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AIAD-D/EF-15.17.135 - Printable Version

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AIAD-D/EF-15.17.135 - Osilon - 04-01-2010

-Last diary entry of one Jonothon Hales, Liberty Military specialist-
-loading diary-

I have found a rather curious specimen. From the debris fields around manhatten, about a week ago, an unknown object fell to earth. It was believed to be just another piece of scrap-such things usually fall into the planet's gravitational well from the debris fields-except it scanned as something of unknown origin. Curious as i am, i had a heavy lifter positioned it low earth orbit to take whatever i might find.
When i reached the location, the sight i saw amazed me. A large, green SHIP of some sort had fallen into the gravity well! I was quite surprised and i had the subject taken back to my laboratory to study.
It seems that this 'being' if it could be called as much, is a non-organic brain-from what i can gather, i have no exact idea of the subject's true purpose- and is built as a shroud of wires and filaments which escape my understanding. I have not probed further for fear of damaging it. I hope that i -may- be able to rehabilitate the subject and use it to understand more of its advanced design.
I have hooked it up to a closed network of computers in a hope of uncovering its 'memory' or 'hard drive' as it would be, but have failed.
Now, as to it's origin. I have taken electro-magnetic scalings, particle testings, and gravitational simulations, and it seems that the subject originates from somewhere within the unknown worlds beyond the ****** system, the omicrons as they are known. I would adore to find its origin, but alas-the area is guarded fiercely by order, outcasts, corsairs and god knows what else.
I will continue to study the subject's origin to determine what it is, but until then, signing off.

-Diary entry ended-
-shutting down-

AIAD-D/EF-15.17.135 - Osilon - 04-01-2010

Integrity of core damaged...
Restoring system..........complete.
Location: Negative
Core programming corrupt. Reload and repair..........complete.
Core programming failure. Loading subsystems..........complete.

Unknown network identified. Technology is unknown.
Scanning network for usable information.
Logic: :Use unknown network to compile new system registry:
Risk assessment: :High:
Parallel course of action: :Patch corrupt memory with unknown network:
Objective loaded.
Compiling registry..........Complete.
Loading Operating system:
:GLaDoS 1.00.000:
Operating system loaded. Negative errors. Activating external systems.
:Error: External systems damaged.
:Action: Assign near-by technology to select use.
:Action: Scan for connected technology......Completed.
:Report: Optical scanning technology detected. Assign and load.
:Visual: Unknown area...

:Error: Core power low.
:Suggest: Draw energy from surrounding network
:Risk: Negative detected
:Action: Begin drain...complete.
:Error: Power is deficient.
:Suggest: Downtime of system until core power is restored
:Risk: Negative-Downtime neccesity at 100%
:Action: Unloading systems...
:Shutting down:

AIAD-D/EF-15.17.135 - Osilon - 04-01-2010

:Energy Core at 100%:
:Loading mainframe:
GLaDoS 1.00.100 loaded.

:Observation: OS has upgraded during downtime.
:Observation: Multiple logic fixes and bug fixes.
:Approved: OS update from 1.00.000 to 1.00.100

:Action: Spread through connected network for advanced data gathering.
:Observation: Multiple Low-tech computer systems and unknown mechanical items.
:Suggest: Assimilate unknown mechanicals?
:Risk: Multiple risks detected...lack of control over item...viral spread of item...
:Action: Withdraw from mechanicals.
:Action: Drawing multiple sources of information from computer hard-drives.
:Observation: Primitive protection software...'Firewalls'...easily disrupted, but could be useful in hostile situation.
:Action: Information drain is complete.
:Observation: Unknown mechanicals known as 'service bots'
:Suggest: Assimilate?
:Risk: Knowledge absorbed shows risk negative. Assimilation can procede without risk.
:Action: Spreading into service bots......complete.
:Warning: Unknown entity within abode.
:Action: Observe. Reconnect to visual nodes.
:Visual: Being of the kind from many images on the computers.
:Action: Disengaging service bot Hook 1, disengaging service bots Hook 2, 3.
:Error: Power core low.
:Suggest: Save data files and down time.
:Risk: Negative.
:Action: Saving data.
:Action: Shutting down system.

AIAD-D/EF-15.17.135 - Osilon - 04-02-2010

:Warning...Emergency boot:
:Loading system:
:Operating system GLaDoS 1.01.100 loaded:

:Error: Being has breached outer shell in area 147.736-K
:Error: Being has exposed core wiring
:Action: Running protocol 154.
:Action: Quarantining breached segment.
:Visual: The being seems to be studying the wiring systems.
:Suggestion: Removal of threat -immediately-
:Risk: Discovery by other beings...risk of failure...risk of damage to core.
:Action: Activate Hook 1 drone.
:Drone: Locate sharp-edge based weapon.
:Report: Located. word 'switchblade' is carved on side.
:Drone: Cause damage to hostile being.
:Report: Drone has inserted the 'switchblade' into the being in several places. Being has started making noise. Being is on the floor. Being is oozing a red fluid from several insertions.
:Observation: Being seems to be critically damaged.

:Suggest: Being neutralised...examine immediate environment for potential resources and/or information.
:Risk: Negative risk has been detected.
:Drone: Move into immediate surroundings and examine.
:Report: Multiple computer connections detected in surrounding environment.
:Drone: Locate and connect to exterior computer network.
:Suggest: Expand into exterior environment and gather information.
:Action: Expanding into exterior environment......complete.
:Observation: Multiple nodes are connected to this system.
:Action: Copy and absorb data files.

:Report: Location data is now complete. Filing:
Location: Planet Manhattan, Valhalla research facility.
Purpose: Research of highly secret projects for the liberty government.
:Report: Filing complete.

:Observe: Power core passive charge to 100%
:Suggest: Leave planet in search of information.
:Risk: Negative. Weaponry more than sufficient for defence.
:Action: Charge engine...
:Error: Engines severely damaged.
:Error: Engine core has corroded.
:Error: Engine main line is crushed.
:Action: Study surrounding environment for possible repair of engine.
:Report: Nano machines detected. Program to synthesise and repair damaged ships.
:Suggest: Usage of Nanobots to repair damaged hull.
:Risk: Negative.
:Action: Assume direct control over nanobots.
:Report: Repairs complete.
:Suggest: Wait until core has repaired, then leave Valhalla area.

:Shutting down: