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Elona Kria - Printable Version

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Elona Kria - Arcath - 08-20-2007

Accessing Historical Database

Search For Officer 2326765

Record Found Displaying Historical Data

Historical Database Wrote:Backgrouund information for officer 2326765 Liberty Police

There is no record of Elona's Birth, so an assumption is made that he was born in the border worlds from parents who where also not logged.

His recorded life starts 20 years ago when he was found in the wreckage of a ship that chrashed in the Omicron Lost system. He was aproximatley age 5 as a result was useless as an informant, so was placed into an orphanage on Manhattan in New York.

12 years later he join the Liberty Police Acadamey and exceled and graduated top of his class. He excelled at his job as was quickly promoted to Detective Inspector.

Closing Record

Accessing Current Asignment

Assignment Log Wrote:Current Assignment
Special Ops out of Ft. Bush

Current Task
Working with the alien ruins in Newcastle


This new aretifact has an amazing ability to supress memory the trials have shown that it is able to surpress selective memory, if we can subliminley create a life, we will be able to place officers undercover and there will be no way to detect them. i will be undertaking the first test of this.

Apparently the test wnet very worng, and when i was put in place it was too late i had forgotten my entire life. Fourtunatley i was compelled to return to newcastle maybe on some level i knew. I managed to keep a log of my time but im not sure if its useful

I think that there are still some bugs to iron out but the technology holds promise, im just not sure that people will like knowing thier minds lie in teh hands of an alien machine