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Bounty on Azero - Printable Version

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Bounty on Azero - House0430 - 03-11-2010

>>>SOURCE: Planet New York, New York System
>>>TO: All Bounty Hunters and the like.
>>>FROM: Dr. Marvin Crowley [COMM ID: Cryer|Dr.Crowley]
>>>SUBJECT: The death of a swine!

Ladies and gentlemen,

I wish a certain outcast to be eliminated, normally I'd just set our own security force after him, but I'm feeling particularly spiteful at the moment and the disrespect I received in MY OWN SPACE is intolerable. His COMM ID is Azero, last seen in the Colorado System, the bounty is for 20 million credits, provide proof on this channel.

Good Hunting,

Dr. Marvin Crowley, Administrator
Experimental Substance Division
Cryer Pharmaceuticals