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Im back for spring break, end of the week I'll vanish again. - Printable Version

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Im back for spring break, end of the week I'll vanish again. - Jazz - 03-15-2010

Title says it all, ill be perusing the forum this week, but very soon will dissapear. And I will not e ingame at all, I gave up video games for Lent.

anyways, hullo Disco!
-The Forum Furry

Im back for spring break, end of the week I'll vanish again. - schlurbi - 03-15-2010


Another Artist. Why are you staying away anyway?

Im back for spring break, end of the week I'll vanish again. - Alex. - 03-15-2010

I don't know you, but welcome back (temporarily >.<) anyways.:)

Im back for spring break, end of the week I'll vanish again. - AJBeast - 03-15-2010



Im back for spring break, end of the week I'll vanish again. - Jazz - 03-15-2010

Thankies, AJ ^.^

Im staying away due to the considerable handicap of not having a computer that im allowed to use:PLong story short I had a few C's and until they come up no Laptop for me =(

Im back for spring break, end of the week I'll vanish again. - Sprolf - 03-16-2010


Im back for spring break, end of the week I'll vanish again. - aerelm - 03-16-2010

Cant you stay a bit longer? pwease ? D:
Anyway, See you around and enjoy your (short) stay!;)

Im back for spring break, end of the week I'll vanish again. - Jansen - 03-16-2010

Welcome back even if its just for short:P

Im back for spring break, end of the week I'll vanish again. - RmJ - 03-18-2010

Man it's been to long:(don't make it long again!

Im back for spring break, end of the week I'll vanish again. - Jazz - 03-18-2010

Well, after sprng break it probrobly will be quite a while before i come back. I plan to be here all summer though, and my senior classes next year arn't too hard so I may be able to play during the school year next year ^.^