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Nomad healing - Guest - 03-19-2010

In the nomad lore it says that nomads can use sunlight (among other things) to heal. Could it be possible to make nomad ships slowly regenerate hull when they're in the corona of a star?
The Morphs would be very grateful since we have nowhere except the shrine to restock on bots and this would allow us to regenerate between battles, since we get inevitably get attack once in a while.

Discuss/shoot me/send me candy, up to you.

EDIT: corona is the zone in which the glow appears around your ship, not the death zone.

Nomad healing - tansytansey - 03-19-2010

Nah. Then Nomads will simply sit inside the sun and spam asterixes all day long, or when the Gank mobile comes rolling along they'll just fly inside the sun and there's nothing any one can do. Sun camping, worse than battleship camping.

Nomad healing - Guest - 03-19-2010

I don't say they should regenerate like crazy, but a tiny regeneration, like 10% every minute or so, I doubt that would have any impact on combat.

Nomad healing - Zeela - 03-19-2010

Quote:Nah. Then Nomads will simply sit inside the sun and spam asterixes all day long, or when the Gank mobile comes rolling along they'll just fly inside the sun and there's nothing any one can do. Sun camping, worse than battleship camping.


unlike battleship camping you cant take sun with you, making this "sun camping" rather not existent as there are no bases, no tradelanes, no jumpgates / jump holes, nothing that would forced players to enter sun corona.

Camping can exist only on place where others have to go, or they cant leave that place.

So if Nomad is sitting in sun corona waiting for someone he will wait a long, long time.


Nomad healing - Guest - 03-19-2010

' Wrote:Hello,

unlike battleship camping you cant take sun with you, making this "sun camping" rather not existent as there are no bases, no tradelanes, no jumpgates / jump holes, nothing that would forced players to enter sun corona.

Camping can exist only on place where others have to go, or they cant leave that place.

So if Nomad is sitting in sun corona waiting for someone he will wait a long, long time.


Indeed, when I play my Morph and want to be left alone, I just enter the corona, nobody comes there but a few stray npcs.

Nomad healing - Gryphon - 03-19-2010

I think the point is, the morph will just fly inside the sun's protective death-zone, and spam irritating '***' messages that no-one understands. If you RP there has to be the possibility of death. If you're sat inside a corona that will destroy anything short of a battleship a long time before it gets to you, you are for all intents and purposes invulnerable.

This would be fine if morphs were restricted to local chat, but they're not, ergo this idea has problems. I'd suggest an 'invisible' corona zone that expands a distance around the actual sun corona. So Nomads (and everyone else) would still be destroyed by the real corona that we have now, but they'd be able to regenerate in the 'invisible' layer around it.

Nomad healing - Guest - 03-19-2010

Just a side note: with 'corona' I mean the zone in which you get the burning glow around you, not the death-zone.

Nomad healing - Zeela - 03-19-2010


or let nomads just regenerate only when full core output is available anywhere in space.

So shields and weapons would have to be fully charged for hull regeneration to begin. May be flhook it for nomad to also have 0 speed, so he would have to stop to regenerate.


Nomad healing - Eppy - 03-19-2010

So remind me what's wrong with RPing systemwide from an invincible zone? People RP while docked all the time. What's the difference here?

Nomad healing - Guest - 03-19-2010

' Wrote:So remind me what's wrong with RPing systemwide from an invisible zone? People RP while docked all the time. What's wrong with this?

That's not the point, it's just that Morphs get ganked like crazy, take some damage and eventually run out of bots, meaning we either have to suicide or return to the Shrine. If you just happen to be in the Omicrons, you don't want that.