly to larger targets. Sustained fire means you arent dodging, which means you're taking damage. Pulse turrets, just like any burst-damage weapon, allow you to line up a shot and fire in a split second, then continue dodging until your energy or refire is back up. On top of that, they've got over 4000m range, allowing you to hit large targets while being at a comfortably safe distance from their guns.

Anyways, the comment on the Vidar is right, the most difficult cruiser I've ever fought (as a bomber pilot, at least) was a Vidar that came into Omicron Iota to try and farm nomads. That thing could turn like mad and was lethal in a joust.