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To the Maquis - Printable Version

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To the Maquis - arvg - 04-02-2010

COMM ID: Premier Alvin Katz of the Coalition
LOCATION: Office of the Premier Omega-52

TARGET ID: The Maquis

[Image: commid.jpg]

As per our meeting in Champagne, I would like to cement our diplomatic ties.

As we discussed increasing SCRA presence in Gallia, and to do this a joint operation against the GRN needs to be performed to test our combat compatibility. To this end I would ask that a small strike force under Commissar-Commander Gonzales be dispatched to Gallia to support a mission under Maquis command.

Let me know what your ideas are.

We consider this a priority to get to know the Maquis better.

Thank you,

Premier Alvin Katz
Премьер-министр Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


To the Maquis - gitanos - 04-02-2010

{--- Incoming Transmission---}
{-- Tranmission Source: Orkney- Reunion --}
{- Comms Id: de'Fume'e -}
{- Encryption Level: Ultra-High -}
{- Comms Target: Alvin Katz-Coalition -}

[Image: vincentcassssel.jpg]

Bonjour mes amies,

Je m'apelle Jacques de'Fume'e, and I can introduce myself as one of the faces behind the organization called Maquis. My family, is one of the strongest organizations on Marne, even if we count in the Council, our bands and distributors run the most important parts of the Gallic black market now-days. The free Brigands of Gallia, seems to become soft-hearted idealists, and they are willing to fight only the crown...but we- Maquis are different. We have connections to the higher classes of the Council, among the dismissed diplomats and the escaping refugees as well.

At this moment I cannot speak in the name of other families or teams/bands/squadron/communes- no matter how you call them, they are only a loose organization at this time.

Our strike forces are able to beat down almost any or every threat, but the Royalists simply has enough resources to build a new battleship instead of every single lost one ( In less than 4 hours...) So I see no point in wasting my bombers and my boys, just because those Royalists cannot run out of their resources- we can. SO, we rather pick different methods to fight against the vermins. No matter we beat a battleship- two others will come. If we beat those 2, than 4 others come with 3 fighters as escort...

We are buying nuclear devices, plutonium and military vehicles- and we simply not worrying about the civilian victims of our bomb attacks. If those civil are so desperate to live on the royalist planets or support the Crown with their work, they deserve to die. And I must tell you only 1 civilian victim falls on every 100.000th victim of the Royalists. So at this moment our mis-targets are not even mentionable compared with the royalist massacre.

My family does not care about the soft-hearted democratic methods. We are up to ruin their royalist government, to eliminate their best and most important minds, and to fortify our position on the black market, what is currently run by us(Maquis) and junkers(who are not opposing us so far in exchange for a silent no-fire contract) in Gallia. No matter what those Brigands say: they are simply not in the trade business any more. No matter we count gray or black market (and we maquis are not really caring about the ,,lawfull,, markets of the Royalists). No matter that in the past the Corsicans (Union Corse) had a few hundred-dozens of depots on various planets- now days they are gone, and they are runt by small teams- or ex-maqui gangs. We hope both the Brigands and The Corsicans will find their old voice, cause now- we are usually alone in Gallia.
They cant ever find us but hell-
less bombs=royalist win.

Council lost his part of the war already since they were outnumbered by the Royalists and tried to win in an opened war- so most of their forces were wasted by bad leadership and even worse strategists. The few remaining Council warlords are the ones who sold the battles to the Crown- seems to gather their paychecks from the Crown. We have no proof so we keep working with them...but I must tell you we are already aware for the several mixed bloodlines between the families of the remaining warlords and other Royalist interests.
The low and middle classes of the council is already transporting their refugees out of Gallia and they've already evacuated their most important bases- so now days the best council fortresses are guarded by Council warlords, or Maqui forces- since they did not need those fine castles anymore, our families gathered them for some trader ships what they will be able to use up to run to Sirius from Gallia. They have sent their diplomats to gather alliances from Sirian factions or corporations, but so far, they were not able to find any willing and strong side. So we were left in Gallia with a huge pile of royal-blood- And our bad temper what loves nuclear things and huge explosions. seems this is the picture. Please inform me what do you exactly wish to do, and I will be open my forts for you. You will find base and resources for your commandos at least till our families and bands are up. And I must tell you this: we will need every accessible force to keep the market, and keep those royalists under heavy pressure.... so I will ask the other Maqui elders (family leaders), and I'm quite sure we can send a few experienced pilots to help you in gallia, and show you the turf- or even to set up an ambush against the royalist vermins.

Thank you for your transmission. We hope we hear more from you.

Jacques de'Fumee
The Maquis

{--- Tranmission Terminated ---}
{-- Signal: Lost --}

To the Maquis - Wolfs Ghost - 04-02-2010

[Incoming Transmission]

[Target ID: Alvin Katz]
[CC: de'Fume'e]
[Location: ]
[Comm ID: Jacques Salois]
[Subject: SCRA]
[Encryption Level: XVIII]

Bonjour Monsieur Katz,

This de'Fume'e doesn't speak for the Maquis Brotherhood, which we both know is who you've sent this transmission to originally. Madam Colette Mortiers is the one you wish to speak to, as I'm only the second of this Brotherhood.

As for this....treasonous coward that managed to hack this Communications, I'll personally deal with him.

With Regards,

Jacques Salois

[Transmission Terminated]

To the Maquis - gitanos - 04-02-2010

{--- Incoming Transmission---}
{-- Tranmission Source: Orkney- Reunion --}
{- Comms Id: de'Fume'e -}
{- Encryption Level: Ultra-High -}
{- Comms Target: Alvin Katz-Coalition -}

[Image: vincentcassssel.jpg]

Bonjour mes amies,
It seems someone else sent you a transmission from Gallia. I hope it was not the trick of the royalists. Please keep every single transmission under very heavy check... you cannot ever know who tries to lie to you in Gallia. You will see soon- the people who are pretending to be on a side- are usually belonging the very opposite in Gallia. I wont break to that transmission (and ofc I'm not even able to do so). SO I don't know who sent that or what was in it or who sent it.
But please...
Please for the good of Gallia and the Coalition: hire a few agents cause the cloak-turners will try to lie to you. As I informed the war is already over since the GRN was able to buy up the Warlords of the council.
Did they do the same with other organizations? Yes. So you will have to check everyone twice. Or more....
remember this: Gallia is not what you think of it. The agents of the Crown are everywhere. Really... Everywhere....

Thank you for your transmission. We hope we hear more from you.


Jacques de'Fumee
The Maquis

{--- Tranmission Terminated ---}
{-- Signal: Lost --}

To the Maquis - Wolfs Ghost - 04-02-2010

[Incoming Transmission]

[Target ID: Alvin Katz]
[CC: de'Fume'e]
[Location: ]
[Comm ID: Jacques Salois]
[Subject: SCRA]
[Encryption Level: XVIII]

Monsieur de'Fume'e,

While this is a diplomatic channel, towards Madam Mortiers and the Maquis Brotherhood. I'd suggest holding your tongue. By no means are the Brotherhood agents of the pathetic inbred cowards you call the Crown. Now back down, or you may just find your ship scattered across the beautiful Gallia.

Monsieur Katz,

I apologize for this mans ignorance, and request that you open a new transmission directed towards Madam Mortiers, or myself, if you wish to continue negotiations unhindered.

[Transmission Terminated]

To the Maquis - arvg - 04-02-2010

COMM ID: Premier Alvin Katz of the Coalition
LOCATION: Office of the Premier Omega-52


[Image: commid.jpg]

Well it appears what the good Madam was saying about the Maquis, that it is a very diverse group, is true. Colourful indeed.

The Commander of the Strike Forces objectives are to learn from the Maquis, to observe you in action, to best gauge what shape any cooperation can take.

I look forward to hearing more from you.

Premier Alvin Katz
Премьер-министр Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


To the Maquis - gitanos - 04-02-2010

{--- Incoming Transmission---}
{-- Tranmission Source: Orkney- Reunion --}
{- Comms Id: de'Fume'e -}
{- Encryption Level: Ultra-High (//but who cares right?) -}
{- Comms Target: Alvin Katz-Coalition -}

[Image: vincentcassssel.jpg]

Bonjour mes amies,

It seems our hackers were able to find the source of that transmission. We are still not able to break its coding ( since we do not want to be spotted by their technicians), but we have found the location, from they are transmitting it. I must tell you that it took us time to track it back to the very source place, since they have used like 18 locations to mask their source, But after the other transmission we are 99 percent sure that its is: *static*, property of the *static*.

Just as we expected. One of the agents of the *static* has already contacted you- And it seems you did not refuse his call but discussed with him.

At this point we stopped all of our transmissions toward you since you are seems to be connected to the royalist lines. We are not sure that you gave them info about us- but what is sure that you are talking with them and keeping lines open toward them- and that they are not belonging to any opposing factions but directly the Royal family.

SO: IF you ever dare to come close to any of our secret hiding locations- we will send out our partisans and guerrillas to gather your pilots and get more information about your connections to the Royal family of Gallia- and will do it until we find out why do you helping them against the poor people of Gallia, and why to you want to help monarchy against our goals.-unless you will prove us you are NOT.

We thought you wants to be the friends of Maquis but it seems its quite the opposite and your goal is to ambush us or set up traps...

Jacques de'Fumee
The Maquis

{--- Tranmission Terminated ---}
{-- Signal: Lost --}

To the Maquis - Wolfs Ghost - 04-02-2010

[Incoming Transmission]

[Target ID:de'Fume'e]
[Location: Mazagran Depot, Champagne]
[Comm ID: Jacques Salois]
[Subject: Amusement]
[Encryption Level: XVIII]

I assure you, Monsieur de'Fume'e, this transmission is actually coming from Mazagran Depot in Champagne. I find it quite amusing that you're so called sources can't even get that fact straight.

So be it. I guess it's time to make your life a living hell. Should any of the Brotherhood vessels come across you. Expect a swift and quick disappearance from this world, Monsieur. As the saying goes. I'll see you in hell.

On a side note: Why don't you get on a transport filled with Nuclear devices and ram it into a station. Oh, wait that's right. You call yourself a Maquis yet you can't even act out a simple terrorist attack. Guerrilla warfare this and that. The time for that kind of warfare is over with, and has been over with since the Marne uprising, dear boy. Grow up and learn that we Maquis aren't softies.


[Transmission Terminated]

To the Maquis - sovereign - 04-02-2010

[Incoming Transmission]
[Target Destination: Office of the Premier, Omega-52]
[Location: Verdun, Lorraine]
[Comm ID: Colette Mortiers]
[Subject: "Developments"]
[Encryption Level: XVIII]

Monsieur Katz,

I think you now understand perfectly well why I requested a meeting in person the first time. Given the latest transmission from our "friend", I don't think I have to tell you that an incompetent DOS agent managed to catch wind of our little discussion. Unfortunate, but it was bound to happen eventually... they do have enormous resources, despite being comprised of such morons... with luck, his "discovery" will get caught up in the bureaucracy long enough for us to launch a proper first strike while they are still unprepared.

To prevent such things from occurring again, I'm clearing some space in one of the rooms near my office for you to set up an embassy of sorts. I'm sure you have means of keeping your internal transmissions quite secure, so there's no worries there, and unless the DOS can intercept a message being walked down twenty feet of hallway covered in Maquis and a few of your own people... I doubt this will happen again. We've cleared your ships for docking, our technicians (such as they are) will help you get your comms equipment settled once you arrive.

I'll refrain from further comment on this channel, and discuss things with you further once your embassy arrives.

Colette out.

[Transmission Terminated]

To the Maquis - gitanos - 04-02-2010

{--- Incoming Transmission---}
{-- Tranmission Source: Orkney- Reunion --}
{- Comms Id: de'Fume'e -}
{- Encryption Level: Ultra-High (//but who cares right?) -}
{- Comms Target: Alvin Katz-Coalition -}

[Image: vincentcassssel.jpg]

Bonjour mes amies,

Ahh and a second transmission source detected...I guess those royalists realized we Maquis are already trowing to help you...I guess they are already working on talking to you ,,personally,,. *sighs* If you could imagine how many of our potential friends and helpers ended in the Bastille after a ,,diplomatic,, randez-vous with some Royalist agencys...

Hell, I must get out of this frequency before they will realize who we are. Again: remember comrade (was that the term Mon Ami?)
never land on any base personally before you've sent your scouts in
-check all of their transmissions
- any organized team could mean the GRN is there- even if you think you talk to Maquis or Corsicans, you will soon see that the real Maquis are not working under a flag or so- but Er using all and every items and path to reach our goal what is: Completely eliminating the Royal Family and their Interests- or at least forcing them to open Gallia, and grant better circumstances for even the poor classes- even if we have to kill innocents to reach that goal.
-Be Aware. they will try to keep you misinformed
- will use you up to kill their enemy and they will give you cheap-replaceable ships to destroy as dummies form their Noble-leaders.
-never trust an organization what is driven by a ...

Now I'm off. I hope you will be able to solve this matter. And don't forget. If you need a few REAL secret safe houses, Ill be able to help you when royalists will jump in the windows and when your red transmissions will be read by their barons, princes and others pathetic noble-wannabes.

I wish you the greatest luck till our next discussion.

Jacques de'Fumee
The Maquis

{--- Tranmission Terminated ---}
{-- Signal: Lost --}