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Infocard Restructuring Concept - Printable Version

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Infocard Restructuring Concept - Thexare - 03-06-2010

Current infocards have one short line at the beginning with the ship's name, class, and place of manufacture. With some ships, this doesn't make their tech chart classification all that clear. So I had an idea to fix that!

Let's take the Kusari Explorer for our sample.

Current Header:
Quote:T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer

Quote:T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer
Ship Class: Gunship
Technology Classification: Kusari Civilian
Built By: Samura Heavy Industries

The "Built By" line is mostly for RP ideas - a Renzu faction appeared briefly thanks to their inclusion on some infocards, after all, and some more information on who builds what might spark more interest in existing corporations. It could be omitted, but I don't really see the harm.

Another related thought was for some ships to have a Black Market classification - rather like the existing Border Worlds listing, ships under that classification would be available to most pirates, mercs, and freelancers, but not so much to law-abiding civilians. There aren't many ships now that could be put in that since the Rogues and Mollys seem to have claimed the Pirate fighters as their own, but it could cover the freighters and transports, and any future generic pirate ships that might get made.

If people like the idea and someone will teach me what to do, I'll do the necessary revisions myself. So for once I'm not saying "wouldn't this be a cool idea? okay you go do it." :laugh:

Infocard Restructuring Concept - Zelot - 03-06-2010

In working on the ship infocards for 4.85 we actually had several companies like Renzu setup for different houses. Unfortunately with all the edits and changes that go into the process, Renzu was the only one to come to fruition. I do think it's really brought a significant amount of rp along with it as well. Might be worth it to go back in and work on some others.

Infocard Restructuring Concept - Blaze - 03-07-2010

I think the Ship class should be Gunboat and not Gunship

Infocard Restructuring Concept - Dusty Lens - 03-07-2010

It's not a bad idea tbh. But would require a shed ton of work. The Renzu corp is something I made up on a whim to get around the Kishiro/Samura dynamic within Kusari. Ensuring a shipline would remain "civilian" yet of a Kusari flavor required a third party.

The creation of a number of smaller companies would be required to facilitate this enterprise... Which, to be honest, strikes me as a worthy endeavor.

Infocard Restructuring Concept - Thexare - 03-07-2010

Well, I already have an idea for a Sirius-wide one (Aquila Defense Systems, I mentioned it elsewhere), and I can come up with some more pretty easily. The core part of the idea, though, is making it explicitly obvious what class every ship falls under by the rules.

And like I said, if someone teaches me how, I'm willing to do the work. It seems like the kind of thing that actually isn't beyond my technical capabilities. :laugh:

Edit: Blaze, I think Kishiro also builds Explorers, though I need someone more knowledgeable to confirm; the point of that example was to illustrate the concept, not get all the details right.

Infocard Restructuring Concept - Dusty Lens - 03-07-2010

The Kusari Explorer is the closest thing to a civilian GB, yeh, but it's ownership is somewhat nebulous.

Ah, rather than one generic company it'd be better to setup a number of smaller regional firms. I'm a fan of more smaller companies coming about, such as the Renzu experiment, but I'm also extremely wary of persons abusing those concepts in the form of personal powergrabs and abuse of fiction to serve as a foundation for restriction and personal entitlement. A very popular pastime around here.

The technical aspect of infocard writing isn't challenging. The challenging portion is in completion of work, attention to detail, lack of bias, lack of objective outside of performing a neutral service etc and a small measure of quality (very small when you take my work into consideration). Very few persons who suggest they are into the idea of writing infocards hold to it, very few even return one (still waiting on you n00bl3t!). Fewer still produce anything which can be used.

Infocards are the least challenging aspect of mod work from a technical standpoint but possibly one of the more challenging aspects of mod work from the demands listed above.

But before you go anywhere it's Igiss who determines the layout of the infocards used in Discovery, I'll ping him to see what he thinks about this format.

Infocard Restructuring Concept - Thexare - 03-07-2010

' Wrote:Ah, rather than one generic company it'd be better to setup a number of smaller regional firms.
Oh, I agree, but a Sirius-wide one works for the ones we don't want regional (Arrow?)

Quote:The technical aspect of it isn't challenging. The challenging portion is in completion of work, attention to detail, lack of bias, lack of objective outside of performing a neutral service etc and a small measure of quality (very small when you take my work into consideration).
Hey, I like yours. >_> Most of the work overall on this would be simple categorization based on the already existing information, and I fully intend to consult various faction leaders about any details I'm unsure of (mostly for the Built By section). A few minor tweaks to the paragraphs for clarity would be added for those ships who might not be built by the original designer anymore such as the Waran.

And of course it's for a neutral service. How many times have I irritated the admins looking for more rules clarification? This is just another way of getting that. :laugh:

Quote:But before you go anywhere it's Igiss who determines the layout of the infocards used in Discovery, I'll ping him to see what he thinks about this format.

To make it absolutely clear (though I'm sure everyone could guess), I want the normal descriptive paragraph(s) to stay, this is an addition rather than a replacement.