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Admin Notice: Player Banned - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Player Banned - Agmen of Eladesor - 03-07-2010

Creating two characters back to back that are not within RP guidelines are not conducive to good gameplay. If you have an opinion - that faction has a feedback board. Post there. Not in game with your character name. Post here about this, and we'll see about unbanning you.

Admin Notice: Player Banned - Bliss - 03-07-2010

I apologize. I thought I had waited long enough to cool off but apparently counting to 247643 was not enough. My creation of the ship KillAllLikePhantom was childish and reactionary. The further creation of the ship PhantomsMustGo was tantamount to virtual suicide given the predictable result, not to mention lacking a certain creative flair. I am glad the name Phantom_here_to_build_ego_by_making_you_feel_weak_and_helpless was far to long, as it definately lacks the inspiration for engaging roleplay. As, ironically, do the phantoms.

I will not go into the particulars of the events that lead up to this foolish outburst since they are, in the end, unrelated to the punishable crime. The bottom line for me was that the encounter was simply not fun. Indeed it was frustrating and belittling. That is not what I look for in a game. And this from an official admin sanctioned, even admin populated faction. (again with the virtually suicidal tendencies).

Why don't they create a faction which is limited to flying hawks and startrackers and limited to lvl 5 guns ? Their RP would be to run around attacking people and getting blown to smithereens, boosting the confidence and swagger of those encountered. But they dont do that because it would be humiliating and no fun. Yet they are allowed to treat other players this way.

This is in sharp contrast to an encounter with a single Wild gunship a day or two ago. Mysterious yet intriguing alien transmissions preceded an epic battle which I of course lost. But you know what? IT WAS FUN. I even sent an OOC private message to that effect afterward to thank him for the fun. While the results were similar for my character, the experience for me the player was completely different.

So here are my intentions for any future Phantom encounter. I will not feed their tiny, thirsty egos by running or fighting or cowering. I will instead berate them personally, lengthily, probably out of character, aiming for the results that Hannibal Lector had on his institutional neighbor. Keep them away from me or limber up your sanction trigger finger.

Admin Notice: Player Banned - Reverend Del - 03-07-2010

So what you are saying is that when it comes to Phantoms you have no intention of obeying the rules? If that is truly the case I won't bother limbering up my sanction finger we'll just leave you banned. Will save on the paperwork.

Admin Notice: Player Banned - Bliss - 03-07-2010

' Wrote:So what you are saying is that when it comes to Phantoms you have no intention of obeying the rules? If that is truly the case I won't bother limbering up my sanction finger we'll just leave you banned. Will save on the paperwork.

Well that's to bad. I think the new mining is brilliant. Sitting in the fields gives an opportunity to chat (in-character) and maybe even make some friends. Then make a dash for for selling with incredibly valuable cargo. Not everyone is into the bluster and bang sort of roleplay. But I guess the only role I am allowed to have is fodder for others. I supposed I could say 'oh please mr. mighty phantom terror guy (yawn- excuse me) dont hurt me I am so scared.' And then get blown up again with no comment. All while trying to work out a deal with another miner that I was much more interested in. I will try. But to tell the truth I am a little short on grovel right now. The whole experience has left me bit less enthusiastic so I am pretty ambivalent right now. If this infraction is all it takes for a permanent ban then so be it. Best to get it done with before I make some good friends I would be sorry to lose. Your choice.

Admin Notice: Player Banned - Fellow Hoodlum - 03-07-2010

Nope, your choice I'm afraid. You made it abundantly clear you would break the rules. You can retract the
statement and continue to play, or stick with that and the consequences that go with it.
Simple really.

Admin Notice: Player Banned - Bliss - 03-08-2010

I have, for my part, made peace with the phantoms. (Well, with the players, not their chars) If I see them in game I will behave in an appropriate manner. I will not intentionally break any rules. If I do, it will be in ignorance, not in anger.

Admin Notice: Player Banned - Fellow Hoodlum - 03-08-2010

Equitable solution reached, you'll find your account is unbanned now. Hopefully we won't be seeing your
name here again.