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Ship disapeared, but still there ... - Printable Version

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Ship disapeared, but still there ... - Oldum - 03-11-2010

Good Day everyone.

I've recently got into GMG, and made a new char for it yesterday.

The name was GMG|GTS-Novikovo .

I logged in, did a /restart Kusari, but didn't do anything else.

Today, I wanted to continue the ship, but it's gone.
The ship is not on the list of the account it should be, and when I tried to create it again (assuming that char wipe took it) I got the message telling that this ship name already exist. But it's not there, so I really don't know.

The ship itself is not the important, more like the name, so if one of the Admins could help in rather restoring or deleting the mentioned name, so I can make it again, I'd be happy.

Please send a PM , or write here, if you are willing to and can help.

Thanks in advance.

Ship disapeared, but still there ... - Cannon - 03-11-2010

Ah. I see what's happened. It's moderately amusing. The restart character files were created at a time that is older than the character inactivity deletion time. When you restarted, the server immediately deleted the restarted character. I've fixed this.

You'll be able to restart a ship with the above name after the next server restart (approx. 12 hours time).