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Dexter Ward takes to space - Printable Version

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Dexter Ward takes to space - sait666 - 03-18-2010


the name's Dexter; rookie pilot, pleased to meet you.
To cut a long story short, I finally passed the civilian space flight school test; its been an ambition of mine for a long time to fly between the stars. Seeing the life off planet on the holo discs unfold in the movies is what inspired me in the first place I guess.
So, with the civilian ID in my pocket, I took out a loan, signed up for a local merchant, bought a rampart old freighter and took off.

So its been a few weeks, I've managed to more or less safely run a couple of trade missions.
Life out here isnt exactly as the holo discs portrayed it, but thats life I reckon. For what its worth, I'm liking it more out here, than back on planet Leeds.

I never did spend much time on politics, but by the looks of it I got some catching up to do. Seems everybody's somehow friends of foes out here. Just last night a bunch of Lane Hackers had set up an ambush, luckily the local police flew in to my rescue before I got blown to bits.

Anyhow, thats it for now. I got a cargo of hull plating that needs to be delivered in time if I'm to have a shot at the bonus.

Long live the queen,
be safe out there,
Dexter Ward

Ever since Elite on the C64 space sims have been my favorite type of game. This week I happend to read about Discovery, so I dusted off the old FL disc and gave it a whirl. Having also played RP's both on PC and on paper for 20 years, the RP aspect also appeals to me. I did play FP when it came out, but havent played since, so in the sense of the term I'm a rookie hehe.
So now I'm reading and trying to figure out both the massive history, the rules, and once I got a decent idea of the whole thing I'll make a move towards joining a faction:)

Dexter Ward takes to space - Sarawr!? - 03-18-2010

//Welcome to Discovery, always good to have dedicated new Roleplayers join us here, read the rules if you haven't done so already. It's great to see that you already seem to have a character going, If you want to expand more on that character, you might try posting something:

here, The stories & biography section.

Again, welcome to Discovery, I hope you enjoy your time here! (Even though things can get a bit unsettling at times)

Edit: Oh and the rules can be accessed here

Dexter Ward takes to space - aerelm - 03-18-2010

Welcome to Discovery!
And believe it or not, it's the best "Hi there I'm new" thread I've seen here! Its really nice to see some Experienced Roleplayers joining us, and I'm sure all of us will enjoy it!
The only problem you may have for the start might be the RP Background of Factions and also Server Rules, So I'll just spam you with some links to make things easier for you, So you wont need to wander around forums for 10 hours to find it all!:P

Here are the links;
  • Complete Version of Server Rules
    - Reading and Understanding all these (Even though it might get a bit confusing in the beginning) is essential for Survival (!) on this Server!
  • Technology Usage Chart
    - Want to make a New character with a Specific ID ? First read the ID and its restriction carefully, then check this chart to see What Ships and Guns you can use with it.
  • Discovery Wiki
    - Need Information about any Faction, Ship, or Equipment ? You'll find what you need here.
  • Server Commands
    - There are many useful Commands available on This server, which are really useful, You can find a complete list on the Wiki Page.
When you are In Game and need help, Look for those nice guys around with [The_Angel] Tag, They sure know how to help you out.
Also, From what I see, we should be waiting to see much activity from you in the Role-Playing Hub as you are the 'Writer' type! So See you around!:)

So, Don't be afraid to ask anything you need, and ... Enjoy Your stay!;)

Dexter Ward takes to space - sait666 - 03-18-2010

I got to hand it to the Liberty Rogues, when they want to take you down - thats what they do.
They hit me a few clicks from the gate to Curacao, things went from a smooth silent cup of imported coffee to a a frenzied chaos in the blink of an eye.
Only a few minutes later I could see them tractor in the crates of goods from the small window in my escape pod.

So I've gotten myself a cheap room, planetside, while I'm sorting out the insurance paperwork. I reckon it'll be a few weeks before that's all in order, and then I'll take to the sky again. Still, I came away alive, and I still managed to secure a few profits.
The odd thing is, I cant wait before the soft hum of the engines takes me into space again.

Dexter Ward, signing off.

Thanks for the welcome, I'll spend a few days working my way through the massive details of rules, equipment, factions etc:)

Dexter Ward takes to space - Alex. - 03-18-2010


Dexter Ward takes to space - Jansen - 03-18-2010

Looks like I like your attitude! Welcome!!! :yahoo:

Dexter Ward takes to space - deaxy - 03-18-2010

//Dont want to ruin your rp here boy, but I just wanted to say, that you seem to be one of the most promising newcomers I`ve ever seen, keep it up:)

Dexter Ward takes to space - Jazz - 03-18-2010

// Tries not to do it..... c'mon Jazz you'll just freak him out.... dont scare off the new guys.....





[Image: Bear_Hug_by_CommodoreElfman.jpg]

Dexter Ward takes to space - Birdtalon - 03-18-2010


Dexter Ward takes to space - sait666 - 03-20-2010

OOC: Oh I'm not easily scared off;)

After a few rather successful trades I'm slowly getting into the rhythm of this.
Sure there's Lane Hackers out there, but investing in a few decent turrets and some much needed armor and hull upgrades, thats not really a huge problem anymore.

Last week, I got a juicy contract hauling mining machinery, sweet deal really - price was right, loading went smooth, and I took to space heading for the destination.
Taking off from Leeds, and watching the heavy blanket of polluted clouds hanging over the planet sort of made me feel bad, knowing that I helped play a small part in adding to that same smog.

I've been sleeping somewhat uneasy since.

Dexter signing off, with a conscience?