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Need some clarification. - Printable Version

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Need some clarification. - djbohman - 03-12-2010

In the tech chart the white cells are "with holding faction permission", I am a bit confused on this. I apologize if this is common knowledge. Do you have to apply to fly those ships? Could someone explain this to me. Where would I get permission?

And second (not trying to find loopholes, just want to be clear). When a miner has a full load of ore and is moving through a system, is he considered a trader or miner? Oh and he has not mined in that system.

Thank you.

Need some clarification. - sovereign - 03-12-2010

Shooting rocks = mining
Carrying rocks = trading

For white cells, go ask the faction, in character, in a comm channel. Here is the subforum for such requests. Some factions have dedicated threads for them (GMG in particular come to mind). If you do not apply for one of these ships, you'll likely undock in Bastille one day- it is required for white cell equipment.

If there's no one to give you permission, then just post a story of how you acquired it in the Stories and Biographies subsection.

Oh, and since you said the word "miner" and are new to Discovery, I think I should point out

Quote:The Wild ID

Pilot carrying this ID is a member of The Wild, who :

* Can attack any ship at will

Your questions indicate you did more than just skim the rules, kudos to you for that, but I figure it's best you know that Das Wilde can and will blow you up before such an event occurs... had a lot of people go "//illegal attack ima report you" past few days, maybe some of them will read this.

Now, after I've shown you the terrorist faction most likely to disrupt your mining, enjoy discovery!:P

Need some clarification. - sovereign - 03-12-2010

Fnrg, double post due to IPS driver errors...

Need some clarification. - Champ - 03-12-2010

Seconded. Sovereign's first post, not the second.

Just remember that not all of Discovery is in the rules. Just a lot of it, so keep reading! :laugh: