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Log Not working? - Printable Version

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Log Not working? - TYHPilot - 03-28-2010

I wanted to check my log today for a conversation but when I opened up my MyDocuments\Games\Freelancer and got the DSAce.txt it was completely blank apart from "Freelancer started"

Any ideas why?

Log Not working? - aerelm - 03-29-2010

This happened to me once, I dont know what causes this, but I know how to fix it:
  • Open the Shortcut and remove the -logchat (and -logtime if you have it) from command line
  • Remove the DSAce.txt from MyDocuments
  • Run the game, join the server, then Quit
  • Re-add the -logchat (and -logtime if you want it) to command line
    You'll get logged chat again!
Although someone might be able to give a more 'Technical' explanation on why it happens, but this was how I fixed mine. It didn't save the logs for 5 days (And I lost logs of a really nice RP I had :/) Then had to do this to fix it.

Log Not working? - tazuras - 03-29-2010

Just out of curiosity, how large was your logfile at the time?

Log Not working? - TYHPilot - 03-29-2010

nice that seemed to work just fine thank you sir

Log Not working? - House0430 - 03-29-2010

Well now that the subject is brought up, how do I save my chat when launching from FAM?

Log Not working? - tazuras - 03-29-2010

' Wrote:Well now that the subject is brought up, how do I save my chat when launching from FAM?
Don't launch from FAM.

Log Not working? - House0430 - 03-29-2010

' Wrote:Don't launch from FAM.

Log Not working? - TYHPilot - 03-30-2010

Yeah i noticed that it just fails when you launch FAM. So now I just have to force myself not to be lazy and actually click on the real FL shortcut I made.

Log Not working? - Not Espi - 03-30-2010

remember to use -logappend as well.

-logchat will only keep one session of freelancer stored, since it will completely rewrite the previous data.

-logappend fixes this issue