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Eduardo Quin - Soul Reaper - 03-09-2010

Eduardo Quin


-Eduardo Quin (zha pie rat)
-Captain Mark Smith (captain of the gull tranport that got blown up in the first part)
-Bill Toby (Eduardo's liberty rogue friend that got shot in the bar)
-Richard Larkin (a barman of Buffalo Base)
-Chad Brown (Eduardo's wingman that had to deal with 2 guardians while they were targetting Eduardo)
-Valeria Cortez (someone who works at Malta flight command)
-Green 2 (Eduardo's wingman, Falcata)
-Green 3 (Eduardo's wingman, Sabre)
-Green 4 (Eduardo's wingman, Sabre)
-Green 5 (Eduardo's wingman, Sabre)
-Javier Perez (A higher ranking official of the Outcast armada, the one that ''fired'' Eduardo)
-Rey Pedro (Guard that tried stopping Eduardo)

Now...not to keep you waiting any longer, off to the small bio we go !


Part 1

Come on, I..I..I cant give that much, I have a family to feed !
Yeah well, I got myself to feed, if you can dig what I mean

A clear, determined, hated voice of laughter filled the comm. Line.

Come on boy, you know the chances of getting outta here arewell, you dont have a chance of getting out of here actually.

If you were close enough to the Series ZX Falcata Border Worlds Bombers Nova hard point, you could hear the small buzzing sound as the Super Nova Antimatter Cannon quickly charged itself to full power. And if you were in the CT-49X Gull Civilian Transports bridge, you can watch the scanning consoles and see the energy discharge as the Falcata call signed Green 1 charged its Antimatter Cannon.

Alright, alright, Ill pay, p-
Just shut up and cough it up, idiot, you wouldnt want me mad, now would you?

Eduardo grinned as he saw the credits pour into his neural net account

Score 500 thousand more credits

The Falcatas weapons powered down as its cruise engines activated, and was out of scanner range before long, without even one more word said.


The old, even seemingly rusty bar was filled with laughter, and talk of all sorts, in one of the groups a conversation about pirating was going on,

Man, you shouldve seen his face! I think some of it was seeping out of his pants

The bar filled with laughter as always, and just then a fight started, bottles flying over peoples heads, punches burying themselves in peoples faces, in the end when the big board that had the name BUFFALO written on it fell down, the barman had to take out a rifle and shoot someone to stop the fight.
When everyone settled down and started talking again, and the same group had gone back to their table, but one person short.

Heh, too bad we couldnt see Bills face, I bet he didnt even have time to have it seeping down through his pants, HEY, NICE SHOT RICHARD!

The barman just grinned and sent a bottle of whiskey to Eduardos table, as he and his friends were still laughing at the remark of Bills sudden death.

So, Eduardo, hows yer hunt, got any of em cashcows?

Nah, mostly little stuff, bout 7 pull offs today, though, only interesting one, was some smart guy, he asked me how much before I could even ask him fora donation, made him pay up double cause he thought he was so smart

The others grinned, as it seemed, Eduardo was the head of that small group, as most Outcasts are when with Liberty Rogues, some how the Rogues felt Eduardo as a higher rank. About an hour later, when all the chat in the bar was still going on nonstop, and even after a few more fights, the console in front of the barman lit up in red, he quickly read it then yelled at everyone in the bar.

HEY, YOU WORTHLESS DRUGGED IDIOTS, LISTEN UP! We got a big convoy of cardi coming in, 3 transports, seems they wanted to slack around and took the gate, navy got em around the Texas gate, Eduardos fellas (meaning Outcasts) escorting them are droppin like flies, everyone get to their ships, NOW!

The bar was emptied quick as lighting, the Rogue pilots quickly went to the hangars, checked their ships and undocked into space heading towards the Texas gate, they all had grim faces, but were ready for a fierce battle.


A small beep was heard, and the targeting crosshair of Eduardos HUD turned red, he grinned.


He pressed the trigger, a comet of antimatter flashed through the Cannons barrel and landed straight on its target. If sound could travel in space, you couldve heard a deafening explosion as the antimatter ripped through the hull of the unshielded Liberty Siege Cruiser, vaporizing a chunk of its main reactor, and moments later, other antimatter blows came in from other Rogue/Outcast ships. Major explosions started rising from the Siege Cruiser, it soon was nothing but a large hunk of debris floating towards New Yorks blazing sun as its Gravity Well was hungry for any piece of matter.

Eduardo, on your six, 2 guardians
Chad, take care of them, dont have the time, theres a gunboat there needed dealing with
On it

The fight raged on for several more hours

Eduardo Quin - Soul Reaper - 03-09-2010

Part 2 (And, the last part actually, told you, was just a small bio)

‘’Ok, really, give me 5 minutes to contact my boss, I’ll have the money ready, just…don’t shoot’’
‘’Yeah well, hurry it up, we’re on a schedule you know’’

The pirates grinned, as they were about to hit a jackpot. Suddenly Eduardo’s comm. Console beeped as a message from HQ came in,

‘’This is Valeria Cortez from Malta command, Green leader, come in’’
Eduardo tapped a button,
‘’This is Eduardo Quin, Green leader, what’s up Central?’’
‘’Eduardo, you’re needed in Tau 23, one of our destroyers need assistance against some Colonial bombers-‘’
‘’But, I’m about to hit a nice pull of on a cashcow here, cant you sen-‘’
‘’Eduardo, that’s an order, get to it, NOW’’
‘’Damn it, fine, Green wing, en route to 23….ugh’’

He cut the comm. Line with central command.

‘’Damned little…I’m sick of this, it’s the 10th time this week, alright boys, not enough time to deal with this, weapons free, waste ‘em all’’
‘’Roger that amigo, Green 2, engaging’’
‘’Green 3, engaging’’
‘’Green 4, engaging’’
‘’Green 5, engaging’’

The CT-73 ‘’Stork’’ Civilian Advanced Train was suddenly swarmed with 3 Series Z ‘’Sabre’’ Border Worlds Very Heavy Fighters striking down the Stork’s shields with the Outcast designed ‘’Inferno’’ Pulse Cannons, and the last blow was stricken by Eduardo’s Antimatter Cannon, along with the other Falcata of his wing, directly stabbing the reactor of the transport ship, it ripped into 2 pieces, explosions all over, soon to become just another wreck floating in space. The 2 ‘’Atlas’’ IMG Transports also tried to get away but were quickly took down, even faster then the stork, the 2 fighter escorts of the ‘convoy’ fled before they could even think of firing just a shot. 1 Stork and 2 Atlases were down under 2 minutes, also were the chances of Eduardo getting 45million credits.


‘’Well, seems you have some problems, concerning, the Dons?’’
‘’Yes, I do’’

After waiting a few short seconds, while the ‘higher ranks’ of the outcast nation, were eyeing him around the room, Eduardo continued,

‘’I’m sick of your attitude, soldier, your file says you’ve been all around Sirius, just pirating anyone, not even 1 battle with the damned Corsairs, for 2 whole months, and you’ve even filed complaints to the Dons themselves, that you were called in for help, just when you were pirating…a..a…’’
The Outcast looked at the file in his hand,
‘’Cashcows…yes…cashcows, whatever they might be’’
‘’Look…sir, I could’ve made a total of 70 million credits, in total, if I hadn’t been called for help every frea-‘’
‘’ENOUGH, you are a part of the Great Outcast Nation, bearing the cross, you will aid your brothers and sisters whenever needed, that is your sole duty, now, do you want to continue it or not’’
‘’I will aid my brothers and sisters when needed, but I will not continue to serve, the Dons, if I might be clear enough’’

Eduardo turned his back on his Commander, and walked towards the door, a guard tried to stop him but soon went quietly back into his corner as soon as Eduardo looked him into the eye, he might have just resigned from his rank, and even the entire Outcast nation entirely, but he was still very known, and had many connections, and the guard knew it well.

Eduardo would no longer serve the Outcasts, he was seen as a disgrace to the higher ups, or the dons of the Outcast Nation, though he was always welcomed into Alpha, since he never ceased aiding his ‘brothers and sisters’, even though he was independent.


‘’Here we are, take a look at these babies’’

Eduardo looked up as he crossed the secondary hangar of Attica Station, yes, the ultimate Rogue base, the HQ of all their operations, Attica Station, you could rarely find any pilot not a Rogue here, as only the pilots that have worked for the Rogues heavily, could maybe get in, but Eduardo had his contacts. He looked up at the 3 ship types standing in front of him, the Z-4800 ‘’Greyhound’’ Pirate Heavy Fighter, then he set eyes upon the Z-9000 ‘’Barghest’’ Liberty Rogue/Molly Bomber, and he didn’t even look at the other ship, the Barghest, the pinnacle of Rogue and Molly development to design THE perfect pirating ship, it was ugly but also beautiful in its own way..

Eduardo knew it was going to be hard…but, he wanted that ship, and he was ready to do –anything- for it.



//well, another quick and short, and mabye even pleasant character bio complete, ta ta !

Eduardo Quin - Soul Reaper - 03-20-2010

:: PD v1.0 Starting Up ::
::Activation Complete, No Files Detected, Creating New........Complete::

::Starting Personal Log Database, Name: Diary::

::Log 1::


''Right, this thing working ?''

*noise of tapping is heard*

''Guess it is...anyway, now, dear...dear, uhhh...what was it again ?''

*A noise comes from some distance away, ''A Diary!''*

''Oh right...ok..Dear Diary, this will be my first log into you, and it'll be used to keep track of what I've done, I'll be uploading Gun Cam and other ship info into you for when needed, just incase I need to prove something to someone,, lets get this done, my first day of an independant pirate, out of the Outcasts, which was 2 days ago, was boring, couldnt find much to do, but today, it was interesting, sort of, were to start...''

*He sighs, and lights a cigar*

''Guess I'll do this quick, rather make it some kind of...important document, anyway. I was looking around for miners to, well...pirate, or do business with, would be the correct term, I had found some, though they had almost a small fleet protecting them, consisting of 3 Small mining ships, 2 gunboats, and a Battlecruiser. I acted cool and all, but they still chased me away, no harm done there...then, lets skip an hour or so. I was heading to Cali Base, from Malta, and I had just like, 10k left to go, when 3 Colonials ambush me, think their callsigns were...


I could be wrong...

However, continuing, they came telling me to cut my engines, of course, I didnt, THEY CANT TELL ME WHAT TO DO...idiots...then after some little time, they open fire and I head to Cali, evading. I barely took any hits, then I realize that the Battlecruiser from earlier came all the way here, and opened fire, I used Cali as a shield''

*He puffs out some smoke*

Right...the Battlecruiser thought it could penetrate Cali's armor, which of course it couldnt. Anyhow I had those Colonial fighters and the battlecruiser on me, when suddently Alberto Carrera from the101st appears near me, and the Colonials back off, as well as the IMG Battlecruiser, and it came to a standstill...anyway, if we fast foward about half an hour, miss Eva Santos appears, again, from the the 101st. They seemed to want to destroy that Battlecruiser,


so I said I could help, few moments later we were engaged with the Battlecruiser, the Colonials said they were holding back until the Captain wanted any assistance. We kept on fighting and all, then out of nowhere this IMG Gunboat appears,


We switched our target to that, and it died pretty quickly, and I got my first kill

::Uploading Data File::

Then, we switched back to the Battlecruiser, and it died as well after some time

::Uploading Data File::

Alright..again, fast fowarding...

Anyway, this


Fella appears again, he's been after me the whole day, failing to kill me, in his big bad Kusari Explorer, not so big mabye, but still, its like a gunboat sheesh.

We get into a fight again, cause that Talesin and that Colonial, King, was following me while I was doing business, anyway, the firing starts, and this pretty miss from the GC aids me, named Inari, or..something like that, helps me, and we're up against 1 gunboat, the Kusari Explorer, and 3 fighters.

We kill Talesin in the end,

::Uploading Data File::

but shortly after damaging the gunboat, the GC sad. And I continue dodging all the fire for about 20 minutes, but in this time I took lots of damage, so I just docked on Cali and put an end to it. And thats mainly it, cya around Diary!

Updating Kill Record:

-1 IMG Battlecruier
-1 IMG Gunboat
-1 Hegemon Mining Ship
-1 Kusari Explorer

::Log Complete, Terminating Program::

March 30, 817 A.S.