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Bob's Signature Requests - Printable Version

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Bob's Signature Requests - Bobthemanofsteel - 03-29-2010

So while I patiently waited for Photoshop to install again, I thought I might as well open up a thread to hopefully bring in some credits

I'm sure you all know how it works, if you'd like a signature, post here with the details (Or PM if you prefer)
Cost is variable, and to be decided once the client is happy with the product. (I may decide a base price for time spent)

And now, have some examples linked for your bandwidth saving pleasure.

(All the 'I <3 <strike>Discovery</strike> Kittehs' sigs were made by me)
Aegis Fate (Props to Lobby for sitting there in an unarmed BS while I lobbed Light Mortars at it for ten good minutes for that epic picture:P)
Sierra Squad
Gene Starwind
Queen of Dance
Ageira Faction
Idumi Family (Alternate)
A Fools Demise

Bob's Signature Requests - NixOlympica - 03-29-2010

Cat mutant store :P

Bob's Signature Requests - Bobthemanofsteel - 03-31-2010


Bob's Signature Requests - Bobthemanofsteel - 04-08-2010

Added a few other examples.

Bob's Signature Requests - mang109 - 04-17-2010


I haz task for you

I want a Farmers Alliance Signature

With that information- do whatever you like - I shall pay for whatever sig you produce me :D


Bob's Signature Requests - Bobthemanofsteel - 04-18-2010

You're giving ME this task, given our factions alignment?
*laughs evilly*

I'll do my best:D

Bob's Signature Requests - SMI-Great.Fox - 04-21-2010

All right bob....Tell you what....make a few that that are similar to what I currently have...
For each one you make..Ill give yah 1.5mil...If one of them I like enough to keep..ill give yah 15...Savvy?

example...if you make 4...and I like one of them..I pay 5.5 mil for the ones I didnt pick and 15 for the one I liked...

Bob's Signature Requests - Bobthemanofsteel - 04-21-2010

I've got an EVEN BETTER idea.
I make a draft, show it to you, and you give me pointers on what you'd like changed/improved.
We continue this process until you're happy, at which point you pay me for the finished product...
Or I tell you to GTFO, and you lose nothing.


Bob's Signature Requests - SMI-Great.Fox - 04-21-2010

That is fine as well but still.. wouldn't you enjoy getting paid for your failures as well?

Bob's Signature Requests - Bobthemanofsteel - 04-21-2010

Well yes, but it wouldn't feel right.
I'd rather you payed me more for one good one, then for lots of crappy ones:P
Anyway, add me on skype if you have it, details in my profile.
If not, PM me with all the images you want used in it.