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my money has dissappeared! - Printable Version

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my money has dissappeared! - Shok - 03-07-2010

Not sure if this is the best place for this topic but here goes.

I've lost about 800,000 credits using the 'givecash' command. I know it's not a huge sum, but I'm starting over again with new chars, so this is a bit of a pain in the backside as I had plans for that cash.

I know I've used the right spellings of names etc, and the cash has been sent, but when I log the new char in, the money is not received. Anyone else had similar problems?

my money has dissappeared! - gafwmn - 03-07-2010

Never had a problem with,but if you get me your char name I'll donate the 800k back to ya

my money has dissappeared! - Shok - 03-07-2010


Money should have ended up with 'kore'.

my money has dissappeared! - ArmsAndLegs Guy - 03-07-2010

The money has been recieved on the character. You just don't get the confirmation message when logging in to the character, at the moment. The money IS on the character. When you logged in to the char you sent the cash to, you got the "ka-ching" sound as normal. You just didn't get the confirmation message.

Thats because there is a new plugin version loaded, which gives some new functionality for the Admins, alas there is a small bug in it, so the first text banners after the regular textbanners aren't shown. That includes the "money sent from"message you normally would see when logging in to a char that has had money sent to.

A & L Guy

my money has dissappeared! - Tensdale - 03-07-2010

If 800K means that much to you, I'll donate 10 million to ya.

I'll send them in 5 minutes.

my money has dissappeared! - ArmsAndLegs Guy - 03-07-2010

Well, it isn't necessary since he did receive the 800K on the character he transferred it to.

Donate the 10 Mill to the Angels instead.

A & L Guy

my money has dissappeared! - gafwmn - 03-07-2010

I already sent him a mill.

my money has dissappeared! - Tensdale - 03-07-2010

I didn't give him the 10 mill because he lost some money..

And sure, I'll donate 10 mill to the angels also

my money has dissappeared! - ArmsAndLegs Guy - 03-07-2010

' Wrote:I didn't give him the 10 mill because he lost some money..

And sure, I'll donate 10 mill to the angels also
Good man! :yes:

A & L Guy

my money has dissappeared! - Chupacabras - 03-11-2010


about a few minutes ago i transfered 8.000.000 from my char nick.lion to nick.defton. with the givesash command. I got a message like "money sent".

But no money arrived. I relogged varius times, but no money. The sending char now does not have tme money, and the other too.

So the money dissapered really. What shoul i do to get it back?