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Slavers Union Tracking Logs - Gamazson - 09-07-2007

KNF Listening Outpost
Tau 29 Grid: Classified

Begin Intercepted Transmission
Quote:"...........Xavier calm the frak down. I said we passed near 3 LSF in California. I don't even know if they scanned us. Quite frankly I don't think the even gave a tards backside about us. Even the guy watching at the gate barely gave us a looking over"

"yah well, either my papers were better than I thought or we lucked out and ran into some nimwitted retards. They were more interested in some Jupiter Guild guy. From the looks of his markings I think he was Bowex."

"anyway we have almost 800 worthwhile heads on the way. The rest may work a hard labor but considering that they are Manhattan pansies, they probably wont last a week on the grass plantations. There are few I am going to vent. Causing just too much trouble."

"well one is annoying. Dumb frak-stick is trying to barter me with all his valuables. Take him instead of his family. I'll get twice what is offering for one of his daughters."

" Ya they are twins too. I can up charge for that"

"You have the payment worked out right."

"Kilos? Are they are paying me in orange again? Damn, frak-offs they got the credits, I don't see why they don't pay me in greenbacks."

"Of course I'm gonna take it! It just means I have to worry about smuggling it again."

"ya well Frak you too. By the way you owe me a drink"

Transmission Ended

Slavers Union Tracking Logs - Gamazson - 09-08-2007

Yangai Station

The good thing about the uni-mod parts; DSE made just about every station the exact same. That meant at every bar there was a table 4. This table was the farthest from the bar itself and in a corner of the window. Just enough that the occupants could see what was going on in space but concealed enough to prevent eavesdroppers trying to read lips through a high power ship mounted telescope. Cole Dogson was not a paranoid man. He just made a point of using such off beat techniques himself. Its always wise to protect yourself from your own tricks.

His guest however could benefit from a little paranoia. Seth Driskill. 27. No nationality. Born on a IMG asteroid miner. Spent his youth stowing away on one transport to the next. When he was sixteen he and a bunch of cohorts stole a dencommissioned prison ship. Ran scrap steel for the junkers.

More or less the kind of criminal that were a dime a dozen around Sirius. What made him special was that somewhere along the lines he became good at stealing people. And selling them. Having known Driskill for 3 years, Cole could safely say that the mans lack of capture had an awful lot to do with blind luck as opposed to any measure of skill. All Cole needed to do was tip of his boss and the man would be shoved into a cubby hole for ever.

But, Driskill had one thing going for him. He was valuable . At the very least, what he knew was valuable. If Cole and his Boss ever wanted to stop the corsairs, a man like Driskill is what they needed.

"Cole why the frak do you always take this fraking table?"

"Meh, mainly because it is always free"

"Oh I fraking wonder why." Driskill punches the cousin on his chair. "This fraking thing ain't even broken in yet goddamit"

"Liberty ale?"


"Normally I am the one asking you for information." Clucking his hand Cole leans in closer "So what have you got for me?"

"Just a sec" Driskill takes his ale and empties it into an air exchange on the floor by his feet and replaces it with another liquid in from the flask he keeps in his jaket.

"That smells fruity Seth, What did you do raid the stores of a Dock Lizard transport?"

"Frak off, I like it ok? only place you can get this **** is on Honshu"

Cole shakes his head "Anyway you have something for me?"

"Yah what can you tell me about these fraking lunatics?" Driskill slides an enhance photograph of ship markings onto the table.

[Image: 4ta5qi8.gif]

Ancient Russian runes. Cole only recognized them from his school days. Ironic since he spent of his time sleeping in history.

"The writing is from the coalition era."

"Yah fraking A sherlock. Who is flying them?" slamming his glass down with a thud affter a massive chug.

"I don't know what you want me to tell you. Lunatics like you said. Writing like that is enough to get anyone lynched."

"Listen these butt wipes were organized. top of the line fighters and bombers. These caused the mistress damage. I have some friends I want to send their way." finishing his glass "You keep eyes and ears on people. There is no fraking way you haven't heard of them"

"Maybe, where did they attack you?"

"Crete, they claimed to own the place and were trying to kick me out"

Crete. The word made Cole care about this conversation. If he could just learn where it was the corsairs would be out of life forever. Her majesties fleet would rain fire upon it It would probably get him a commendation . And an assignation. Cole lost his wife to a corsair raid. The price was wort it.

"Well......., I will tell you what I will do do. Give me the grid codes and I will go out there a snoop around a bit"

"Frak, Cole you know I can't fraking do that. I'd be mounted onto the frond door of Cadiz. If you are supposed to know where it is, you are told. Them is the fraking rules."

"Then I can't help you. I am sorry"

"Frak. Frakin frak frak. Here take this, it will more than compensate for your drink" Driskill throws a orange bag of dust at Coles chest and storms out of the bar.

Taking the bag and placing it on the table, Cole adds the credits for the drinks and collects the photograph Driskill so conveniently forgot. There was one organization that Cole had heard rumors about that would fly these markings. If SCRA was indeed in league with the corsairs, finding Crete became even more important. KNF and that stupid war be damned. Maybe it was time to call Amy and send her Seth Driskills way............

Slavers Union Tracking Logs - Gamazson - 09-09-2007

There are some places that Orbital just plain leaves out of the travel brochures. Too bad really, Hells Kitchen is what Seth Driskill liked to refer to as the real Manhattan. Manhattan was the planet of vice, and this is where it all traveled. Artifacts both knock off and the real macoy, designer drugs Cryer couldn't take credit for and of course, Caradmine could be bought sold and often, consumed here.

Seth and his crew had been particularly lucky this run. The good ol' boys in Hellfire had the South Alliance so damned distracted that the Mistress was able cruise straight into NY using the trade lanes. Thats a luxury route that the Submissive Misstress could rarely take.

Seth walked into one of his favorite Manhattan haunts, the Dark Blossom tea room. A knock off joint of some other bar up in Kusari. Its was the only place with 6 jumps that served an equally knocked off cup of Honshu juice that tasted like it should.

"I can hardly believe what I saw parked up in on section fourteen"

The voice belonged to man who was hovering quietly over Seth's right shoulder. After carefully hiding his piece of lined paper with sadistic doodles and his financial work for the last moth, Seth undid the clip on his piece while looking this stranger in the eye.

"You got somethin' to say about my ship tard?"

"Your ship, really? I did not know, nor did I mean any disrespect." The man assumes the seat across the table. "I am just surprised to have seen it. Not many ships from the mid 600's that are still flying"

"Bullfrak. What do ya want?"

"Ok right down to business then. Do you want 266 bounty hunters. I have had them locked up for a good month and beaten all I want to know out of them."

"Hmm, that is mighty interesting tard. But what do you think I want with them?"

"Com'on we both know what you and your organization do. Lets not play games."

Seth places his pistol in plain view on the table and moves the safety switch to allow the energy to flow. The weapon lights up.

"Hows about some credentials. Right now I think you are a cop. I sure you can guess what I am willin to do to a cop." Seth raises his weapon to face level.

Without flinching the stranger responds. "Denelo Mori. I must say that I am rather surprised you didn't recognize me. I am a commander within Hellfire."

"Don't frakin flatter yourself. If half of Sirius knew what you looked like you would be dead or in Huntsville right now" re-engages safety and places the weapon on the table.

"So will you relieve me of my burden? Preferably before SSO finds out."

"Pitsburg dark matter cloud. Four hours. We will discuss value after I see the merchandise."

"Done. It was a pleasure doing buisness." Denelo gets up from his seat and offers his hand. Seth gets up, holsters his weapon and walks off. Denelo is handed the bill by the small old owner, that he pays without even looking disgruntled. It looked to Seth like today was a very good day to have come to Liberty, all thanks to the HF it seemed.

Slavers Union Tracking Logs - Gamazson - 09-09-2007

The Line Sensor Array
Satilite GH-8976
System: Cambridge

Intercepted Transmission
Quote:Hey Xavier you mother fraker! Remember that hot intel you gave me on the IND Stewart Payne? Frakin defense fighter, not a damn train you retard! I want my fraking money back! You got 72 hours until I get there you little...............
End Transmission

Slavers Union Tracking Logs - Gamazson - 09-09-2007

IRSU Sumissive Mistress
Omega 3

Michelle woke up on the cold hard steel floor. Her head was throbbing and her vision blurred. For the first time ever she tasted blood. It made her sick. The trip wasn't supposed to go like this. Why did this happen? Michelle rolled herself into ball and covered herself with the grimy tarp that lay on the floor.

Her father was dead she knew it. Shortly before they entered her cell they took him away. If they hadn't killed him then, they would have done so now. This had seemed all strange before. Michelle was shamed to admit but when her and dad had been taken aboard, being kidnapped by pirates sounded exciting. At least until the sounds started. The true horror of what was happening didn't set in until they were at her cell.

The was giant woosh and the sound of footsteps. The main door had opened. Leaning against the wire fence of her cage Michelle listened. She could hear the pirates talking again. This time they sounded different. the pirates tone had changed. There was another man with then. He swore allot.

As the pirates voices grew louder and rounded the corner Michelle backed herself against the bulkhead wall. The new man looked at her intently.

"What the frak happened to her?"

The other men avoided the newcomers gaze. All of then seemed blissfully intent to know nothing about what happened to her despite being there. All except Morgan. The very Morgan she could still taste. He seemed to think he was in trouble because he was talking quickly.

"Oh her, well.....she gave us trouble. We figured a couple of shiners might smarten her up ya know? They will be gone before we get to Crete!"

"Morgan, shut the frak up" The new pirate spoke with authority in his voice. Thou her head ached it didn't take much for her to figure that he was in charge. The others must have feared him. "Mind telling me why she has had blood coming from her mouth then?" Only Morgan dared to still speak.

"She fraking bit me! Even you can't argue about that Seth!"

The head pirate looked Morgan over carefully before speaking. " I am going to ask a very stupid question Morgan and I want the fraking truth." carefully moving his hand to his side the leader finished his question. "Why do you have your fraking crotch padded"

Nobody said a thing but everyone knew why. Morgan was forced to cover his gentile in allot of band aids when he tried to force it where Michelle didn't want it. The only thing Michelle was regretting was the after taste. Just as it looked like Morgan was going to say something in his defense Seth had morgan by the back of his neck and was pressing him against Michelle's cage with a pistol at his temple.

"We have been here before haven't we?" All Morgan could do was grunt in agreement. "I have told you repeatedly about not fraking with the merchandise. Correct?" Again another grunt. Seth pulls Morgans face closer to his. "I am not telling you this again. Eli open the cage"

One of the long silent me moves from behind Morgan and Seth and opens the door to her cage. Michelle presses herself tighter against the wall as Seth brings Morgan back into her cell and throws him in the corner.

"Morgan do you know why this ship has gotten me out of so many scrapes? Because I respect it. It is mine in every sense of the word, but I still respect it. Much like your fighter. The fraking thing lost paint years ago, yet you polish it every day. How many times has it ever broke in a fight on you?"

Morgan made an attempt to say something. Seth silenced him with a raise of his hand.

"A slave is the same as a machine Morgan. You don't show it no fraking respect it will do things you don't want it too. A rather simply rule of thumb don't ya think?" Seth takes a moment to grab a bucket from the other corner of the cell and sits down. "Despite all my effort to teach this to you and the others, you still disrespect the merchandise. I need a new lesson plan Morgan. One that is poetic and send the message clearly to anyone else who thinks to act like you have."

Michelle had never been more scared in her life. The hairs on the back of her neck raised. this man was going to die and she knew it. Michelle hid her face in her hands. She couldn't look. She just wanted the nightmare to be over.

There was no sound. Seth had got fired. Instead he got to the ground and wrapped his arm around her.

"I bet you didn't like it when he tried forcing himself in your mouth. You feel angry don't you?" Michelle didn't move. "Scared too I bet?" She forced herself to nod. "What is your name pretty?"


"Well Michelle you have a new life that awaits you. With a face like yours you will be well treated if you learn how to preform acts like that which Morgan tried to make you do. You don't have to like it but that is the way it is kiddo." Seth brushes the hair from Michelle's face. "Now you are not gonna like it off the bat. Thats going to make you aggravated. It will make you want to bite someone again. That will just get you dead"

Gently moving her hand down Seth places his pistol in her hand. "I want you to vent all that future aggravation. I want you to shoot him." Morgan realizing what was about to happen tries making for the door. a finger snap from Seth and Morgan was back into his corner with the weapons of his friends pointed at him.

The gun was surprisingly lite but in Michelle's hands it weighed a ton. Morgan was cruel but she didn't want to kill him. Bitting him was enough for her. Every time Seth whispered "Just shoot him" in her ear Michelle felt less and less human.

Michelle hung her head and was about to cry when the sharp squeal of an energy bolt filled the room. Sitting bolt upright Michelle gasp in horror. She had tightened her grip accidentally. All that was left of Morgan's face was a black crater.

Kissing her on the forehead Seth removed the gun from her hand and signaled to the others to remove the body. Only after closing her cell door did Seth speak again. "Welcome to your new life kiddo"

Slavers Union Tracking Logs - Gamazson - 09-11-2007

SCN Relay T-789
System: TEXAS
LSF Authorization: Orange

Begin Intercepted Transmission
Quote:Xavier get on the horns with the buyers. I stumbled on an "entanglement" between Rhiendland and Liberty. Gave the pig latin a helpin hand and managed to bag half a crew of Liberty naval men. This is a hell of a frakin week I'll tell ya!
End Transmission

Slavers Union Tracking Logs - Gamazson - 09-18-2007

Twisted metal being towed by a swarm of little CSV's. Seth stared at his tangled ship and swore to himself. Rhiendland wasn't what he normally called a friendly place. Today it seemed different. Not a single bounty hunter in sight. He was even graced by the presence of a lovely miss Katharina Guntram. Seth loved a woman in uniform and this Rhiendlander wore hers well, even if she was a bit air headed. The commander of the RNC Verruckt wasn't. He slipped into New Berlin while Seth was attempting to convince Miss Guntram that the unioners in her hold would be guaranteed to never come back if they were sold to him. Stupid Stupid Stupid.

Xavier and and Deprived Gentleman got away but Seth was forced to sit here on Vieques and look at his wounded baby. An entire shipment and half his crew were dead. This was a good night to get lost in a bottle.


What time was it? Seth didn't know. best guess was that his life had been a haze for at least a week. Good thing he gave the bare man a thousand credits in advance because by now Seth was sure he had surpassed that. This coherent thought meant only one thing. He was sobering up. Better fix that problem.

Something black? What was this he was looking at? It had a hole in it whatever it was. Seths brain rattled the image around a bit. Black with a hole. Black with a hole. A gun? A gun! There was a gun pointed at him.

"Whoa what?" Seth haphazardly straitens himself up. "I paid you a Thousand in advance, I got more don't worry"

Seth's vision focused onto the the tall brunette holding that mean piece of engineering pointed his way. Who ever this girl was, she looked tough. An unflattering flight suit adorned with fancy BHG and SSO patches meant only one thing. Bounty Hunter.

"It would be so easy to collect the price on your head right now"

"It would be a great service to me if you wouldn't"

Without lowering her weapon the bounty hunter vixen grabs the chair across from Seth. "I want a job"

"You miss have a funny way of asking." Seth sluggishly points at her shoulder "Besides it looks like you are already employed"

"Frak that, same type of work, worse pay" She crosses her arms and leans on the table to stare the half-drunk Seth in the eye. "I want to work for you, I know you need a pilot and I don't think you will find a better candidate anywhere"

"Listen, most people who want jobs start by giving out their names. For me to even consider any of this you need to fork out some details hunter"

Pointing her gun back on target, "You are not in a hell of a position to argue with me. Besides, you already know me. But you see allot of faces don't you? They must all become a blur, don't they?"

"That and the Alcohol ain't helping either."

"Well it seems to me affter a while of doing our jobs you learn to forget, or just don't care anymore. There are only two faces I can see in my head anymore. One is you, the other is a man who was named Morgan. Of course his face isn't so hard. The last time I saw that face it was a black crater affter all."

Seth stared absolutely dumbfraked at the woman in front of him. It took a few minutes for Seth's water logged brain to remember who the broad was. Misha....missy....or something like that............

"Listen Misty....."


"Right, look I have to say I am surprised to have met you again. I typically don't meet my cargo a second time"

"Third time Seth. The last time was on Vogtlant. We spent a night together, you payed my keeper extra if I recall."

"ah........yes. How is Hans?"


"Ah well he was an a-hole, we didn't keep in touch much"

"So do I have a job?"

"Are you giving me a choice?"


Seth stumbles up from the table and thrusts out his hand "Welcome to the crew of the Submissive Mistress"

Slavers Union Tracking Logs - sameth - 10-03-2007

New York System
Planet Manhattan

Sameth Sammy Neil. 25. Manhattan born. Spent his youth trying to live up to his abusive fathers expectations. Watched his mother get beaten by him day after day, till he had enough of it and went out to buy a gun to finally get rid of him. He brought himself a .38 caliber Taurus model 85 blaster with his fathers credit of course, and went home ready to kill his father, to see police outside his home dragging his screaming mother away who was covered in blood and his father being put into an ambulance. Later he found out his mother had stabbed his father with a kitchen knife over a hundred times; his mother went to a asylum for life and his father left all his money to his "other" family. So Sam had nothing to his name. He had only the clothes on his back and the blaster on his hip

Sameth was now standing outside of his ships cargo hold "The FairLady" over looking the loading of his precious cargo and also to make sure that no one touches anything. When he was sure it was secure he went inside and headed to the cockpit, he sat down at the flight controls and was told by his navigator Bobby a pickpocket and thief but the best damn navigator this side of Sirius, that he had a message from Seth Driskill their new boss. Sameth activated the com and Seth came up on the main screen

So Sammy you have your fraking passengers loaded?

Yup, they are all tied up in the cargo hold Sameth switched something and noise of crying and moans came on, then he switched it off No trouble from any of them so far said with a grin

Well that should make things easier on your first trip

Well I dont mind for some trouble, keeps thing interesting

Right well then ill meet you topside Sammy

The com screen went black and Sameth grabbed the flight controls, started the ship and the freighter headed towards the sky.

Buddy lock in formation to the Submissive Misstress when were in range

Okay Capta he was cut off by Seth voice over the com

We have two filthy LSF ships coming in, you better get the frak up here soon

Will do Boss, will do Sam said with a grin Now things may get interesting"

Slavers Union Tracking Logs - darkness - 10-04-2007

Cortez system.

Cardamine. Cardamine burning over a planet's surface. Over 2100 units of Cardamine. Xavier Talbot
shuddered at the math. Not only the Cardamine had burnt, but his ship as well. Someone was going to pay. Striding into what was passing for the lounge on his rebuilt Deprived Gentleman, he spotted the man that was about to do just that.

"Good afternoon Mister Zachary," Xavier said with control that masked his seething rage.

"Ummm....Sir, Mr. Talbot. I didn't expect you here," stammered his soon to be former helmsman, while he attempted to cover the synthetic marijuana on his table.

Smiling Xavier placed a hand on his shoulder, "I'd like you to join me in my cabin," and giving a moment to let his statement sink in and smile to fall finished, "Now."

* * * * *

Fifteen minutes Xavier had been waiting when Nathan Zachary entered. Not knocked as Xavier had told all members of his crew, simply entered. Standing to greet his guest, Xavier palmed one of the most wicked looking blades in existence and walked across the darkness of his cabin to where Nathan stood trying to adjust his eyes to the dim lighting. Upon reaching him, Xavier swiftly drove the dagger into Nathan's abdomen.

"First, you destroy my ship and cargo," Xavier said, pausing his speech to slide the blade from hip to hip, "then you disrespect my privacy by entering unannounced. You are a waste of my payroll."

Slipping the alien dagger back out of his helmsman's torso and kicking him across the hall into the bulkhead, Xavier closed the door and returned to his desk to replace the knife into it's ornate case.

This day is getting better, Xavier mused to himself, First my ship is returned to me, then I deal with the reason it was lost in the first place.

* * * * *

One week later:

Puerto Rico system

Private transmission from Deprived Gentleman to Vulgar Nun

"Captain Burns,
I seek transport to Rochester base in New York then escort to Dresden so I may purchase a ship for my personal use. This is not a request. Need I remind you that I am one of the few left that know what transpired on board the Jutland?"

End Transmission.

* * * * *

3.5 Million credits for an alien ship. If the rumors were true. And of course they were, Xavier knew. After 30 years in various identities, you start to know things that others don't.

Bretonian Navy, LSF, Rheinland Navy, BMM, Liberty Navy, and stints with both the Mollys and Corsairs just as major lives was impressive. Some days even Xavier himself didn't believe it. But there it was.

And here I am, Xavier thought sitting in the cockpit of his CSV, Working for Seth Driskill.....for now.

Slavers Union Tracking Logs - Daniel_Feenix - 10-30-2007

Planet Manhattan, New York System

At The Eclipse, one of Manhattans seediest bars; LSF agent Phil Rocconan sits uncomfortably at the farthest table - his kind werent welcome here. But as long as he was here to meet with the Bretonian slaver, Cain Shepard; no one would dare lay a hand on him, word of Shepards ruthlessness - both rumour and fact - had taken care of that. Among other things; it is said that Shepard sold his own mother into slavery, and only he knows if it is true or false.

The door to the bar slides open with a whoosh and its noisy patrons fall silent as a man in his mid-twenties, wearing a battered leather jacket enters; he walks over to Phils table, takes the seat opposite him and the bar roars back into life.

The LSF agent looks up, into his associates grey eyes, Shepard; how nice of you to join me, he says before raising his voice, What the frak took you so long? Ive been sitting here for over an hour while, Phil glances at a man wearing a dark trench coat, watching him from across the bar that guy keeps looking at me...

Cain turns his head slightly to look at the man Rocconan pointed out; then turns back to speak, "We'll deal with him later. Right now; all I want to do is, get that mess from Planet Houston out of the way.

A mess indeed; you sure dont make life easy for me Shepard.

Its not like I *wanted* to kill her Phil, but the bitch gave me no choice. Between my deadline and the possibility of the filth showing up, I didnt have any time to waste. Cain pauses; thinking for a moment before saying, Its a shame really, a teenage girl like her is worth *a lot* of credits to the right buyer.

Phil speaks up; Doesnt the death of one so young concern you?

If it did, I wouldnt be good at my job. Anyway; were drifting from the point of this meeting so Ill ask you, did you do it?

Its been taken care of; no one is going to find out the truth behind her death.

Good. Youll receive your payment over the next month or so, as we agreed the first instalment will be in your account tomorrow.