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Legio - AndiusTheGreat - 03-06-2010

//Almost all of the information contained in this topic is something your character would not know unless he had met with a member of our organization who deemed them a worthy recruit already. The reason I am posting this topic is to make you as a player aware of this organizations existence incase it is a role you would be interested in playing. If you are I can RP a meeting with you in-game or here on the forums, whichever would suit you best.

What is Legio?

Think back to when you first played through the single player campaign. When you heard the words The Order. An organization shrouded in mystery working towards some unknown, possibly even sinister goal. This is what your character would know about Legio. They exist, they are organized, and they are working towards a purpose unknown to your character. Ironically Legio is similar to the Order in more ways than just that. Should your character get down to the meat of what this organization is really about you well find that... SPOILER ALERT.

Legio is to Gallia what the Order is to the Nomads. They are a secret organization who is trying to work against Gallia and their plans in order to protect the rest of Sirius from the invasion the Gallic Royals have planned against them. Should this invasion take place they intend to fight on the front lines like the Order did against the Nomads. Unlike the Order they have the advantage of having human enemies, allowing for considerable amounts of espionage. The Legio have learned considerable amounts about Gallic culture, language, and customs from the Council and the Marquis though they disguised their intentions from them as mere curiosity.

Why is it named Legio?

Legio is Latin for legion. It was the Romans under Julius Caesar who conquered Gaul. What better banner to fly over an organization whos purpose is to fight against Gaul than that of Rome?

If I am invited to join Legio and accept what kind of jobs will I be assigned?

All members of Legio fit into one of two roles. Tagged Legio members are Legio military. Their job is to weaken Gallia by hunting and destroying Gallic military and police patrols, carry out special missions to help undermine the strength of the Gallic war machine and/or foil their plots to weaken the rest of Sirius when force is needed to do so. They also privateer against Gallic companies to weaken the Gallics power to fund and supply an attack on the rest of Sirius. As a side note we do not want anyone to know the purpose of our organization as this could cause many troubles for us. Do not tractor in escape pods. Destroy them so that none may know of our existence.

The second kind of job is espionage; these members will not wear a Legio tag. In fact they may even be encouraged to join Gallic factions and feed information back to Legio. These members will speak and act as though they are loyal Gallic royalists, and will not be added to our members roster.

What kind of equipment, ID, and IFF do Legio members use?

Legio spies will use the ID, IFF, and equipment of the faction they infiltrate. For our military

Whatever you join in, thats your ship. Like the Order we want members from all (Non-Gallic/Nomad) factions to join our organization. Unlike the Order we dont have any equipment of our own to issue you. Should you look to upgrade your ship while a member of Legio we suggest civilian equipment until we can come to agreement with some of the other factions to allow us to purchase their ships and equipment. Also note that Legio is not carrying out an all out war but small scale raids against Gallia. Ships larger than gunboats would attract too much attention to our cause and we dont want anyone outside Legio catching on to what we are up to as this could attract too much attention from the royalists and would probbably upset the Council as well.
Note: Make sure your ship and equipment choices are in accordance with server rules or that you post a petition for an exception.

ID: All Legio member are to use a Freelancer ID.

IFF: All Legio military personnel are to use a Freelancer IFF.

Legio Diplomacy

Gallic House Military, Police, and Corporations

Everyone else except Junkers

Junkers are not considered hostile outside Gallia because of the fact they may not even be Gallic Junkers. They are not to be trusted, and you should keep a close eye on them in order to learn what you may, but do not kill them unless they give you reason. Inside Gallia they are considered hostile.

Legio Rules of Conduct Outside Gallia

Outside Gallia Legio is not to engage anyone unless attacked or they are taking part in a special RP event that for some reason involves Gallic forces (possibly spies or Junkers) outside Gallia, requires them to attack a non-Gallic faction in order to undermine a Gallic plot, or they are retaliating against an enemy who has attacked Legio forces without any provocation in the past.

The main purpose of Legio forces to go outside Gallia is role play purposes. The most common is raising support, recruiting new members, and gathering arms and equipment. Legio forces may also be investigating Gallic plots, hunting possible Gallic agents etc.

When outside Gallia a Legio member needs to take their ship and consideration into equipment. Do not territory owned by a faction opposed to the faction whose ship and equipment you are using as this could lead to conflict between you and said faction. Example: If you are an ex-Outcast with ex-Outcast gear entering the Omicron-Gamma system or coming in close proximity with a base such as Cadiz (Within 10k) could be considered provoking the Corsairs. Bringing a house ship anywhere within a sector of a house it is at war with could also be considered provocation. Just play it smart. If in question error on the side of caution.

Can I trade as a Legio?

Initially Legio had decided on being a strictly military organization. However soon in Legio discovered that strictly military organizations have problems funding themselves unless they are mercenaries to the cause of another. They also discovered that it is hard to cover up your true purpose when you dont have an alternate purpose to give. And as many of the original Legio came to Gallia in hopes to establish trade they already had a fleet of transports and freighters at their disposal. Thus Legio began exporting goods sold by friendly Gallic factions and goods stolen from the royalists. Not only did it bring fresh cash into Legio but allowed them to hold the pretence of being a simple trade company looking to protect their interest. Finally it gave them an easy way to get people outside Gallia in order to find fresh recruits. So in short the answer is. Yes you can trade, but your trade runs need to be centered round exporting goods from Gallia. You can haul other routes to avoid running empty but dont run any route that wont put you back in Gallia at some point.


One may wonder how it came to pass that an organization dedicated to sabotaging the Gallic plots against the rest of Sirius has come into being when Gallia is still a nation shrouded in mystery and the rest of Sirius is as of yet unaware of what they have planned. The original members of Legio were curious explorers fascinated by the idea of a fifth house system. Some came to in hopes of establishing trade, some in hopes of rich lands to pillage and plunder, and some attracted by the idea of a new culture and the knowledge they might have, and adventures that might wait for them. But something was wrong. The Council who had opened the path into Gallia warned that the navy would not welcome outsiders, and the explorers quickly learned that if spotted by the Gallic police or navy they would be shot down. Many of the initial explorers who did not take to heart the warning of the Council were killed. Some became disheartened and left. Others simply accepted the fact that they were not welcome, and established trade with the non-hostile factions. But for some there was a burning question. Why? What would drive these men to kill any and all outsiders who they found? Some pressed the Council for answers, piecing together the parts of the story they would tell, and even going so far as to bribe members of the friendly Gallic factions or get them drunk enough to talk. Some took up far more dangerous methods. They learned all they could of Gallic language and culture, and when they had learned enough they bought Gallic civilian ships of Marquis pretending to be simple Gauls sympathetic to the Marquis cause. Once they had the ship they infiltrated into Gallia, feeding information to their friends on the outside. And through these methods knowledge was gained of dark sinister plans that were being hatched in Gallia. Knowing the danger posed to the rest of Sirius some of these men put aside their former factions in order to combat this growing threat. They gave themselves a simple name to identify themselves without drawing too much unwanted attention to their goals. These men became Legio.

Final Note

I may add more. Feel free to post questions, comments, suggestions etc. I want to fix this up as much as possible; so it is easy to understand and so that I will be ready to apply for an official faction if there is enough interest. Also note that while I want to get the ball on this rolling if anyone else loves this RP idea and wants to get in and actively take a part in helping lead this organization I would be glad of the help.

Legio - Elsdragon - 03-06-2010

YOu cant make faction recruitment threads without being official, and you cant use recruit ID's Like that.

Legio - AndiusTheGreat - 03-06-2010

' Wrote:YOu cant make faction recruitment threads without being official, and you cant use recruit ID's Like that.

Wow that was fast. Any suggestion as to where I might repost this then? I couldn't find any place to post this kind of information for an unofficial faction.

Also which part is not allowed by recruit ID, and what ID would you suggest?

Legio - Elsdragon - 03-06-2010

Well, you cant attack anyone with a recruit ID engaged, for a start. You cant fly anything but a flighter/bomber or freighter, and you cant trade. We could go get a mod to move this to /f/ though.
Use council ID's, they do the same thing >.>

Legio - AndiusTheGreat - 03-06-2010

' Wrote:Well, you cant attack anyone with a recruit ID engaged, for a start. You cant fly anything but a flighter/bomber or freighter, and you cant trade. We could go get a mod to move this to /f/ though.
Use council ID's, they do the same thing >.>

Are you sure thats a Recruit ID? I thought a Recruit ID was bassicly a non-official military ID. That sounds almost like a Civilian ID.

Ill review Recruit, Freelancer, and Merc IDs. I would rather not get an ID that suggests we are part of a faction we accually aren't. Also I don't intend to let Legio members use Gallic equipment as the Council would disaproove of it. Even if that Gallic equipment is Council equipment.

Legio - Elsdragon - 03-06-2010

A recruit ID has almost the same restrictions as a Civillian ID, im afraid. It's only purpose is to let people run missions. You could use Freelancer ID's though.

Legio - AndiusTheGreat - 03-06-2010

Seeing as it appears Freelancer and Merc IDs have the same restrictions I am going to switch to Freelancer IDs as I belive they more appropriatly reflect our organization. Thanks for pointing that out to me.

Legio - AndiusTheGreat - 03-07-2010

Desired Legio Weapons Restrictions

Permanent weapons restrictions: All Legio members must use weapons choices that make sense for their ship type. When role-playing they joined from another faction they must have weapons and a ship that would be allowed to a member of that faction WITHOUT special request. Preferably I would wish for Legio members to use civilian weapons, codenames, weapons sold by the faction whose ship they fly and non-faction specific weapons like missiles and mines. If you go outside these specific weapons groups it needs to be something that every member of the faction you come from has been granted permission to use. This restriction will never be subject to change.

Short term DESIRED weapons agreements:

In the short term Legio wants come to agreements with all of the official factions representing groups that would logically be some of the first to explore Gallia. So factions that function in areas close to the two entry points into Gallia.

We intend to petition each of these clans to allow Legio members whose role says they came from those factions to be allowed the use of any gunboat, fighter, or bomber available to those factions, as well as weapons as long as those Legio members use the permanent weapons restrictions listed above.

These factions will be:

Independent Miners Guild
Bounty Hunters Guild
(Tell me if I missed a major faction who should logically be one of the first to explore Gallia.)

Long term DESIRED weapons agreements:

As time draws on Legio intends to recruit members from almost every faction of Sirius to join there cause with a few notable exceptions. Therefore we will seek the same agreements desired in the short term desired weapons agreements will all factions excluding.

ANY friendly or non-friendly Gallic faction. As the Council is does not want Gallic weapons or ships leaving Gallia we would not forfeit our bases of operation in Gallia by provoking them in this manner.

Nomads and Wildes. While we seek many allies far and wide to help deal with the Gallic threat we do not need the help of another faction that poses a great threat to all of humanity.

The Order. While would love the assistance of the Order in our goal they are already dealing with another major threat so Legio would not wish to weaken our defenses against the nomads by recruiting Order members.

(If you can think of some other faction that we would never logically try to recruit or would never logically want to join us please bring it to my attention so I can add it to this list if I feel it is needed.)


Please contact me about making some sort of an arrangement concerning these weapons agreements. I would specifically address you in the communications board but as you can see in our RP we arent accually given permission to use your ships so making a RP post requesting that members leaving your faction to join ours be allowed to use your equipment would be odd

For factions under short term agreements I would like to make an agreement effective as soon as possible. For factions under long term agreements I wouldnt mind getting the agreement details squared away and agreed upon to come into effect upon the release of 4.86.