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Rule 1.6 and 3.4 - Printable Version

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Rule 1.6 and 3.4 - Pinko - 03-15-2010

Rule 1.6 Wrote:1.6 Player who is violating a server rule can be warned in the game or on forums. If the player does not ignore the warning, does not repeat the violation, and tries to reduce the negative consequences of what he/she did, this player would not be sanctioned.

Warning is optional. In case of a violation, especially a serious one, sanction can be applied straightaway.

3.4 Wrote:3.4 Threatening other players with reports and sanctions, attempting to pose as an Admin and using an Admin's name without permission is not allowed.

If I understand well, I may warn a person, in private, that he/she has violated a rule and to tell him what rule he has broken. Although, if I tell him that I am going to report him for breaking the rule, then I am going to be sanctioned myself. Am I understanding correctly? It's always how I interpreted these two rules, but I'd like to know the people's opinion.

Rule 1.6 and 3.4 - Sprolf - 03-15-2010

Usually, it seems that you get sanctioned if you mention the rules in-game. If I do mention the rules, I make sure it is after any interactions that we have had and that I don't really say anything that could be at all possibly a little tiny bit somewhat threatening to a very paranoid person.

Rule 1.6 and 3.4 - Pinko - 03-15-2010

And I just realized that, going even further....

1.6 Wrote:Player who is violating a server rule can be warned in the game or on forums.

As an example, if Sprolf F1s on me in game, I could write a topic on the forum denounciating him, or rather and most likely, ask why did he have to F1?

Rule 1.6 and 3.4 - Alex. - 03-15-2010

But wouldn't a moderator come and lock the topic for trial-by-forum?

Rule 1.6 and 3.4 - Reverend Del - 03-15-2010

You'll notice most of section 1 applies to the Admins. So does 1.6.

There's no rule that covers us asking you to talk first, and here's the thing, if you ask someone why they broke the rules and are trying to get them to alter that facet of their play, there's no reason you should be sanctioned. Rule 3.4 is meant to be preventing "I get you banned" and such wonderful lines as that. It's not supposed to prevent folks politely informing other folks that understanding of the rules may have gone awry.

Rule 1.6 and 3.4 - Kazinsal - 03-15-2010

Del hath spoken.


Rule 1.6 and 3.4 - Cannon - 03-15-2010

To add to what Del said, the intention of the rule is to stop people saying:

"If you pirate me I will sanction you"
"Pay me 20 mil or I report you"

Or one that happened to me:
cannon: "Oh really?"

Now in the past I think we've sanctioned people for saying to another player that they broke the rules. The reasoning is something like, saying that "you broke the rules" is pretending to be an admin thus not allowed.

This was a mistake. We shouldn't have done this and will try not to do it in the future.

Note that if we think somebody is threatening a player when they say "you broke this rule" then it is a different situation.

In short:
Using rules as threats = bad
Explaining rules and helping people = good

Rule 1.6 and 3.4 - Reverend Del - 03-15-2010

"You broke the rules, here's how to avoid doing so in the future" That's a good sentence and frankly we should not sanction anyone for using it or any derivation of it.

"You broke the rules, I'm going to report you." That's bad and you will be sanctioned for using it and any derivation of it.

As Cannon said, in the past we have sanctioned for the first and we shouldn't have in retrospect. That's punishing someone for trying to make the server a little better. Kind of defeats the object really.

Rule 1.6 and 3.4 - Thade - 03-15-2010

' Wrote:Or one that happened to me:
cannon: "Oh really?"
This is priceless! :lol:

' Wrote:Explaining rules and helping people = good
That one was concerning me also. I usually check low level pilots ship&weapons+ID+IFF combination and try to RP with them (even if they usually don't get it... :rolleyes:) telling them that that particular combination is a little unlawful. As an example, yesterday I saw a guy (level 45) with an Order VHF, a couple of Colada del Cid and 4 Vengeance IV, mounting a Liberty Police ID. Think I told him at least twenty times that his combination was a little weird to say the least until he decided to fix everything.

Rule 1.6 and 3.4 - MarvinCZ - 03-15-2010

' Wrote:Explaining rules and helping people = good
I can't help but add a bit:

Doing so in system/local chat = bad

Discovery Server Rules Wrote:3.3 Out-of-character (OOC) chat must not be used in system or local chat. OOC communication in group or private chat between players will cease if one player requests it. Admins are free to communicate with any player at any time.