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Birth of Fortune - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Stories and Biographies (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=56) +--- Thread: Birth of Fortune (/showthread.php?tid=3733) Pages:
Birth of Fortune - Mr_3ppozz - 09-04-2007 The story of a lonesome shop owner on planet Manhattan Planet Manhatten 20 Years ago: Ricky Ross, was the owner of a flower shop at Manhattan. He allways loved his job, but somehow he felt that he was missing out on something. After running the flowershop for 15 years, he sold his shop, bought himself a nice new shiny ship, and made way for the borderworlds. He visited every single base, station and planet he could find. After 4 months in space, he was getting desperate and was seeking something new. With about 40 mil of credits from his flowershop on the bank, he bought a Spatial, and started exploring the outer edges of known Sirius space. Weeks later, in a farout corner of the Sirius system, he picked something up on his scanner. It was the first sign of... well... allmost anything out there, all he found untill now were Rocks, Ice Chrystals and Unknown Planets. The blib on his radar, came closer and closer, untill he was finally close enough to get a good reading. It looked man made, but it was HUGE, as he got closer he could see some signs on the back of the vessel "NASA". He got in closer and closer untill he was able to see everything out there. At the side off the plane he saw some markings but the exterior of the ship had taken a beating, he got in so close that he could touch the vessel if it wasn't for his cockpit window. USS Dis.ov.ry NA.A that was all he could make of it. The vessel looked like it was in space longer then most planet, everywhere you looked it had dents and scratches on it, but not from gunfire, they looked like tiny asteroids that smashed into the ship. After flying around the ship for an hour, he decided he would go out there and see what it was and where it was from. He lined up his ship good enough so he could board the ship, he jumped into his lifesuit and climbed aboard. It was dark inside, even his helmet flashlight wasn't strong enough to light up the entire inside of the ship. Once he found something that looked like a door, he got into the cockpit. It was a large room, 2 seats, about a million gauges and buttons, and 2 small windows. Inside the seats he could see 2 skelotons with rags on them, they looked human, as far as anyone can tell by a few bones. After walking around a bit he took a battery out of his backpack, and hooked it on the powersystem of the ship to see if both types would match. *Ricky: this is going to get close... ***CLACK*** -- plugging in the power ***VVVFFFFFFFFFWWWWWWWWWWW*** ***Crackle.... CGGHHHHHH*** All system are functioning, life support powering up *Ricky: eeuhhh... This system talks English, it has to be human. After the entire system started up, Ricky started to figure out the system controls, and found a personal log from one of the pilots. Quote from Personal Log * After launch from Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas we got in first orbit with the moon. Our plan worked out great, 3 orbits around the moon, then using the moons little gravity to give a headstart in our journey to Pluto. We had to travel for 2 months before we were able to scan the surfice of Pluto. We got in orbit after only 68 days. * Quote from Personal Log * We have been orbiting Pluto for 20 days and we are making preperations to return home. If everything works out we will be back at Earth in 65 days. This time a slingshot will only make our journey longer so we wont even try it. If all goes well, we can have this experiment data back and studied upon. This data can save millions of lives, the experiment went perfectly and all the results are better then we expected.* Quote from Personal Log *This will probably be ... last log made, we have be.n caught in some sort of ion st.rm. The ships hu.l is taking massive b.ating from sma.l asteroids. I dont know how long she can h.ld out. We have secured our experi.ent in the air tight conta.ners, if some.ne will try to find us, they will find the expe.iment and all our e.forts will not be inveign. We are being lauc.hed into space, we cant find any.hing to relate our position to. This is Commander Joh................. * No more data, restart data sequence? Yes NO*** Birth of Fortune - Mr_3ppozz - 09-06-2007 After reading all those logs, Ricky got curious about what the expirement could be. He searched the ship and its cargo bay and found some large metallic looking containers. In fear of losing what was in there, he brought them all aboard his spatial, took some Photo's of the wreck, and placed a bom. He didnt want anybody to find what he had found. A wreck from the earliest of Human Spacetravel. After Ricky left the proximity of the ship, he got the detonater and pushed the button. ***BOOOOOOOOOM*** -Goodbye ancient history- Aboard his Spatial, Ricky plotted a course to Planet Cortez and turned on the Auto Pilot. -Time for some well earned rest- ***Proximity alert, Proximity alert*** Ricky was wide awake after hearing that from the ships speakers, he allmost jumped from his bed to the cockpit. When he got in the cockpit, he looked around. -now what is it thats in close proximity-?? He turned his attention to the scanner, 4 Outcast fighters and there closing in fast. Ricky got his controls, turned off the auto-pilot and made a hard turn left and then straight up. The outcasts who were laying an ambush for him were too late with their Cruise Disrupters. He shook them off without too much trouble and continued course to Planet Cortez. He slept well, allmost the entire journey. Somehow the ship made its way back in under 16 hours. When Ricky looked in the ship computer for the flightpath, he discovered that his ship found 4 new Jumphole's wich made it a very short travel. While landing on Planet Cortez, he didn't land at the Landing platform, but went straight for a remote island where he had a small cabin. **Cortez System, Planet Curacao, MayPen Island** Ricky unloaded his ship and placed the containers in the back of his Hangar. This would be the moment of truth, what was the expiriment? He slowly opened the first of the 4 containers, inside were a lot of tubes, vials and a lot of documentation. He decided he opened the right one first and studied the information. Quote from Research folder #42 page 22 lines 8 to 13 *Substance X has shown great improvements over the original substance. The addition of the unknown gasses from Pluto's atmosphere show great results. Filtering the Nitrogen and Methane shows no problems, we can even use the Methane as a fuel. The growthrate increased by 80% after we added Substance X, we are also trying to find out what type of substance it is, but we are unable to identify it, its just not the same a we know.* Quote from Research folder #58 page 4 lines 1 to 3 *We made a major breakthrough, we have grown the first new subject from seeds of the enhanced type of plant. The growthrate is astonishing, it went from seed to a plant in 72 hours, its even growing his own seeds and judging by the size of it now, its going to be big.* Quote from Research folder #58 page 16 lines 7 to 11 *The new seeds are completed, the average size of the new seeds is 15cm in comparison to the original size of 7cm. We also found that the chemical structure of the plant hasnt been altered, but improved, everything is there, but in large quantities. We tested the new type and its definitly improved much. We are collecting all seeds and will store them safely* Quote from Research folder #81 page 6 to 10 *Testing revealed what we hoped for: The improved seeds that grow on a altered plant, contain strings of molecules that can cure some of the most fatal diseases. We have successfully cured Cancer, HIV/Aids, H5N1 -cells and we are certain that more cells can be healed. Our tests have all been completed, sealing of containers and Pre flight preparations are commencing.* After reading all this information, Ricky was sure he found a cure for everything and started to unpack the rest of the containers. The second one contained small sealed bags and some large lamps. The third and fourth containers contained more sealed bag, some of them were farely large, he also found a couple of bags with dirt in them. He assumed they were soil samples brought with them from Planet Earth. After he got everything unpacked, he started to unpack some of the seeds, it were large cones of a dried out plant, Ricky laid them out all next to eachother, all lined up by size. The smell that come off them all was strong but it wasnt a stench, it was merely overwhelming. In total Ricky unpacked 100 bags, from very small (5cm-5cm) to quite big (80cm-60cm). He builded a small "Greenhouse" in which he planted half the seeds, some small ones and some big ones and started to culture them as described in all of the Research Folders. The lamps shouldnt be on longer than 10 hours a day, and the waterflow and humidity had to be constant, but not too wet. After the last tweakes on the Sprinkler systems and humidity controls, Ricky simple let it do its thing. ***2 Weeks later, Cortez System, Planet Curacao, MayPen Island** Ricky walked into his Hangar and went straight for the back, to his small Greenhouse. He found some of the plants in very good shape, allmost fullgrown and already growing new seeds. Also the half on which he planted the smaller seeds, he saw some small plants in their earlier stages of growth. It was amazing, the difference between the original plant and the altered plants. The altered ones were in much better shape and could be harvested withing a week. He also took some pictures of the plants for his own research, the name of the plant wasnt mentioned in any of the research folders. Maybe the ancient databases will hold some information if you look in the right direction. ***3 Days later, New York System, Plannet Manhatten, Public Data Center*** After a 3 day search, Ricky was bound to find something, he uploaded all photo's he made, and started a program that would identify a similar image, that was linked to an article. **PLONG** Finally his work paid off, he found something, the comparison of both plants are amazing. The plant was named "Cannabis sativa" and it is the original strain of what "Synthetic Marijuana" was based on. He made the Discovery of a lifetime. Ricky rushed back to Cortez and landed as quick as he could on Planet Curacao. He went to the ship dealer, and invested every single credit into a Luxury Liner. He named it after the way he was able to discover this new fortune. The "Greenleaf" was born, after purchase, Ricky loaded up all off his belonings and his Greenhouse into the Liner and made a part of the Cargo bay to act as a new base of operations. **Aboard Luxury Liner Greenlead** ![]() ** After departure of his home, he plotted a course to the Sigma 19 system. After ariving there, he docked at Luxury Liner Hawaii and went to the ship owner. They both tested the product "The Ancient Way" and came to an agreement. Hawaii would start growing this new drug and smuggle it out in the capsules that normally would hold Synthetic Marijuana. They also stated that only the Greenleaf was allowed to smuggle this new drug. Ricky stated that he would try to pursue some scientists in testing this new product and see if it would also be a cure for deseases that spread throughout Sirius these days. Today you will see the Greenleaf flying a hold full of Grade A Luxurious Earth Marijuana or simply said GALEM. The Greenleaf is flying with colours of Orbital Spa and Cruise and will also be seen flying goods for OSC if requested. VIP flights are also allowed but Ricky must agree with this before any passenger can set foot aboard the Glorious Greenleaf. Birth of Fortune - Mr_3ppozz - 09-10-2007 After several weeks of backdoor advertising and smuggling in large quantities of Grade A Luxurious Earth Marijuana, Ricky was able to expand his plantation aboard the Greenleaf. With the expansion of his plantation, Ricky also invested in some armament. He upgraded 5 of his turrets, to fend off pirates who were after his cargo. He was happy with the deal he made aboard the Hawaii. He was allowed to carry the Orbital Spa and Cruise tag and use his Liner as a Resort with all the complements of Orbital Spa and Cruise. Ricky made sure he wasnt caught with his alledged contraband and planned a safe return passage. He would fly everything the Luxury Liner Hawaii needed and in return got orders for VIPS that wanted a luxurious trip home. They were all entertained by the Greenleaf and its "Special Touch", every single VIP that ever was aboard the Greenleaf, came back the next time the had the chance. Most of the VIP's that had a stay aboard it, would make deals with Ricky to get a constant flow of G.A.L.E.M. In a matter of weeks, Ricky grew from a supplier to one lonely BSG Pilot, to a supplier to many. Most of his clients called him "Mooncurser", he allways found a way to supply his customers. Birth of Fortune - Mr_3ppozz - 10-23-2007 At the present day the Greenleaf is one of the most luxurous liners around in Sirius, but Ricky still keeps planning on expansions of his ship. He wants the newest and best available things money can buy for his Liner. The Greenleaf is well known among the more wealthier Citizens of Sirius and all are used to having the best of the best. The main problem at this moment is that Ricky doesnt see too many new faces aboard, it are all well known guests. Ricky was able to earn enough money in the last 3 months, that he could offer his services to the less loaded citizens and started an advertising Campaign to attract more people. Although it would mean that there have to be a few smaller Suite's it would mean that the Passenger flow would remain constant during the entire year. The adverstisement payed off and within 5 days, the Greenleaf was booked to max capacity. All the passengers aboard were new to this type of Vacation, since most of them didnt have the money to book a room on a liner for longer then 2 days. It promised to be a good 2 weeks, the crew was happy that they saw a few new faces. The Greenleaf left Manhattan Orbit and made way for the longest journey it ever made. Ricky made a flightplan and decided he would go along all of the Sirius' most beautifull hotspots. After 1 week the Greenleaf had seen a lot of space and it made way for its final stop, they were to Orbit Planet Gran Canaria for a few days, while Ricky made a bussiness stop. He had to stop by at the bar to leave a message to the TAZ main-computer. It was replied quickly, but also stated that it would take a while before any personal contact could be made. He went back to the Greenleaf and found that there was a reservation made, by 1 single pilot, it was Thomas Idaho, better known as Epholl. He was a viper jockey for the colonial fleet, he was granted a week off due to his promotion. Ricky contacted Thomas Idaho as soon as possible and made arrangements, they were to meet near Planet Honshu, a Fighter squad under command of the excluse light fighter Moriava was waiting to escort this newly promoted Captian aboard the Liner. Once preperations were made the Greenleaf left homedock and started to do its Sirius Wide tour. Thomas was enjoying his first cocktail aboard the bar, when he walked to a port side window, he could see the Viper escort surrounding the Luxury Liner. Thomas got a smile on his face, his only thoughts were *Well good to know im safe here, they should know, i checked the gun layout of this thing. The fighter squad is no match for Mr.Ross*. The Tour went well, only a few minor incidents, but the Fighter squad made itself very usefull, the were able to fend of any attack thrown at the Liner. Thomas didnt really care anymore what happened outside. He was sitting drunk in the bar and asked one of the Bartenders where the casino could be found. He tried to follow instructions, but it didnt work out well, Thomas found himself wandering into one of the Specially designed Lounge-Cafe's. He didnt know what to expect, but nevertheless he sat down, and ordered whatever the rest of the passengers used to order. The waitress came back in 3 minutes, with a pot of steaming hot Tea, and a pack of pre-rolled GALEM joints, Thomas thought they were just simple smokes, so he took one and started to smoke it. After only 20 minutes he couldnt leave the GALEM alone, and kept ordering in bunch after bunch, untill the time came and he fell asleep with GALEM between the fingers. Birth of Fortune - Epholl - 11-13-2007 A ship was stationed in a small fighter dock aboard Luxury Liner Greenleaf. Engines were darkening slowly. There was a text on the side panel: MG 537-1-11-66 Epholl. It was a colonial Viper Mk1. And the pilot, who just got out had to be noone else, but Thomas Idaho, callsigned Epholl. He looked around in the dock and realised he was alone there. He sat on a box somewhere near his ship and waited. After two or three minutes, a door opened on the other side of the dock and a group of five people entered the room. Thez came directly to Epholl. One of them, a tall, gracefull looking young man shaked Epholl`s arm and said: "I am Captain Ricky Ross, wellcome aboard." "Thomas Idaho." answered Epholl silently. His blue eyes were looking at Ricky with no interest, he seemd to be completely depressed. "This is gonna be a though one" thought Ricky. "Let`s start with a small ship tour." "Why not?" said Epholl for himself. "I hope I won`t be bored here, I had enough before." Meanwhile, Ricky was thinking what to do with the new passenger... While showing Epholl the ship, he made a plan. Epholl woke up in his apartment. The clock was showing 10.06 AM ship time. He was in better mood, than the day before, but it was not enough for him to smile. He looked out of the window. The beauty of Saiun Cloud filled the view. Shikoku. He picked up his personal PDA from a table and tried to decide what to do. He didn`t know what do half of the things mean. "God, they really have everything!" He thought surprised. When he was browsing food menu, the device beeped and a message showed on. It was from the captain. "Thomas, I am sure you can`t decide where to start, so I suggest you to visit one of the bars first." Epholl did as suggested. He entered bar "Chicago" near the ship`s nose. It was meant to look like on planet Earth hundreds of years ago. He was not sure if it really looked like that, but there was no way to make that sure. "The drinks are the same everywhere anyway..." He thought, but it wasn`t true. The amount of different drinks avaible was amazing and it was impossible to try them all. He tried not to drink much, but it wasn`t easy. After tasting most of them, he was in better mood, than during last eight weeks. He looked out of one of the windows and he saw a GC fighter being fetched around by an energy beam from one of Greenleaf`s turrets. One of the wings cracked and slowly drifted away from the ship. after two more turret salvos, the cocpit was scrapped to pieces. The depressurization caused the pilot was scrapped into pieces almost instantly. Hull panels of the defeated fighter were randomly bouncing from the Greenleaf`s shields. Epholl didn`t care about the pilot. If it was reversal, the GCs would do the same to him. He just wondered this had never happened to him and his unreliable Viper. "It must be weird...In one momment you yell in agony, and a second later you are no more. Just dissapeared. Noone knows, noone cares. Kill or be killed" He thought and he smiled. It was the last senseful thing his glazed brain could mind of. Thomas opened his eyes. Light. He blinked. It was buzzing in his ears. He heard cruise engines fuel injectors somewhere in the distance. He could not remember anything from the last evening. His sight focused on the window. It was completely black out there. Then a grey thing flew around the ship. And another. "What could this be?" Thomas couldn`t understand. As an answer to his unasked question, a bright flash crossed the blackness outside the ship. It was a dense cloud of dark matter with asteroids rarely floating in the space. "Now I know why we are cruising. Galileo." Epholl told silently, "There`s less than nothing there." He went to his luxury bathroom and had a pebble bath. After some time, he left his apartment and headed to one of the bars, which was known for offering extremely strong Kusari special drinks. Entering the room, he had a fast lookover around the room. "Ahh, good morning, friend." He told when he noticed Ricky. "Good morning." Ricky waved his head. Thomas took a seat and watched people around the room silently. They were talking, drinking, smoking, or jsut sitting and watching other people as Thomas did. There was a big flatscreen in the room showing news from Liberty. And older man was talking something Thomas couldn`t hear, but he saw a graph showing percentage of cardamine smugglers caught in the recent past. Then the man started talking about another news. A picture of a rogue gunboat was behind him. There was a red text under the ship: "Bloodthirsty Xenos attacked again." Thomas noticed Ricky was watching the news too. He asked: "I didn`t know Xenos use rogue ships." Ricky answered coldly: "They usually don`t. This "Prospector"(He said that word with anger in his eyes.) is their only gunboat as far as I know. He is terrorising and murdering unarmed and defenceless people of Liberty." He was quiet for a momment. "But now we are on Greenleaf, no place for sad thoughts here. Have you tried the casinos? You can win some real money in there." "No, I haven`t. Thanks for suggestion." Answered Thomas. He stood up and left the room. The hyperspace tunnel outside the windows meant they are entering Colorado system, Liberty space. Birth of Fortune - Mr_3ppozz - 11-17-2007 Shortly after the stay of Epholl, the Greenleaf was ordered to dock on Planet Honshu, for a maintenance stop. While Ricky was waiting, he talked to a few people in the bar, untill a Zoner walked up to him. Zoner: I have a urgent message for you, Mr.Ross. It is of the utmost importance that you get your ship of this docks. Kusari spy's are trying to plant bugs aboard your ship, so they can monitor any bussiness deal that will happen. Ricky: Well... the nerf... I outta... *insert any choice of words here*. Well thank you. Its not your fault, here take this and make sure you get out alive. Ricky handed a credit card of 1 million to the zoner and walked out of the bar. Minutes later he arrived at his ship, he ordered everyone out and made course out of the Honshu system as fast as he could. While he was launching he ordered every crewman to check every inch of the ship for "bugs". Ricky asked his navigational officer what the closest safe dock was. the nav-officer answered very quickly: "Our best option is the Hawaii, Sir! There we can pick up some passengers and maybe some GALEM." "Good, then plot course and make sure we arent followed by any military force." answered Ricky, in a mild but angry manner. After a quick alignement with the Hawaii, Ricky orderer to go to the Omicron Theta system, for some reason he felt drawn towards Corfu base. It wouldnt take long before Ricky found out, why he wanted to go to the Omicron Theta system. Comm. Officer: Sir, i have a personal message for you. "Mr.Ross i presume." its comm-signature is from the Oro.de.Veranda. Ricky: Ah, that would Reginald Waverly, how nice of him to contact us. I hope he brings me good news. Please put all communication controls on my display. Comm. Officer: Yes Sir! Transferring now. She is all yours. After a short greetings, the formalties were put aside. This Autonomous Zoner somehow had a very trusted "feeling" even though it was the first time they met, Ricky felt like he knew him for years. It was a pleasent conversation. They agreed to meet near Corfu Base, both were looking for passengers that were headed that way. The Greenleaf was the first to arrive, Ricky ordered to maintain a position right above the base and to make preparations for his guest to arrive. Reggie didnt let Ricky wait too long, after 5 minutes the Oro.de.Verande was picked up on short range scanner. Reggie made a quick and perfect alignment, and stepped aboard the "PresureLift". Ricky greeted him, and invited Reggie to follow him to a bar to discuss they possible exchange of valuable plants. Reggie seemed interested, but was anxious to take a look around, he also wanted to take a look inside the onboard Plantation that Ricky made. He was amazed with the simplicity and effectivity that the GALEM plants grew with. They had excellent taste, but lacked the potency that Reggie was used to. He offered some samples of seeds of the Kallisti Gold plant to examin. Ricky gave them to his scientist and escorted Reggie further along the ship. Ricky: I thank you from the deepest of my soul, those seeds will prove their worth. I hope my scientist can extract the Plant DNA, so we can find a way to duplicate them. Reggie: These seeds came straight of the Veranda, they all likely to maintain their "Magical" Potencies. You should be able to Cross-Polinate them with this potencies. However i fear that these properties will only last thru one generation. Ricky: I am gratefull if we can combine our taste with your Potency, it will be a major improvement to our current harvests of GALEM. Reggie: Well, one thing is for sure. This should give your GALEM a bit of a "tang". Reggie finished his drink and went back to his ship, wishing Ricky all the best. Just before he left he asked if there were any banks aboard the Greenleaf. The Greenleaf couldnt function without it, since most passengers never bring enough money with them. Reggie did something that most will never do, he made a deposit. He asked Ricky if he would tell Malaclypse to withdraw it. While Reggie got back to his ship, a new transponder signal came in range, it was Malaclypse. He was the one that knew everything about the religious aspects of the Gold. Malaclypse soon came aboard and they both started talking about the usage of the Kalisti Gold. Malaclypse made it very clear, that it wasn't for commercial useage. It was a great exception that the Kalisti Gold was handed to someone other then TAZ members. Ofcourse Ricky felt honored to be allowed to grow this magical herb, but somehow he felt attracted to the more mysterious side of the Gold. It was a short but exciting chat the the two had. Both learned great things about eachother and about both herbs. The healing powers of GALEM and the Magical touch of the Kalisti Gold, both had their attractive sides. Only seconds before Malaclypse decided to leave, a scientist came running in the bar. Scientist: Sir, we have our first reports about the Kalisti Gold. Somehow it has a cetrain strain in its DNA that we cannot identify. Other then that, both DNA samples are somewhat the same. Malaclypse: Well, we don't say its good for nothing now do we? Ricky: Your right Mal, it really is something special. Doc, how are things going with the Cross-Polinate sequences? Scientist: All is going well Sir, we should have our first seeds within 1 hour. Ricky: Thats good news, make sure we have a small stock before you start growing them. Malaclypse then continued, "You know, you can grow and experiment everything you want. But before you have a Vortex blessed by Eris, both GALEM and Kalisti Gold, will take a long time to reach full size. We could create a vortex for you with some Blue, Pink and Red Diamonds from the Baffin system. But it still would not reach the same strenght as ours, that will only happen if you get Eris to bless it for you". Ricky was pleased to hear that he could make his plants grow even quicker, but he was not sure about having a Vortex aboard a Luxury Liner. He asked Malaclypse if he would help him with the Vortex if needed. Malaclypse agreed with this, but said he could not make any promised about if it would actually work. Both were eager to continue their daily routine and within minutes Mal was back to his ship. Just before he could engage his cruise engines, Ricky hailed him on the comm. "Mal, Reggie left some credits for you on the bank here, let me transfer them to you." Mal was quick in his reply "Sure, ill open a neural-net connection". After this short interuption, both continued there paths and vanished in the vastness of space. Ricky was pleased with his new product, he couldnt wait to test his first own specimen. Luckily Reggie left some behind in a small wooden box. This would be enough untill the first harvest would be done. Birth of Fortune - Mr_3ppozz - 12-03-2007 It was a late night flight and Ricky wasnt feeling to well this day. He called one of the ships nurses to check up on him. Nurse: Good evening Sir, how are we feeling today. Ricky: Well nurse, now that i see you, it all goes a bit better. But i still feel horrible. I think im sick or something. Nurse: Then, open wide and let me check your temperature...... 38.1.. Not bad, youre not having fever, what are the main problems you have? Ricky: Euh, im tired, i feel like i just party'd for 2 weeks straight without any sleep. Nurse: Let me guess, you have had more then your usual amount of GALEM? Ricky: Not really, i had 2 this morning, 3 before dinner and about 5 since dinner. Well.. actually that is a little bit more as usual. Nurse: You know what you need? Some Kalisti Gold, it will help you light up your day. Ricky: Excuse me?! How do you know that i have K.G.? I never told anyone about that. Who are you? Nurse: Well, my name is Amnezia Haze. I've been working for you for about 3 months now. You have a small stash of Kalisti Gold in your Suite. Ricky: Well Amnezia, you seem to know awfully more about me, then i know about you. How do you say that we change that? Amnezia: Sure, lets go have some fun. I know just the place. Ricky followed Amnezia around his ship. He came in places he couldnt remember seeing. Amnezia pointed at a door and said to Ricky to go in, take a seat and to wait for her. Ofcourse Ricky did this without any questions. He sat down on a large comfy sofa and saw his wooden box standing on the table. He took a quick look around and found himself in a newly build Lounge Bar in a closed section of the ship. Amnezia came back with some drinks, sat down next to Ricky in gave him a pre-rolled Joint. "Here, you will feel much better after this" she said, Ricky looked at her and asked what was in it. She didnt answer, she gave him a lighter and walked to the bar, to turn on some relaxing music. The music was another new thing to Ricky, it sounded relaxing but not from this time. "Amnezia dear, what music is this, i like it a lot, but have never heard it before." Ricky looked at her with big eyes, as if she was the first women he ever met. "Its Reggea, this particular album is from UB40, but i also have albums from Bob Marley and many many others. Its music from the 21st Century on earth. It can be found at some antiquity stores." Only 30 minutes later the world made a sudden change for Ricky. He felt 10 times better, he was fully in heaven. Amnezia was in a different state of mind, it was allmost if she had just found an extra brain. She was talking about the entire Sirius System, how Chaos was the centre of everything that happened. For some reason Ricky felt drawn towards the concept and made himself comfertable to listin. He reached for his stash, grapped some papers, bit of tabacco and started rolling a new joint. Amnezia however, wasnt interested in another joint, the moment she started talking about chaos, it was done. She would explain him everything she knew about the Discordian way of thinking. 5 hours later, Amnezia was still blabbering on about vaguely discribed synonyms that made no sence whatsoever. Ricky was still listening, but lost what she was talking about nearly 3 hours before. He just felt pleasant listening to the calming sound of her voice. Although it was ununderstandable for Ricky, he did knew what she was talking about, however in the back of his head he knew that he was going to forget it all once he dropped his high. It gave him a good reason to ask Amnezia to stay, he wanted to learn everything and knew it was going to take a lifetime to explain it all. He asked Amnezia if she would quit her job too be with him. Amnezia looked at Ricky, turned around and looked again finally she opened her mouth: "W..w.wwel..well if you ask me to, i will. I really l l lllo...loov.... I really love to be with you. Yes YES!!" she started jumping and dancing around the room. Ricky felt pleased that he finally found someone who could excite him, a woman with whom he could share his life. Birth of Fortune - Mr_3ppozz - 01-03-2008 Months turned into years, both Ricky and Amnezia never were as happy as they were now. The Greenleaf made enourmous amounts of profit and the GALEM production was higher then expected. It seemed that all the luck in the world found its way to them. After the first year aboard the Greenleaf, Amnezia started to wonder what she could do for herself. She asked Ricky if he could help her with finding a job or a activity that seemed best in place for her. Ricky was not so eager as Amnezia, but decided to help her out as much as he could. He fired his nav-officer and managed to get Amnezia to be his replacement. All was well, but after a couple of months she lost her challenge once again. It was time to do something other then working on the Liner. She asked Ricky to give her a good chunk of credits to play with and made way Sigma-13, she was going to buy her very first "own" transporter. Once arrived on Gas Miner Naha, Amnezia bought a Borderworld Transport and launced into space. It was time to discover the Sirius Universe. Thanks to some help of a few regular customers at the Greenleaf, Amnezia managed to get her first own earned Million. Being a true woman, she went to the nearest large planet and bought everything she could. She bough a new paintjob, got a name painted on the side: "Phazed" and bought herself some nice jewels. While she was heading for the last known location of the Greenleaf, she came in touch with Malaclypse, the man to talk to when it comes to Discordianism. She explained what she was doing there, and who she was, Mal greeted her with his well known kindness. She was overwhelming him with stuff he allready knew and asked her to hold quiet for a second. As feminine as she was, she just continued blabbering and finally asked what she was intentding to ask from the start. "Is it possible for me to be accepted in the Discordian Churh of Eris?", whe looked at him with 2 huge Puppy Eyes, even for an old man like himself it was too much. What could he do, reject such a lovely lady. "Well okay", he said, "But, only if you learn to put a sock in it every once in a while." Amnezia jumped him in the arms and started kissing him all around his face, "YOU ARE THE BEST" she screamed. ((OOC: As usual its not finished, but its closer to present day as it was)) ***************************************************************************** ((OOC: I have a Armor upgrade aboard to impose as a occupation of the cargo hold. This upgrade is merely a small one, and will not be upgraded whatsoever. )) Birth of Fortune - Mr.Masters - 08-02-2008 ((OOC: I am continuing this story with approval of the original writer. All credits still go to Mr_3ppozz.)) The Greenleaf had a prosperous time, but it was not suited to expand to the wished of Ricky and Amnezia. The enormous Liner had been retrofitted 3 times already, but was still lacking the room it needed. Amnezia once more came with an amazing answer, she remembered an offer made by Reggie a while back and decided to hold him up to it. She informed Ricky that she would be on a short business trip and used the Phazed as her means of transportation. ***3 days later, Planet Manhattan, New York System*** This is Borderworld Transport Phazed, requesting a Mooring point Manhattan Control, you are cleared for Mooring point 5, welcome to Manhattan Transport Phazed The shuttle took Amnezia down, she was looking down at her cargo list and decided what she would need. Just minutes later, the shuttle landed and Amnezia went straight for the Commodity dealer, her mind was set and the order was placed. While the shuttle's loaded the Phazed with her goods, she took a short stroll through on of the many malls. In a far out corner she saw a short man looking around as if he was looking for something. At first she didn't really take notice, only after the two made eye-contact, she suddenly felt compelled to talk to the weird looking man. I don't know why, but you somehow raised my attention. Why would that be? Amnezia asked with hesitation clearly hearing in her voice. That would be simple, first let me introduce myself. I am Hagbarth Arthas, I have traveled many systems and many dangerous places to find you. You my dear Amnezia, are the one, the one we need for.... No I cannot tell you that yet, you have an appointment to make, don't be late. Hagbarth turned around and walked into a dark alley. Amnezia looked into the alley, dazed by what just happend, she looked around and decided he was right, she had an appointment which she couldn't miss, the future of her and Ricky was on the line. She walked back to the shuttle platform, thinking about what that strange man said. Birth of Fortune - Mr.Masters - 08-03-2008 placeholder ***************************************************************************** ((OOC: I have a Armor upgrade aboard to impose as a occupation of the cargo hold. This upgrade is merely a small one, and will not be upgraded whatsoever. )) ((OOC: This will be the end so far, i will occasionally update this and all RP VIP Flights will be posted here. Please feel free to reply, but stay in character as much as possible, OOC chatter can be done via PM any comments ore additions can be made in PM too)) ((OOC: @ Mr_3ppozz, please remove this stuff in your last post)) EDIT: This post may be deleted ! ! ! |