Port Canaria Security Team - kuth - 04-02-2010
A group of marines stands at attention as a Pelican transport approaches the landing pad of Port Canaria. Some were eager to meet their new commander, others steamed that the old commander had been reasigned and replaced with the Admiral's son.
As the shuttles doors swung up the sergeant major brought the men to attention. Captain Kaine appeared in the doorway, then stepped out onto the landing pad; looking around at the marines he calmly said, "As you were" before he headed off in the direction of the militia's headquarters.
As he was given a tour of the base he read over a brief one of his sergeants had prepared for him.
' Wrote:General Infos:
Port Canaria is the largest settlement on Gran Canaria and is located on the planet's equator; though this wasn't always the case. Back before '03 the port was much smaller. Only after the docking rings were built were we able to expand so much; takes fewer resoruces to bring a transport to the surface using docking rings than it does entering the atmosphere in the transort. Today the port is divided into three districts. Grey, red, and blue. Grey being the largest and housing the main hospital, the landing pads, and our headquarters. The residents of grey district are primarily Zoners with a few Corsair and Bretonian families also. Red district is the smallest and is occupied by Corsairs. It isn't small because we gave them less land but because they don't tend to stay there long, instead setting off into the wilds to set up their own villages. Blue is the home of Bretonian refugees. A large portion of it is slums. Bowex has a large warehouse where they store supplies before they are shipped to Port Jackson.
Security Problems:
-Simply put, the gangs. Corsair and Bretonian and boy do they like to fight each other. There is the occasional Zoner extremist who thinks letting the sairs and brets live here is wrong also. Keeping the seperated is one of our daily functions.
-Beggars. While they don't pose much of a threat, they tend to annoy many residents so we try to keep them off the streets. We usually drop them off where they can find work but most of them don't bother trying to get work, they just wander back into the streets begging. We find some of the dead in the ports streets, victims of the gangs late night 'parties.'
Rules worth mentioning:
-Blasters. We don't allow them ouside of the spaceport itself. None are allowed into the residental areas. We have license big game huntering guides who are allowed to keep stocks on the outskirts of the city for use by their clients.
Other infos:
The primarly deuterium mine is located north of the city and has a full battalion protecting it. That mine feeds the entire port with credits. Enough that we don't need to collect any taxes. There are other smaller mines, but they don't have deposits like the one to the north. To the south is the Tombstone Estate, residence of Doctor John Holliday. Other than Tombstone the closest village is a Corsair village about 250 miles to the southwest. Most of the surface of the planet is unexplored and most travel is in air shuttles. Most of the land between settlements is itself unexplored and dangerous.
After reading the brief and finishing his tour he retired to his quarters; where a stack of files on each and ever marine under his command awaited him.