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To the Molly Republic Councillors, Arranmore, Dublin - Printable Version

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To the Molly Republic Councillors, Arranmore, Dublin - Malaclypse 666 - 03-31-2010

Comm ID: Malaclypse, Episkopos Prime, TAZ


The recent attack on a TAZ vessel at Freeport 1 by your forces was a sad event; however, it sometimes takes a poke in the Ajna with a sharp stick to put things into perspective. After meditation and seeking guidance from oiur Goddess, I have been made to realize that the Sacred Chao is indeed "out of Balance".

By that I mean that the efforts of the TAZ, both diplomatically and economically, have been rather one-sided. We have focused efforts on maintaining cordial relations with the Corsairs, while neglecting the Mollys.

Until Ambassador Holliday can open official negotiations with your Council, I therefore propose the following:

All TAZ vessels will avoid passage through Dublin for the time being;

Ambassador Holliday, a very busy diplomat, will contact you regarding further diplomatic contacts at his earliest convenience;

I have commissioned Reginald Waverly of Port Canaria to begin extensive "market research", regarding the needs of the MR and Mollys in general vis a vis trade goods. I would ask that for this purpose, you grant safe passage to the TAZ vessel "Veranda.Vixen", including bases in the system of Londonderry;

We wiil not seek redress or reparations for the damages sustained by the [TAZ]Epsilon.Eridani. However, we ask you to consider that as members of the Zoner Alliance, the TAZ are therefore "signatories" to "Official Zoner Policies", and are obligated to defend Zoner NFZ's and other ZA members if requested.

I would like to point out that the demands made to our Pope during the Freeport 1 incident by your pilots were both misguided, and irrational; as the Captain had no authority to accede to them, nor adddress them.

These proposals are made strictly in the name of the Temporary Autonomous Zoners of Baffin and Port Canaria, and are not meant to be binding on any other Zoner Alliance members or Zoner Factions.

I await your response.

Malaclypse, for the TAZ

To the Molly Republic Councillors, Arranmore, Dublin - Sprolf - 03-31-2010

------Incoming Transmission------
  • [color=#FFFFFF]-- Transmission Source: Arranmore Base
    -- Dispatcher ID: Colin Breen, Councillor, MR
    -- Recipient ID: Malaclypse, Episkopos Prime, TAZ
    -- Encryption: Level XXIII
[font=Agency FB]
First off.... if we start shooting at you, realise it's rather acceptable for you to start shooting back.
Now, I don't exactly know everything my pilots demanded or requested, chances are it might have been a little bit too much - they can get carried away.

For good reason, though. We're not seeking wealth, fame, or fortune. We're fighting for our freedom, our rights, and our lives - fighting against injustice and slavery for the rights of the common man. We take up arms against "The Man" and hope we live to see a day in freedom.

Perhaps you can empathise, perhaps not. Past Zoners have proved unable to comprehend our struggle, but you always seem somewhat more intelligent and knowledgeable of the world than most of the others in your loosely-knit "faction" called Zoners. They seem remarkably inept when it comes to actual diplomacy, which leads me to wonder if you're the one who keeps everything afloat for you and your group of ostensibly neutral folk.

Also know that while we might take active actions against other sects of Zoners, we will not actively hunt TAZ vessels as long as you cease transit across Dublin. Whether or not my pilots decide to beg for money with large weapons is entirely up to them - but we will not hunt you down, such incidents might be purely incidental (and unlikely, given your avoidance of our territory). This could change with the advent of trade relations, as you'd have an alternate use past raw sources of cash or goods... We will, however, not harm your vessel which is looking into possible economic gaps to fill. At the most, we will ask kindly for a purely optional "donation" to our cause.

All of this is, of course, entirely influenced by - and satellite around - the question of TAZ's relations with Corsairs, the amount to which you enable their actions, and the extent to which you will continue trading with them.

That is the crux of the matter.
If you aid us, and you aid them, you are the enemy.
If you do not aid them, you are worthless outside of extortion potential.
If you aid us, you will be treated with respect.

We're hanging by a thread here in Dublin, and we don't have time for political niceties.
Everyday, we have pilots going out to fight the tide of Corsairs, and everyday, we have pilots who don't come back. One of these fights might very well take my life from me - and for what?

For freedom.

We're fighting for one thing, and that is Dublin itself, freeing it from corruptive controls - that being either BMM or the piratical invasion of the Corsairs. Helping either one will earn you a Kill on Sight command.
We don't have time to be complex here.

This is how it lies, and it should be simple enough.

I hope that these matters can be solved to mutual satisfaction,
Colin H. Breen, of the Molly Republic

[font=Agency FB][color=#FF0000]------End Transmission------

To the Molly Republic Councillors, Arranmore, Dublin - Malaclypse 666 - 04-01-2010

To: Colin Breen, Republic Council
From: Malaclypse, TAZ

Well, sir.

I understand your pragmatism, and I acknowlege you have a 'hard row to hoe".

I also hear that you don't have a lot of time to chinwag over diplomacy, so I'll cut to the chase:

Temporary Autonomous Zoners will continue to respect and avoid Dublin, and will accede to "reasonable fiduciary requests" elswhere;

Your offer to allow the [TAZ]Veranda.Vixen to explore means of becoming "alternatively useful" is humbly accepted;

While I cannot in good faith promise a complete cessation of trade with the Corsair nation, I would point out that the TAZ primarily do business between Freeports and Zoner bases. We will however do our utmost to "Balance the Chao" in this regard.

Please understand that I speak only for the Temporary Autonomous Zoners here. If Reggie's research bears fruit, I will share that data with the Zoner Alliance, in hopes they may also use it for mutual benefit, rather than "mutual detriment".

This channel will remain open for your convenience.


To the Molly Republic Councillors, Arranmore, Dublin - Sprolf - 04-01-2010

------Incoming Transmission------
  • [color=#FFFFFF]-- Transmission Source: Arranmore Base
    -- Dispatcher ID: Colin Breen, Councillor, MR
    -- Recipient ID: Malaclypse, Episkopos Prime, TAZ
    -- Encryption: Level XXIII
[font=Agency FB]
I'll give it to you that Zoners as a whole are a hard lot to wrangle.
As such, our hostile intent will be more directed to those who more commonly ship to the southern Hispanians, and less so to your vessels, as you're staying out of our space and, as you say, you trade mainly between Zoner areas of influence - also, you're based out of the Northwest, which isn't really Corsair territory. Bear in mind that if we do catch any of your ships that are suspected to be hauling goods to Corsairs and can provide no evidence to the opposite, we won't be merciful.

Note that this would be attacks against individual pilots, rather than your faction as a whole... and note that everybody gets the same treatment as outlined above in regards to shipping to Corsairs.

Again, if your pilots are worth their salt, we shouldn't have much of a problem, as they'll be keeping away from our system, save for the one vessel that is free to explore certain economic opportunities with us, as previously stated.

I do hope, however, that you won't take our actions against other Zoners as a personal affront to your faction, as our interdictions will most certainly continue against certain other sects.

Colin H. Breen, of the Molly Republic

[font=Agency FB][color=#FF0000]------End Transmission------

To the Molly Republic Councillors, Arranmore, Dublin - Malaclypse 666 - 04-06-2010

Comm ID: Malaclypse, TAZ
To: The Republic Council, Arranmore

Well, sirs,

Five days have passed. We are seeing some favorable results from our market research, and the Veranda.Vixen will continue said research, with your permission.

Even more heartening, it seems our pilots are approaching something akin to "rapport". While I grant that you may still be somewhat suspicious of us, I personally take this improvement in "personal communicationa" as a good sign for future relations.

What is our next step, Councillors?

I would like to see our trade routes through Dublin resumed again, with all the caveats Councillor Breen has previously enumerated;

I would like to see several more TAZ trading vessels involved in our "market research", specifically being granted access to your Londonderry bases, in hopes we can be of financial and possible "humanitarian" assistance there;

And, most of all, I would like to see formal negotiations begun on an Agreement that will allow the Temporary Autonomous Zoners and the Molly Republic to coexist, not just in Dublin, but throughout Sirius.

I believe you're familiar with one of Waverly LLC's properties on Belfast Station, the "Hope's Haven" Bed and Breakfast.

I would suggest that venue as "neutral ground" for any further negotiations you would like to conduct in person.

All accomodations, victuals, and potables would of course be furnished by the TAZ.

I await your reply,

To the Molly Republic Councillors, Arranmore, Dublin - Malaclypse 666 - 04-10-2010

Comm ID: Malaclypse


Regardless of us all being hunkered down in our little Ion Storm shelters, my traders are waiting anxiously to hear the Council's thoughts on further negotiations.

At your leisure,

To the Molly Republic Councillors, Arranmore, Dublin - Sprolf - 04-11-2010

------Incoming Transmission------
  • [color=#FFFFFF]-- Transmission Source: Arranmore Base
    -- Dispatcher ID: Colin Breen, Councillor, MR
    -- Recipient ID: Malaclypse, Episkopos Prime, TAZ
    -- Encryption: Level XXIII
[font=Agency FB]

Apologies about the delay.

TAZ trade could indeed continue through Dublin if it did not support the Corsairs or BMM in any way, shape, or form, as I previously mentioned.

Given recent relations, more TAZ vessels could be authorised to access Londonderry for purposes of said "research," though that remains on the conditions that any exports you make are authorised by the Republic, as we'd hate for our adversaries to benefit either directly or indirectly from our resources.

Your suggestion of neutral ground seems a good choice.

Colin H. Breen, of the Molly Republic

[font=Agency FB][color=#FF0000]------End Transmission------