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Message to the IND - Printable Version

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Message to the IND - Maskage - 03-25-2010

Incoming Transmission
Source ID: Shoi Nagate Tanaka
Attached: Two Images


I am Nagate Tanaka, a pilot in service of the Emperor. Several days ago I encountered one of your cargo vessels and upon running a standard inspection found that his cargo was a bit unusual. To be clear, it was 4980 units of Artifacts.

The Kusari Legal codex states the following in regard to this type of cargo.

Quote:Dealing and owning Artifacts is restricted to Samura and Kishiro (ID+IFF).
Registered neutral/friendly Researchers (IFF) can legally own up to 500 units.
Fine: 2M, cargo confiscated or escorted to the nearest allied station if no alternate transport is available

I then instructed the pilot to wait while I checked for any special authorization that he or his corporation may have that would allow him to be carrying such a large quantity of illegal goods. No relevant licence was found. At this point the discussion was cut short by an emergency call that required my immediate presence on the battle lines. After allowing the IND pilot to leave I informed him that his cargo manifest and identification papers had been documented, and that I would look into the matter more and consult my superiors, as to whether or not a fine would need to be paid.

The verdict is in, and the fine comes to $2,000,000 Sirius credits. In light of recent events, let us hope that this kind of behavior is not becoming a trend for the IND.

<div align="right] [color=#FFFFCC]Shoi Nagate Tanaka
Kusari Naval Forces


Message to the IND - Reverend Del - 03-25-2010

From The Offices Of Lawrence J. Wiles and Associates

ID: Lawrence Wiles

Good sir,

We have trawled our archives and can find no record of the Corrolla, this smacks of someone's plot to discredit the IND. As such we can take no action against any of our members as we haven't got the one who committed this offense.

Lawrence Wiles.

Message to the IND - Maskage - 03-25-2010

Incoming Transmission
Source ID: Shoi Nagate Tanaka

Surely you are not insinuating that I or any other part of the Kusari Naval Forces are behind such a plot? How skilled is your lawyer with a Katana?

Quote:Defaming the State or the Emperor or insulting a Samurai's honor (all KSP/KNF officers) is forbidden and fined or paid in blood.
Fine: 2M

However, if you are stating that this is in fact a stolen vessel, would you care to explain how this could have happened, and more importantly how the pilot managed to get legitimate identification papers? Regardless of how you allowed these papers to fall into the hands of an enemy, because it is your responsibility to look after your own vessels your corporation is still responsible for this violation.

<div align="right][color=#FFFFFF]Shoi Nagate Tanaka
Kusari Naval Forces

Message to the IND - Reverend Del - 03-25-2010

From The Offices Of Lawrence J. Wiles and Associates

ID: Lawrence Wiles
Good sir,

In no way am I suggesting that the Kusari are at fault for this, we have good relations with you and do not wish that to change. I cannot see how Kusari would be able or have any reason to initiate such a plot. However space is a dangerous place and ships are lost. A full investigation will be conducted on our side, as and when we have it's findings you will be informed. To suggest the company is at fault for papers to go missing is laughable. Is the KNF responsible for the theft of the Dagobazh by the Queen's Exiles? No, it is solely their responsibility, you will do everything you can to reclaim that ship, and we will do everything to reclaim these stolen papers. If we can bring you the pilot of that ringer then all the better.

Lawrence Wiles.

Message to the IND - casero - 03-25-2010

[font=Century Gothic]
>>>>Incoming transmission
>>>>Comm ID: Taishō Hajime Hiroito
>>>>To: Lawrence Wiles
>>>>Subject: Missing ships

Dagowhat? Anyway, seems that this pilots (the fake IND) is trying to blacken your name and your company, a really shame, and we won't let that happen, you have my word.
For that case, to prevent this kind of situations, from now on, every IND transport within Kusari borders must report to the Naval Officers present at time, announcing its presence since it jumps into Kusari, so we can verify it's veracity. Any "IND" transport not reporting to the officers present at time, will be gunned down, as it will be considered one of those copycats.

To make it clear, when your transport jump into Kusari core systems, read it like Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku, Hokkaido, New Tokyo (it shouldn't be possible to jump to New Tokyo without being in the previous systems mentioned), and including those two IND allowed to enter Hiroshima. Unfourtanely, it's the only way to catch this copycat.

<div align="right]Kaigun Taishō, Hiroito Hajime.
[font=Century Gothic]
>>>>Transmission ends

Message to the IND - Reverend Del - 03-26-2010

From The Offices Of Lawrence J. Wiles and Associates

ID: Lawrence Wiles

Good sir,

Your over reaction is laughable, would you ask this of any other company? No you wouldn't. I will be taking this higher up. Your input is no longer required.

Lawrence Wiles.

Message to the IND - casero - 03-26-2010

[font=Century Gothic]
>>>>Incoming transmission
>>>>Comm ID: Taishō Hajime Hiroito
>>>>To: Lawrence Wiles
>>>>Subject: Missing ships

Then you take it higher up, but the order stands up.

<div align="right]Kaigun Taishō, Hiroito Hajime.
[font=Century Gothic]
>>>>Transmission ends